erie fishing report poor richards

დამატების თარიღი: 11 March 2023 / 08:44

using large Rapellas in rainbow, silver, and fire tiger patterns are the ticket. He caught it in 56 ft of water off the Condos on a Renowski. The tribs have remained very good in color and nice flow with just enough precipitation over the last few weeks to keep conditions good. The Walnut Creek Marina basin is still giving up a fair number fish. Then on Thursday it started laying down and became a good color. The same for Walleye as for the Perch. Began at 9:30am, ended around 2pm with 5 tickets and a 28"+ 7lb+ walleye on a perch rig. He received an Angler Award for First Fish. I want to personally thank the men who pulled the boys from the water after their canoe capsized on Wednesday. Earlier this week a couple boats said they did pick up a couple in the mouth so they are starting to come in from the trenches. The Lake temperature is 46 degrees right now. The winds and waves on the lake for Friday are South at 2 ft or less and the winds and waves for Saturday and Sunday are Northwest at 2-4 ft. WALNUT CREEK MARINA BUILDING: The hours of operation for Walnut Creek Administration Building and restrooms: Friday, September 14 and Saturday, September 15 - 7:00 am until 5:30 pm only. Lord willing we will see ya in the spring. They caught them both out in 65 ft of water straight out of Walnut Creek on worm harnesses. Thirteen year old Jacob Kowchek of Burgettstown, PA brought in an 8 pound ounce Walleye. He was using worm harness (Blueberry Muffin). Color was Rainbow. Boards have been helpful on the calmer days. Fish are above Route 20 but numbers are limited and fish are still scattered in those areas. She caught it out in 50 ft. of water on an emerald shiner. Please, if you are going to fish the Channel Wall, Please bring in your lines for the boaters. This ice is not solid or stable and should be considered unsafe. The color was Blue/Silver. Perch are being caught north and just east of Walnut creek in 45 to 52 feet of water although limits are not quite as consistent. Not too many people coming in with their limits. Very often a change of presentation or drift may be all that's necessary to produce a strike. A lighted float can help detect those subtle strikes. The Erie tribs are loaded with steel from top to bottom and water conditions look like they'll remain in good shape for a while. Last Reminder for Fish for Free Day:This Sunday, June 3rd is second and final Fish for Free Day for this year. Boaters are limiting out in as little as a few hours catching doubles and triples of 12-inch-plus perch. Be especially considerate of younger anglers .we were all young once..and please police your area for litter before leaving. Veryunusual for this time of year is seeing suckers starting to invade thetribs, not in big numbers, but enough to demonstrate the effect of weatheron fish migration. It can do hundreds of dollars worth of damage to the boats let alone be a danger to them out on the water if they get line wrapped on their props. Today (Saturday) the guys were coming in limited but the water picked up and just about everyone got blown off the water. It was 30 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. The weather this weekend is not supposed to be very nice. The strike of a sucker is very subtle and easily mistaken for a steelhead in the Spring. It was 12 inches long and had a girth of 8 inches. Fish have been mainly confined to the larger holes up stream and the access areas near the mouth. Eleven year old Justin Harouff came in with an Angler Award sized Walleye. Plugs, stick baits, and crawler harnesses have all been working well off of planer boards or just flat lining in the shallower water. Mostly on worm harnesses with different colors as you can see. I told them about the little launch on the south side into the creek. Consider taking a properly permitted or licensed youth less than 16 years old to a stocked trout water. This week has been slow in producing any good fishing pictures. I have seen a load of fish being caught. Walleye fishing has fallen off a bit however, there are still plenty to be had in our area. Action continued well into the early afternoon. Maybe at night or early morning someone might get a Scout but they are few and far in between. Kenny Heeter Jr. came in with a nice 9 pound 8 ounce Walleye. It was his first big fish. Time to quite! Area tribs have dropped with nearly all of the snow run off complete. Take a variety of baits and presentations and change often if you are not getting strikes and dont take your eyes off your float or indicator. It was 8 pounds ounce, 28 inches long and had a girth of 16 inches. The exceptionally warm Lake temperatures this year seem to have fish on the move in search of colder more oxygen enriched waters. Winter Fishing Tip:Allowing your reel to get wet in freezing weather can render the drag system ineffective. Presque Isle bay has become dangerously thin in many areas. The water temperature is 70 degrees and we havent had any rain in quite a while. 