crip camp transcript

დამატების თარიღი: 11 March 2023 / 08:44

She shouts out all the ladies (mothers and wives) in the room. Part of the revolutionary hippie spirit revolved around sexual freedom, and its not at all surprising that extended to the disabled teenagers at Camp Jened. There are also a few missteps. Crip Camp, the new documentary from Barack and Michelle Obama's production company, Higher Ground Productions, is a story of political revolution wrapped in tale of personal triumph. Their first, the Oscar-winning American Factory (which they played no role in developing), was dramatically more tangled. And that was extraordinary. So, it is fascinating to me that we sort of get what we need, in this kind of generational way sometimes, from the culture. And if you didnt hit the ball, hell, you were out. The connection between a summer camp and the longest non-violent occupation of a federal government building in 1977 may not seem obvious, but within Crip Camps narrative, the transition makes perfect sense. And this movie just shows us, in such concrete ways, how having a social space that you can claim for your own is just absolutely essential in terms of personal development and political development. She also was featured in the 2020 documentary film, "Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution," which highlighted Camp Jened, a summer camp Heumann attended that helped spark the disability rights . One way something called the "spirit of Steve," which was this sort of punk attitude of Steve Hoffman, one of the characters in the film. And, you know, as the pandemic happened and then, you know, we saw the upswell of the Black Lives Matter movement this summer, it seemed like sort of striking that this story from 1977 was kind of meeting our moment of today in such a powerful way, that we really felt like that was true, that you can see that the seeds of this kind of community across difference that is created at the camp, and then how that very philosophy and kind of, you know, way of being became the kind of secret weapon, or really power that provoked and built up a change down the road. So, I figured, OK, we're going to have to spend the night. Its a shame that this Netflix movie cant be seen with a large, boisterous audience (once were virus-free, I mean), because the first third makes you want to dance and light up a joint. Was that ever awkward for you? We're underemployed. "This camp changed the world, and nobody knows this story." Produced by Michelle and Barack Obama, "Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution" is not your typical inspirational documentary.In my years in this business, I've seen a lot of manipulative documentaries that pull at the heartstringsso many that I've grown a little immune to them and downright annoyed by the ones that feel . It really all started with this theory that Jim had, which was that the camp was connected to this change that happened. But frank discussion of disabled sexuality is itself important. [15] Benjamin Lee of The Guardian wrote, "this impactful film shines a light on a forgotten fight for equality". MS. HORNADAY: Right. According to its website, Jened was created by the families of children with cerebral palsy. MS. NEWNHAM: They were really interested in sort of like--President Obama himself was really interested in the process of how did the actual legislation come about, you know. For more information, please contact us by mail campingdescapucines.14 arobase . [1]Crip Camp teve sua estreia mundial no Festival de Cinema de Sundance em 23 de janeiro de 2020, onde ganhou o Prmio do Pblico. In this passionate talk, writer and disability rights advocate Kings Floyd draws illustrates the personal costs of society's failure to implement accessible design, shedding light on the direct link between thoughtful infrastructure and an increased connection between friends, families and communities. MR. LeBRECHT: Well, first off, you know, I was surprised but incredibly happy that Nicole asked me to co-direct, co-produce the film with her. And so, as we have seen with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those reforms helped us all, and we are grateful for those every day. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. Heumann was a born organizer, who would give that side of herself wider range when camp was over for the summer. And one of them is the inspiring thing and the other is the tragic thing. And through those stories, we can show both how far weve come and where we must go next. And also, just like lots of really thought-provoking questions about kind of, you know, the camp itself and what was the philosophy of the camp. These meetings, focused on disability history, disability and sex, social media activism, and much more, explicitly invite viewers to take a step towards . Thank you. [4] Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter wrote, "My only hope is that the confrontational title and the Obama branding don't scare some viewers away from a story that is truly non-partisan, humane and significant". 2023 Vox Media, LLC. So, you are both--you're a character in this film and you are the co-director. "[14] Justin Chang writing for Los Angeles Times said that "[the film] delivers an appreciably blunt message". As Lionel Je Woodyard, a former counselor from Alabama, explains in the documentary, You wouldnt be picked to be on a team back home, but at Jened, you had to go up to bat. He said his surgery was a success, but he needs time to heal before he can tour again. And the fact that this did come out in pandemic year, Nicole, where accessibility, in many ways, through things like Zoom, like what we are doing today, you know, it has opened up accessibilities to some programs to more people. In the early 1970s, these kids were going back to a world where things were literally stacked against them, from staircases, to curbs without ramps. Rebecca Oh. . