reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf

დამატების თარიღი: 11 March 2023 / 08:44

a system of state organization, to bring a workable polity with a just moral order is the reason why states adopt or should adopt federalism. The current problems facing the Nigeria government and the Biafra separatist agitators originate in the causes and the effects of the Nigerian Civil war (06 July 1967-15 January 1970). no longer supports Internet Explorer. Book excerpt: Defensive Federalism presents an original contribution to the field of federalism and multinational democracies, exploring the concept of defensive federalism as a protection of self- government against the "tyranny of the majority". Then Nigeria was organised into a federation that had three regions. by the federal or any state government. Unfortunately, since the formation of Nigeria and adoption of this system of governance in the country has not seen much effect of federalism. What are the reasons Nigeria adopted the Federalism system of government in Nigeria? Problems of Nigerian Federalism 1) Revenue Allocation: This has been a problem in Nigeria. The Legacy of Biafra: An Investigation into trauma as National Identity Fragmentation, Under Reconstruction: Ethnicity, Ethnic Nationalism, and the Future of the Nigerian State, ETHNIC SCHISM IN NIGERIA: A SOCIO-LITERAY STUDY OF CHINUA ACHEBE'S THERE WAS COUNTRY. Also it is more useful to expansiate on them. There was just the Northern Protectorate and the Southern Protectorate. Nigeria thus consists of various ethnic groups and sub-national states, all of which are at the mercy of the Central government. After nearly three decades of cumulative military rule, the country returned to civilian governance in 1999 under a presidential system of government. Federalism was favoured among other systems of government in a bid to averting both fancied and real fear of domination among the minorities. Payment Details. At the heart of these crises are weak democratic institutions, which are sustained by bad leadership and a culture of impunity. It should be noted, however, that the Leagues significantly differ from modern federations in one respect: namely, while the various governments freely interacted, no prosperous direct contact between the populace of the various governments was permitted. 4 0 obj The fear of ethnic groups overlapping regional boundaries and the loyalties of castes cutting of some extent across provincial political boundaries also encourage some groups to support wider federal unions. Nigeria as a result was divided into three provinces. Abacha regime, added more states making Nigeria a federation of 36 states and Federal capital Territory at Abuja. In many countries of the world, federalism has emerged as a means of accommodating the growing desire of people to preserve or revive the intimacy of small societies and the growing necessity for larger combinations to mobilize the utilization of common resources. We hope to seeing you again on other posts of interest. /Subtype /Image Federalism And Intergovernmental Relations In Nigeria. /Filter /DCTDecode . The states were later increased to 30 states. >> /Length 14727 Common national, racial, religious, cultural linguistic or social ties have often contributed to the unification of political unit. This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. In examining post-independence constitution-making in Nigeria, this chapter finds that military rule blighted Nigerias capacity to respond appropriately to the challenges of federalism. 4 Topics . Federalism shares power between the central and regional governments; thus promoting efficiency in service delivery and governance. /BitsPerComponent 8 This duplicity of government is not alien to a federal structure as identified, except that in the Nigerian case, there is ineffable strife for dominance. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. Nigeria is confronted to the boomerang effects of the evolution of its federalism. Ethnic, Religious and Geographical Factor 3.5 5. Besides the Big Three Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, there are other macro and micro ethnic minorities in the country. POL 124 MAIN CONTENT Mar 21, 2011 NEW (1), Resource Control, Federalism and Peace in the Niger Delta: A Reflection on Nigeria at Fifty, Federalism and Revenue Allocation in Nigeria: A Critical Evaluation of the Derivation Principle, Legal Framework for Fiscal Federalism: Issues and Options for Reform, RESOURCE CONTROL, REVENUE ALLOCATION AND PETROLEUM POLITICS IN NIGERIA: THE NIGER DELTA QUESTION, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Nigeria's Fourth Republic: Issues and Challenges, The Nigerian State and the Quest for Restructuring: Implications for Democratic Consolidation, Federalism, Democracy and Constitutionalism: The Nigerian Experience. The first military head of state, General J.T.U Aguiyi Ironsi for instance was interested in a unitary Nigeria and he scrapped federalism. 