2023 Fishing Licenses, Gift Vouchers, and Youth Permits. Lots of big smiles these fish do bring. Misguided Hooks: With elbow to elbow fishing conditions, the occasional misguided hook can be fairly common. They must be coast guard approved, in good serviceable condition and be easily accessible. They caught them West off Elk Creek in 65 ft of water on a Renowski. It was 26 inches long and had a girth of 14 inches. I can only tell you that the Walleye were hard to find the first part of the week and then yesterday they seemed to come back. I was told the Walleye are in. It was steady action the whole evening. She caught it out in 52 ft of water straight out of Walnut Creek on Emerald Shiners. It was 29 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. His color was lemon / lime. It was caught in Walnut Creek on worm. He weighed in at 10 pounds 8 ounces and was 31 inches long with a girth of 17 inches. If on the Ohio side of the line, you must have and Ohio license and Ohio regulations will apply. A good rule of thumb is to look for the areas where there is a lot of parking.the number of parking spaces is often in direct correlation to the number of fish stocked in those waters. Nine year old Brayden Powell of Lewistown PA came for his first educational trip for Steelhead. It was 9 pounds and was 30 inches long. Small presentations will work, especially single cured eggs and egg pattern flies along with the micro jigs and live grubs. The Stop Sign hole from what I hear has been good all week. Heard other boats doing well in 71ft of water.Will try it again tomorrow.Beautiful weather. South winds 10k 1 ft or less. Although, not the most popular eating fish the meat is delicate with a slightly sweet taste and is often cooked, flaked and made into "fish cakes" or pan fried if you don't mind picking through the bones. They dont bother stopping at the mouth. The Perch have started hitting too. Sunday Sunny - Hi: 78 degrees S/14k/2-4 ft waves.Monday Sunny Hi: 75 degrees S/13k/1-2 ft waves.Tuesday 50 % chance of showers Hi: 67 degrees SW/5-15k/1-2 ft waves.Wednesday Cloudy Hi: 59 degrees NW/10-15k/1-3 ft waves.Thursday Mostly sunny Hi: 58 degrees Friday 30 % chance of showers Hi: 61 degrees. Current creel limit and size for bass on Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay and the Tributaries is 1 fish with a minimum size limit of 20" through June 15th with regular bass season beginning on June 16th at which time the limit for Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay, and the Tributaries will then change to 4 fish with a minimum size limit of 15". Monkey Puke was the color for him. Large walleye can be found mixed in with the smaller ones along the south side of the first trench north of Walnut. 10 foot depth or less was fished. Abundant young fish from the 2017 and 2018 hatches will show up in anglers catches ranging from 9 to 14 inches. It is unlawful to fish or possess trout or salmon in or along any Lake Erie tributary stream or the East and West Basin Ponds (Waterworks Ponds, Presque Isle State Park) from 12:01 AM on April 13th until 8:00 AM on April 14th, a period of 32 hours. The hot weather is actually a welcome relief from the long winter and unseasonably cool spring. Trolled trout run for 3 hours, 1 knock off. Some lake perch are being caught for the patient anglers, but no big numbers yet. As for the Walleye, they must have found a good hiding place with all the storms we have had this week. It was 7 pounds 8 ounces, 28 inches long and had a girth of 15 inches. Battling those large sheephead and the many perch caught keep them busy. She caught it out in the second Trench West of Walnut Creek in 76 78 ft of water. When the creeks are high and fast, running fish tend to move closer to the banks to hold in the slower moving water. Michelle Richardson and daughter Lindsay of Belle Vernon, PA came in for their Angler Award for Walleye. A regular fall weekend I guess. Chance of snow 60 percent. The creek is high and cloudy in color. Trout fishermen have been catching steelies in the small opening in the ice at the lake. Tom Lustig from pittsburgh, pa.brought his son and 2 neighbor boys fishing for the evening. Dad is really proud. One was 9 pound 11 ounces, 30 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. Here is the North Wall lined up with fishermen waiting to cast their lines. He caught his on a minnow while Perching in 53 ft of water with this son (see above) off the Point. He was in 62 ft of water between