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Just because it never happened doesnt mean they cant get back together. The camp was described as a free-spirited, loose camp for disabled teens. All of us do. From a 1970s-inspired tie-dye t-shirt to a durable canvas tote bag to a pocket reusable straw, there is something for everybody. The film focuses on the activist for the disability rights movement. And the other thing, something she points out but that this film expresses beautifully, is the organic intersectionality of the disability rights movement, to use a term that we would use today but maybe not so much them. And our history dies with us. By the way, Steve is the other source of the R rating here, and I will leave you with that tantalizing little teaser. Once again, I'm Ann Hornaday, and thank you for watching Washington Post Live. [1], Crip Camp had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2020, where it won the Audience Award. But let's watch a clip that shows how that protest began. Summer camp in Upstate New York, 1971, fun and frolicking, a Woodstock era vibe. It is a much-needed reminder that Civil Rights must . Most movies about disability, even other documentaries, are focused on narratives of overcoming the suffering caused by our own disabled bodies. Among the key protagonists, Judy Heumann, a camp counselor who'd contracted polio as a child. Its a shame this movie cant be seen with a large, boisterous audience. So, you know, let's frame it not as this medical decline, but this evolution of who we are as people. signing up for national breaking news email alerts. MR. LeBRECHT: Well, I really wish I could say I was there but actually I wasn't. MR. LeBRECHT: Certainly. She would go on to become a leading disability rights activist. Barack and Michelle Obama served as executive producers under their Higher Ground Productions banner. The images on screen are home movies of an astonishingly active little boy zooming up and down stairs using just his arms, riding in a toy Thunderbird, later attending public schools. TRANSCRIPT: Crip Camp (2020), the Disability Rights Movement, and who you should listen to instead of me *musical intro* Stephanie Fornasier: Welcome to Psychocinematic's bonus episode for international day of people with disability! Each summer, about 120 campers moved in for four to eight weeks. Watch trailers & learn more. And, you know, I think that it worked because we had this incredible collaboration. Deadhead Al Levy looks and sounds like the shaggy brainiacs who changed my life in college. All rights reserved. He was born with spina bifida. That was one thing. [3], Crip Camp starts in 1971 at Camp Jened, a summer camp in New York described as a "loose, free-spirited camp designed for teens with disabilities". Many years later, Lebrecht and Nicole Newnham have made "Crip Camp," a documentary about Camp Jened and the larger disability rights movement. Those are really special. I want our audience to see a clip, sooner rather than later, because in order to get to that sense of joy and immense freedom that Camp Jened offered to its campers is really contagious. You know, I think we had, at one point, thought that we didn't need to have the camp director's voice, necessarily, in the camp, kind of laying out the camp philosophy. Lebrecht himself, a veteran sound designer, has pushed for more representation of the disabled in television and movies, on and off camera. I must ask, though, both Michelle Obama and Barack Obama are such gifted storytellers in their own right. While Crip Camp follows teens who attended the Hunter, NY camp in the early 1970's, the summer camp actually ran from the 1950s until 1977. MS. HORNADAY: Well, you know, that brings up a really good--one of my questions is just this wealth of footage that you had to work with. How A Law To Protect Disabled Americans Became Imitated Around The World, Looking Back On 20 Years Of Disability Rights. But Crip Camp, a new documentary on Netflix, offers a new glimpse into Heumann and the history of the disability rights movement that is raucous, joyous, and even sometimes shocking. No, thats not strictly true thats my empowerment-speak. And I was really fascinated by this more rights-based way of looking at disability. Camp Jened, a ramshackle camp for the handicapped (a term no longer used) in the Catskills, exploded those confines. "Crip Camp" vies for an Oscar for best documentary this Sunday. Youve got some Janning to do! It's a badge of courage, sir. Can summer camp change the world? That footage (shot by a collective called the Peoples Video Theater) features myriad campers and counselors, then and now. Yes. Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix have broken up after he allegedly cheated on her with Raquel Leviss. And, you know, we actually--Larry Allison, who started the camp, is not alive anymore so it seemed almost impossible. Some were diagnosed with polio, some spina bifida, some cerebral palsy. Califanos eventual embrace of 504 is the result of an irony thats both exhilarating and queasy-making: A dogged reporter for the San Francisco ABC affiliate named Evan White got his stories about the local demonstration on national air only because of a TV technician strike that left the scabs at the network short of material. Blog. Sign up here to host your own screening and receive a screening toolkit, request educational materials or stay updated on our work. MS. NEWNHAM: You know, I do, and I am happy that "Crip Camp" has been able to be kind of a part of that cultural conversation. To be clear, justice has not yet been achieved. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Down the road from Woodstock, a revolution blossomed at a ramshackle summer camp for teenagers with disabilities, transforming their lives and igniting a landmark movement. Nicole, this documentary is a production of Higher Ground, of course, which is Barack Obama and Michelle Obama's production company with Netflix. But there was this trust that I could say anything, and that if I felt like there was something that made me very uncomfortable that, you know, we would talk about it. When Judy Heumann one of the main subjects of the Oscar-nominated documentary Crip Camp was five years old in the early 1950s, her mother tried to register . The moment is here, people have watched Crip Camp, people have responded, you have changed lives, created communities, accelerated movements, the Oscars are ahead of usin a pandemic. "[7] James LeBrecht had worked with Nicole Newnham for 15 years as a co-director. Crip camp started at Camp Jened in 1971, a New York summer camp. Judy Heumann: 'Crip Camp' didn't win Oscar, but it's still a win for people with disabilities Because of 'Crip Camp,' people want to learn more about the disability movement, and it is enabling . Crip Camp was the first time a camp was run with the kids with disabilities in charge. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. And please keep tuning in for our Oscar Spotlight. And we just asked ourselves, does every scene have that kind of punk, like sort of "F- you, you know, I'm going to be the way I am" kind of attitude. And, you know, I think one of the most profound things that this film advances is the importance of community and social space, right? And it can be a beautiful thing, and an enlightening thing for so many people. The 70s press is heard referring to it as an occupying army of cripples, but theres nothing crippled about the people we see who shut down the HEW (the former Department of Health, Education and Welfare) offices for weeks. So, you know, the trust and support of everybody really made a big difference. And the structure that we thought of was like this camp experience of liberation was like a stone thrown in a pond. One speaks up: Steve Hofmann, whos on Nancys wavelength and explains that shes frustrated by the lack of privacy which isnt at all what I expected, which is the point. To be clear, justice has not yet been achieved. But not only that, folks from the LGBTQ movement, folks from the women's movement, all of these different people who had members who were in the building, of their own communities, because disability is, by its very nature, intersectional, were contributing to the success of this. No one has known what shes thinking because no one has listened closely enough. Crip Camp, a newly Oscar-nominated Netflix documentary, examines the origins of a human rights movement. I can't imagine, actually, that I really, really did. Previously, many young people with disabilities had been excluded from normal childhood experiences. MS. HORNADAY: Well, you know, that gets to something that really struck home with me watching it, which is that this is the largest--and I don't want to even use the word "minority group," but this is the largest group in the country, and we're all--most of us are going to be a member of that group in some fashion, in terms of natural limitations. A groundbreaking summer camp galvanizes a group of teens with disabilities to help build a movement, forging a new path toward greater equality. ", Camp Jened, in the Catskills, turned out to exactly the way LeBrecht just described it: "The wild thing is that this camp changed the world, and nobody knows this story. But, basically, with the one street, we were able to shut the city down. So is showing disabled people agitating for the right to participate in society. And even that idea of kind of like becoming and telling your own story, all of those things are embodied in our project. C rip Camp, Netflix's feelgood documentary executive-produced by the Obamas, begins out of the spotlight: at a hippy summer camp in the early 1970s called Camp Jened in which teens hang out,. Like, this isn't fair. The most wrenching scene might well be early, at Camp Jened, when a young woman named Nancy expresses her thoughts in a group discussion and the sounds that come out of her mouth with great urgency dont resemble words to the helpless interviewer, who turns to the others for a translation. Feb. 15, 2023. Nicole, can you speak to that briefly, before we have to say goodbye? It was just like an editing feat that kind of--you know, if President Obama wants it, then we will make it happen, you know. Their bonds endured as many migrated West to Berkeley, California a hotbed ofactivism where friends from Camp Jened realized that disruption, civil disobedience, and political participation could change the future for millions. And "liberation" is exactly the world. And he immediately thought, because we were really early on in our process--we had the story mapped out and we had a fundraising trailer and we were finding footage and starting to assemble it--you know, he thought this could be perfect for them, because of the sort of shared values between the Obamas and our project, this idea of the importance of grassroots organizing, the capacity for young people to change the world, the idea that this is elevating a story from a marginalized community that needs to be told. Film director Jim LeBrecht, a former camper himself, opens the movie with footage of his childhood, sharing how isolated he felt from life as a child and as an adult. [2] It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. We are there. And when laws got passed, they often got vetoed for being too expensive. Crip Camp, a newly Oscar-nominated Netflix documentary, examines the origins of a human rights movement. It then follows camp participants