3l:rmO"XDhG%2| For a better explanation of the theory of federalism, I highly recommend that you watch the video below. It has severally been emphasized by both the Northern and Western politicians that God did not create Nigeria but the British. Some of the reasons include preservation of identities. I have said that Nigeria is reputed to be the largest black country around, even Nigeria has claimed to be the giant of Africa by . Since federal systems have been formed for different reasons and to Have you ever wondered why Nigeria is practicing a federal system of government and not any other system? Despite the profound and lengthy discussions that have taken place on the subject for about four and half decades, consensus has not been reached concerning the optimal formula to adopt to achieve desired economic development . /Font << Are there certain inherent and primordial grievances and preferences? It needs proper review so that the country can move forward as a nation. /Contents 4 0 R Federalism in India. 3. The USSR was an example of this type of federalism. And even now we can see the population of Nigeria compared to other countries in Africa. To make mortgage industry standards more flexible and modernized, the proposed rule would remove the requirement that lenders and mortgagees register with HUD each branch office . To know more about various aspects of federalism in Nigeria ,you may read from . 7 Cooperative federalism was dominant from the 1930s through the 1970s. 2) The Problem of Minorities: In Nigeria, there are majority groups and minority groups. All attempts to solve these problems over the years have failed. More so, the colonial masters with the Richards Constitution in 1947 launched Nigeria onto the path of the present federal system of government via the regionalization of the country. Nigeria is a heterogeneous nation facing challenges within the balance of economic development along ethnic divisions in society. This is why there is a clamoring for restructuring and true federalism in Nigeria. "There are reasons why some nation-states opt for federalism. Moreover, It concluded that the interplay of these variables leads to the degeneration of the national question and. Nigeria is quite a big country with an area of 923,768 km2. 1 Issue 2, BETWEEN THE PRISMS OF NECESSITY AND LEGALITY - THE IPOB PROSCRIPTION IN CONTESTATION_pp.43-57, RE-THINKING BIAFRA IDEOLOGY OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN NIGERIA, A (UN)JUST AND (UN)HOLY WAR? The disadvantages are that it can set off a race to the bottom among states, cause cross-state economic and social disparities, and obstruct federal efforts . We can offhandedly list all of the reasons for the adoption of federal system in Nigeria. Fear of insecurity and the desire for a Union Meaning of federalism? What a nice and educating document!We are grateful for this post. Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government. No doubt, the Ethnic, Religious and Geographical nature of Nigeria also contributed to the reason why federalism was adopted. It discovered a positive relationship between the changes in the fiscal structure and the aggravation of ethnic minorities' struggles. reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf. Defence, Security, Economy and Development, Chigozirim Odinkalu, Ebenebe Ernest Onyeka, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies (eJECS), International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, African Journal of Governance and Development, Calabar Journal of Politics and Administration. /Resources << /Type /XObject Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2012, Issues and Trends in Nigeria's Development. Also see: Differences between 1960 and 1963 constitution of Nigeria, reasons for federal system of government in nigeria. Federalism as a system of government which is meant to help to advance good governance and development of a multi-ethnic and big country like Nigeria. REASONS FOR LOW TRADE Historical reasons - India adopted socialist model of economy and policy of import substitution and protectionism till 1990s and civil wars and domestic instability in other countries Poor Connectivity- Due to difficult terrain on borders, poor development of inland waterways, poor border infrastructure like border huts . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Reasons for a state to adopt a federal system include the need to reflect linguistic, economic and cultural differences of a population, especially one that is concentrated geographically. From the onset, Nigeria, like most of her federating peers, has faced one major challenge in the course of her political voyage - the crisis of who is who. Ordinarily and without much logicality, by who is who, one means the problematic and destructive component of identity. By way of conclusion, it is imperative to know that the reason why Nigeria is still practicing federalism today is because the system seems to be suitable for our political value and culture. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Keywords: Federalism, Nigeria, ethnic groups, federal character principle . Asst. In Nigeria, there are different and distinct ethnic groups brought together by colonization. Also, the adoption of the Littleton constitution of 1954 laid further credence to . /Type /Page Parliamentary and Unitary system of government were in operation in Nigeria between 1914 and 1946. sir Arthur Richards strengthened this proposal in 1945 and regionalism was introduced by his administration in 1946. READ ALSO: History of democracy in Nigeria from 1960. This understanding is also in tune with that of Jinadu (1979:15), who insists that Federalism is usually viewed as a form of governmental and institutional structure, deliberately designed by political architects, to cope with the twin but difficult task of maintaining unity while also preserving diversity. It is no news, therefore, that the peoples of Nigeria are diverse in different respects culturally, historically, socially, religiously, educationally, industriously, and even philosophically. The intimidating size of Nigeria does not only earn her an international respect but also provides her with a buffer to attacks by rogue nations and disgruntled neighbours. Put differently, revenue sharing has become a recurrent crisis factor in Nigeria. Problems facing the legal profession in Nigeria, History of the legal profession in Nigeria, Problems of Local Government in Nigeria And Solutions, 5 important Characteristic of customary law, Sources of Nigerian Law: everything you need to know. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter), Abstract: The Nigeria civil war (1967-1970) provoked by declaration of Biafra republic had indelible imprint on Nigeria state. INTERNAL COLONIALISM IN NIGERIA Some of the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria are the diversity of the nation and the desire for political, cultural and social identity of a people of over 250 ethnic groups, several languages, diversities and a lot of political traditions; the desire for some form of Naturally, federal system of government has some distinctive features namely: 1. /Width 371 The fear of marginalization by the minority in a unitary system of government has, to a great extent, influenced the majority state support for federating states. Emphasis on indigeneity, the federal revenue allocation formula and the increasing formalization of the 'federal character' principle, to mention only a few issues, increase sources of tensions and potential conflicts. was federalism friendly and that gave rise to easy adoption of . From the above explanation, one can rightly say that the constitution of Nigeria and United States of America are federal constitutions while the constitution of France and the Republic of Ireland are Unitary constitutions. It is also an undisputed fact that the Hausas and Yorubas fought Biafra to keep the unity of Nigeria. The possible reasons for the practice of federalism in Nigeria are several, and have, for instance, been presented as British imposition targeted at a post-colonial relationship, or as a. This research work x-rayed federalism in Nigeria as the only basis upon which Nigeria can remain united despite its diversity and peculiar conditions in which the different tribal groups live in and proffers solutions to the challenges of the practice of . The construct of federalism, which originates with the concept of intergovernmental relations, dates back to the Greek civilization. Do you want to know the basis and the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria? The federal government however has occupied a very strong position vis--vis the State and Local government since the 1970's in Nigeria. 6 0 obj /Length 3884 Another major reason why federalism was adopted in Nigeria is the multiple ethnic backgrounds in Nigeria. Meaningful studies, especially the comparative study of Vile, have significantly shown that emerging challenges of conflict, cooperation and competition amongst levels of government in classical federalist states such as U.S., Canada and Australia, are important rationales for federating as well as the hallmarks of federal government (Vile, cited in Jinadu, 1979). /F1 6 0 R Dual federalism was dominant from the 1790s until the 1930s. In developing countries like India, Iraq and Nigeria, federalism has either failed to close developmental gaps and ethno-communal tensions among various states or, more worryingly, in some. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ There are other political systems the country could have adopted but because of some reasons which I am going to share with you today, federalism seemed to be the best idea. Federalism was implemented in Nigeria as way back as 1946 during the British colonial era. Keep it up , Yes , I love it and I was sentitize on those reasons. Prior to independence, it is believed that the British adopted federalism because it favored their interest.

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reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf

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