Walnut and Trout Run. You MUST pull your lines ALL the way out of the water when boats are exiting and entering the channel. We also have new this year the 3-year and 5-year license if you are interested. Bass limits for Lake Erie, it's tributaries, and Presque Isle Bay are 4 fish (combined species small and large mouth) with a 15" minimum length beginning Saturday June 14th, 2008. There might be a few stragglers that come in here and there but the Big Run usually happens later than this. They caught them in 18 ft of water East of Walnut Creek on minnows on Sea Wolf Charters. Anglers are also going deep along the first and second trenches using combinations of downriggers and dipseys. It was 27 inches long with a girth of 17 inches. The forecast looks almost perfect for casting for a trophy. Anglers have had success targeting steelhead through the ice at the Walnut Creek Basin and in the channel just outside the basin. In Erie, it could all change in a day or two. Twenty three year old Casey Gallagher of Kittanning PA caught her Angler Award sized fish between Manchester Hole and the Stop Sign Hole. There are fair to good reports of steelhead being caught in Presque Isle Bay and Marina Bay at Presque Isle State Park. The Walleye have started becoming hard to find. The 30th was the clients first day with these fellows as we also caught 42 walleye drifting willow leaf blades of watermelon or fire tiger. It is so often said that 10 percent of the anglers catch 90 percent of the fish. The lake is supposed to be pretty rough for the next couple days so there are not and probably wont be any boats going out. Patrick Harris of Greensburgh, PA brought in a nice 8 pound ounce Walleye for Angler Award. The most effective method is light or ultralight spinning tackle. He caught it in Walnut Creek on Power Bait. Etiquette Cooperation and consideration in crowded fishing areas will make for a great day of angling for all. Heck NO! The marina has a little skimming of ice on it but it probably wont last since we are to be getting some nice 50 degree weather tomorrow. Suckers have begun to move into the tribs which is a good indicator that the warmer spring weather may actually be around the corner. Anglers using crank and stick baits are also picking up the occasional steelhead. If you are going to fish this area be sure you know the boundaries. Muskellunge fishing is generally productive at Tionesta Lake throughout the fall and will continue until the lake freezes. It was 28 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. Here is a picture of the mouth of Walnut Creek after it rained for three days. Color was Purple. Wind chill values as low as 5 below in the morning. Michelles was 8 pounds 10 ounces, 31 inches long and had a girth of 16 inches. It was 28 inches long and had a girth of 16 inches. Mark Daniel of Edinboro, PA brought in this 10 pound Steelhead for Angler Award. It was 13 inches long and had a 10 inch girth. It was 27 inches long and had a girth of 15 inches. Make sure your fire extinguisher is in good condition and make sure your flares are up-to-date. The Gravel Pit pond is somewhat sheltered from the high winds that often blow on Presque Isle Bay and can be a good place for those without a portable ice shanty. Just when you think that you have them figured out using the purple & black or chartreuse worm harnesses, the only boat that comes in with fish used plugs off his the planer boards. Lucass was 1 pound 5 ounces, 13 inches long and had a girth of 11 inches. They are out in deep water and close to shore. They didn't get any recognition for it from the paper but I want to thank them. Season opens April 2. He caught it out in 60 ft of water straight off the Clay Banks or Trout Run. A bluegill on light tackle can provide as much fun as a Lake Erie Walleye on a stiff dipsey rod. They were out in 63 ft of water off Godfrey Run when it was caught. There were a variety colors being used. He was using Emerald Shiners. Brought in a 10 pound 11 ounce Walleye for Angler Award. We do have the radar in the office building and that helps except when the internet goes down. The ones being caught are all out east off Shades Beach or off the Point. The Creel limit and Size limit are the same as last year. Sixteen year old Andy Weitz, twelve year old Michael Weitz, and eleven year old Brett Benson are here with the fish Brett caught. It was 10 pounds 4 ounces, 27 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. Current tributary conditions as of this writing are high and flowing with good color. According to reports from Poor Richard's, Elk Creek Sports and Tudor Hook-N-Nook, steelhead in Elk Creek had already made it upstream to Girard prior to the heavy rain. Eight year old Christopher Malicki of Pittsburgh, PA brought