who became trailblazers in a wider struggle. So eventually, you know, they said they wanted to roll up their sleeves and partner with us, and it has really been an incredibly rewarding partnership, in that they were fully engaged in the process, incredibly supportive of our vision, gave us a lot of artistic leeway, but actually also gave us a lot of advice. What I believe is that the entertainment industry needs to really embrace us as part of their diversity and inclusion efforts and apply the same mentorships and opportunities for people within the community to establish and cultivate their careers. And the idea was to try very hard to kind of go back and find those seminal moments that connected through these characters that you meet as a band of friends in summer camp. And certainly, when I got there, in the early '70s, indeed it truly was what Denise says, a utopia. And I understand this was one of the first projects that they signed on for. "Crip Camp" starts with the fun but shifts to the fuss, focusing on former counselor Judy Heumann and her fellow activists, a handful of whom had attended Camp Jened. This is buried history. With a Netflix release imminent and backing from Obama & Co. the hope for filmmakers . Jim, could you give us a little history of Camp Jened and the ethos behind what, as one of the campers described, what became a utopia? The brilliant, potty-mouthed author Denise Sherer Jacobson (who details the loss of her virginity and her subsequent graduate work in human sexuality) would rock any audience lucky enough to be in her presence, and her husband, Neil, is nearly as much of a hoot. The victory paved the way for 1990's Americans With Disabilities Act. Can you tell us a little bit about their involvement? And then he sent me some pictures of Camp Jened, and I literally almost fell out of my chair, because I realized that Jened was this utopia, as Jim described it, that, you know, was the kind of thing that most of us have never even known existed, and it still doesn't exist today, you know. They werent beaten or shot at like demonstrators at Selma, but they came from a different place. Among his signature works at the NewsHour: a multi-year series, Culture at Risk, about threatened cultural heritage in the United States and abroad; the creation of the NewsHours online Art Beat; and hosting the monthly book club, Now Read This, a collaboration with The New York Times. In the final scenes, the surviving campers return to the site of Jened bulldozed flat, with bulldozers still in evidence and speak of kissing this hallowed ground. Her story is one of several central to "Crip Camp: A Disability Revolutionary," a rousing and rare look at the . "[7] At the end of the lunch meeting, LeBrecht told Newnham, "You know, I've always wanted to see this film made about my summer camp," and she replied, "Oh, that's nice, why?" You know, I have to improvise almost every day, and I am not the only one. Please submit a letter to the editor. The other day I have decided to watch a documentary on Netflix, called 'Crip Camp'. Their own film, says Newnham, aims to open a window for a new audience. In Crip Camp, the narrative is of overcoming the suffering caused by a society that refuses to include us in everyday life. Barack and Michelle Obama served as executive producers under their Higher Ground Productions banner. They seem excited when the camp is infested with gonorrhea because that means two people somewhere were bumping private parts, which is what so-called normal teens were doing in those heady times. Many of those campers went on to become leaders . During his career, the prolific actor inhabited an array of troubled characters. JOIN NOW The website's critics consensus reads: "As entertaining as it is inspiring, Crip Camp uses one group's remarkable story to highlight hope for the future and the power of community. In the early 1970s, teenagers with disabilities faced a future shaped by isolation, discrimination and institutionalization. I had a sense of freedom there and acceptance and joy that I rarely ever had outside of that camp. Jim's personal story would bring you into that. The wild thing is that this camp changed the world, and nobody knows this story. Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution is a powerful documentary that recounts the ties of a Catskills summer camp to the birth of the American disability rights movement in the 1970s. I mean, I know it's not fair that I have a hard time getting around in the real world, but that we actually have legal recourse? MS. HORNADAY: Indeed. Camp Jened, a . Look, I think that we have seen non-traditional casting happen in the past, and I think this needs to be extended towards actors with disabilities, but also the infrastructure needs to change. And somebody said, you know, you'll probably smoke dope with the counselors. Offscreen, he was one himself. This was the world before the Americans with Disabilities Act. [7] Newnham said:[8]. [17] Carlos Ros Espinosa of Human Rights Watch wrote, "The film made me realize the importance of building spaces for people with disabilities to organize". Trailer: Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. So, I don't know. MR. LeBRECHT: Well, I mean, you know, the title itself is something that we, you know, we chose "Crip Camp." And the other thing was just like really laying a complexity of emotion in every scene, you know, and not allowing any scene to be kind of one pure emotion. Please check your inbox to confirm. Terms of Service apply. Crip Camp serves not only as an excellent introduction to disability history for those who are unfamiliar, but as a humanizing glimpse into the lives of civil rights leaders I thought I already knew. Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. Watch offline. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. And it was this kind of gentle questioning that kind of pushed us to figure out, you know, some way to do it, and we ended up being able to use this old audio recording and splice together. Things you buy through our links may earnVox Mediaa commission. Poster for the film, Crip Camp. There was no Braille on elevator buttons. In the early 1970s, teenagers with disabilities faced a future shaped by isolation, discrimination and institutionalization. Its U.S. representative from California Phillip Burton, who goes after Eidenberg and drags him back definitely a roof-raising moment if you were to see this in a theater. Itll make you want to dance and light up a joint. The film follows former campers who moved to California's Bay Area and built a flourishing community. The protest that you are alluding to was this incredible occupation of a Federal building in San Francisco, which lasted for 25 days, 150 activists occupied the building. Transcript:Camp Cool Kidz Transcript:Camporee Transcript:Cookin' Cookies Transcript:Cult Camp D Transcript:David Gets Hard E Transcript:Eggs Benefits Transcript:Escape from Camp Campbell I The camp back then was started by two sisters, and there as just kind of a history of trying to have a camp that was a bit different, a bit more open, a bit less restrictive. When Crip Camp leaves Jened at the 40-minute mark, it follows Heumann and several other campers to San Francisco, the site of the seminal disability rights demonstration for Section 504 of the Civil Rights Act. It was a weekly summer camp all summer for 16 Sundays, that really did have a lot of the elements of the community of Camp Jened, and actually built capacity for the disability rights movement in the middle of the pandemic, and now is being kind of lauded as an example of how you can make a virtual environment really inclusive. All Rights Reserved. In the opening scenes of Crip Camp, a documentary available on Netflix, school buses pull into the entrance of Jened, a summer camp in the New York Catskills.When the doors open, campers emerge . For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Jeffrey Brown. (She would let me have that joke, I know she would.) "Best physical therapy ever," he says. When we were there, there was no outside world. A warning: You may not want to watch Crip Camp with young children. Ke Huy Quan Continues His Winning Streak at the Independent Spirit Awards. Im Ann Hornaday, The Washington Posts chief film critic. Crip Camp follows the crooked path of these disability rights leaders from the woods of upstate New York to a triumph on the White House lawn. That said, Crip Camp is one of the most important and most honest films about disability Ive ever seen. Due to the realities of disability and disabled life, many of us die young. Summaries. With nearly 10,000 participants, Crip Camp 2020 showed the power of committing to accessibility for all. MS. NEWNHAM: Kind of both, you know. Sport your love for the pride and joy seen in Crip Camp with the official Crip Camp merchandise! In one scene, we see Judy Heumann organize the campers to cook a Wednesday night meal of lasagna. Here, finally, is our history, recorded honestly for posterity. We were questioning everything, all these different liberation movements, and, you know, why not us? The problem is, because the disabled landscape on film and TV remains heavily skewed towards white men, and disabilities remain aesthetically relatable to the able-bodied, "Crip Camp . Crip Camp shared with insight, clarity, humor, and beauty the experiences of one group of disabled young people and their journey to activism and adulthood, and in doing so, provides an opportunity for all to delve into the rich and complicated history of disability activism, culture, and history. Crip Camp, a new documentary on Netflix, raucous, joyous, and even sometimes shocking, Based in the Catskills, Camp Jened operated from 1951 to 1977, before the Americans with Disabilities Act, shipped off to state institutions like Willowbrook. It begins in 1971 in a Catskills summer camp, where in period footage we observe the elation of teen and 20-something cripples (a word still used in 1971) whove never before had the freedom to shed their defenses. These perpetually marginalized kids differently abled because of deafness, polio, car crashes are suddenly not on the margins, they're at the center of things, falling in love, having the time of their unusually-sheltered lives. As an able-bodied individual, I take for granted pretty much every aspect of my daily life. 14 hard-standing pitches for motor home. Their joyous laughter, their tenacity, their creative ways of supporting each other across disabilities will lift your spirits. Crip Camp. 'Crip Camp': A transformative experience for youngsters with disabilities 1 of 12 For young people who were used to the world seeing them as incapable and unworthy, the experience was. Crip Camp reminds us that, in America, nothing improves without massive sacrifice / A Netflix documentary explains how a camp for people with disabilities inspired an activist movement By. [9][10] The film was released on March 25, 2020, by Netflix. Centered in part on Camp Jened, a summer camp for teenagers and young adults with disabilities near Woodstock, NY that was as free-spirited as the 1969 music festival, the film shows how . They had been sheltered, sometimes thought a burden, and all too often disability had been their sole identity. Many Jened campers went on to become leaders in the disability rights movement. MS. HORNADAY: You know, it is stunning to think that this was a camp that was founded as far back as 1951.

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crip camp transcript

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