in this 8 pound 1 ounce, 27 inches long and a girth of 17 inches. Just no pictures. Walnut Creek Access, Hope to See you on the WaterGood Luck To All, Captain Mac RemacleM&M Fishing Charters412-715-5624. This is the lastest I have. Here is Jim Roner from Burgettstown, PA with his Angler Award fish. He caught it in 65 ft of water straight North of Walnut Creek on a crawler harness using Blueberry muffin. TRANSIENT SLIPS: We also have 4 transient docks for people who only want a slip for a night or so. This is the lastest I have. The pavers are still available for Christmas presents. The best time for catching is before sunrise and after sunset. West Erie County, DWCO Randy Leighton, The color was black/purple. Up in the creek they are picking at them but the stream is low and clear. Most of them are up in the creeks since we have had no rain for quite a while. The boats that are having any luck are finding them out in 35-40 ft of water off Trout Run and a little East. Holes cut in ice may not exceed 10 inches between the farthest points as measured in any direction. They are picking up trout on Elk up to Rt 20. Bass action has still been good under the current Trophy bass season. But we all know that can change, so if need be you can call our office here at Walnut Creek for the weather and lake conditions during office hours. Lynn Bell of Indiana, Pa brought in this nice 8 pound 6 ounce Steelhead. Jonathan Hershey, ten years old from Saltillo, PA brought in this Walleye for Angler Award. Conditions:Seasonal temperatures and little rain have been the story here in Erie. Daniel Mast of Milton, Pa brought in a 5 pound Smallmouth Bass. East End Angler, 4702 East Lake Road; 814-898-3474. Limits taken in relatively short periods of time have been very common. Within the first 20 minutes of opening there were at least five fish caught. Current Lake Erie water temperatures off Toledo are 75 degrees, off Cleveland, 76 degrees, and off Erie, 77 degrees. Anglers should park on the opposite side in the larger parking area off Sterritania Road. A good number of browns are being caught along with many citation size steelhead. Fly fishing for suckers is great sport. Well the perch are still not coming on hot and heavy. Fly anglers were doing well on single egg patterns, small woolly buggers, and suckerspawn patterns in pink, white, cream peach, and red at times. Anglers are catching Muskellunge, Walleye, and Northern Pike at the Tionesta Outflow near the wall and the campground side. Anglers are permitted to fish the waters of the Commonwealth on this day with out having to purchase a license or any additional stamps. The water temperature at this time (Thursday, May 24, 2012) is 56 degrees. Carp fanatics have been doing well in Misery Bay and the Lagoons area. The parking lots at the Walnut Creek Access were filled beyond capacity this past holiday weekend. Dont be afraid to try 25 to 35 feet depth also, here near shore there are also many to sort thru for legal 15 inch plus fish. I guess there are a lot of camera shy people. He caught it at the Stop Sign hole on a Sucker Spawn also but his color was Pink. Phone Number (814) 474-5623. A few boats were spotted this past weekend on Presque Isle bay targeting post ice crappie and pan fish. Bait: Popular trout baits include corn, red worms, night crawlers, crickets, salmon eggs (fresh cured or jarred types in different colors), the powerbaits, marshmallows and emerald shiners (everyone has a favorite secret weapon). He caught his in 32 ft of water in front of the clay banks at Godfrey Run. Friday the fourth the water temperature had dropped to 44 degrees from Thursdays 48 degrees. Girls always seam to catch the big ones. The Administration Office is now open, and you may pick up a brochure there in the lobby or get in touch with me. The temperature will be in the mid to hi 80s and mostly Westerly winds. It was 29 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. 6-8 ft. Had 2 limits by 10:30. Please be advised that trailer inspections and traffic patterns/signs at Walnut Creek Access will be enforced. Deposit will be returned upon return of the key. The middle of October till the middle of November are prime time for fishing the mouths of the creeks and the creeks themselves. Limits of perch are common now with the best times being right after sunrise and right before sunset. Most boats are trolling from Walnut Creek west to Godfrey and back. The color was Watermelon. West County tribs are low and clear with little to no flow. Crooked Creek has been giving up fish with far less crowded conditions. His color was watermelon. All anglers fishing Pennsylvania waters of Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay, and their tributaries are required to possess a valid Lake Erie permit and Trout stamp or a combination stamp The main tributaries where a permit is required are: Cascade Creek, Crooked Creek, Eightmile Creek, Elk Creek, Fourmile Creek, Mill Creek, Raccoon Creek, Sevenmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, Sixteenmile Creek, Twelvemile Creek, Twentymile Creek, and Walnut Creek. Conditions:Signs of Steelhead season have been evident with cool breezy nights and white cap days however, daytime temperatures have been very warm and we have had little to no rainfall for several weeks. Lake Erie, although not quite completely frozen, seems to be well on its way. Five year old Mitchell Angelo of Monaca, PA caught his first Steelhead. It was 30 inches long and had a girth of 17 inches. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. She got an Angler Award for First Fish. Important Reminder Concerning Overnight Anglers and Boaters Using the Walnut Creek Access Area: I have had numerous people calling and asking about the Steelhead. Worm harnesses in a variety of colors have been successful with most anglers sticking to purple, chartreuse, copper and watermelon. Dean Keffer of Claysville brought in a nice Brown Trout. June 4th, 2008 West Erie County, DWCO Randy Leighton, WCO Brook Tolbert Conditions:Lake temperatures have struggled to reach the 60 degree mark making the West Basin walleye migration to our area somewhat later than usual. The ice has been thick enough on Presque Isle Bay to withstand the spring temperatures late last week and was crowded with ice huts this past weekend. Current Lake Erie water temperatures off Toledo are 66 degrees, off Cleveland 54 degrees, and off the Port of Erie, 57 degrees. Planting new flowers, new plants and the path has been moved, which was making mowing difficult. Smallies are a lot of fun to catch. Ohio announces walleye and yellow perch bag limits COLUMBUS, OH- Lake Erie anglers have the chance to experience excellent fishing opportunities on Lake Erie in 2019, according to Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Smallmouth action has been real good with many 5 and 6 pound bronze backs caught all on large Golden Shiners from Poor Richards bait and tackle 814-474-5623. Mickey McBride of Erie came in with this nice Walleye. Sounded like they were catching some. The next time we have a couple days of rain we should have a decent run. The bass fishing trips were full of fun and excitement and look forward to next years bronze back fishing. They seem to think it might be a good year this year for Steelhead fishing. Eleven year old Lucus Bailey from Millcreek brought in his Walleye for Angler Award. These monsters can put up a great fight and are easy to catch. Categories Fishing Store, Outdoor & Sporting Goods Company, Boat Service He caught it out in 18 ft of water west of Elk Creek on a Bango lure. He caught it out Perch fishing in 50 ft. of water straight out of Walnut Creek on an emerald shiner. Ice fishing on Presque Isle Bay for perch and steelhead has been sporadic although gill catches seem to be plentiful. It was 27 inches long and had a girth of 15 inches. Finished by 12:30. Anglers have been picking up perch along the south sideof the Bay as well as off the North and South piers. The fish are just now beginning to come in closer from deep water. We had about 2-3 ft waves all day today and very sunny. Michael Schmitt of Harmony, PA brought in an 8 pound 14 ounce Walleye. Poor Richard's Bait & Tackle, 6821 West Lake Road, Lake City; 814-474-5623. It was caught on a worm harness in 53 ft of water west of Walnut. Bluegill will eat anything they can get into their mouths. Walleye. POT BELLY WALLEYE! It is about the renovation and expansion of Walnut Creek Access. Most areas are very clear and on the low side although flow remains fair to good in many areas. If your bait hangs up on the bottom. Current tributary conditions are very low and clear. From 11:15am till 1 pm we picked up another 90 perch. Forecasts are calling for additional rain throughout the week. Because of the rough waters, the fish scattered and no one could find them. He caught his on a minnow. Friday it is supposed to be 1-3 ft but then back up to 2-4 ft for Saturday and 3-5 ft for Sunday. He caught his in 80 ft of water off the Point also. He was using Reef Runner and his color was Bare Naked Wonderbread. Current Lake Erie water temperature as of this writing is 56 degrees. Welcome back and hope to see everyone have a good and safe year. West County trib conditions as of this writing were clear with good flow. Pike should be handled carefully when caught with hands and fingers kept behind the gills. The battle of the smallmouth on the line is awesome. I did have a few people catch though, mostly in the marina. Sunday SW / 5-15k / 1-3 ft subsiding to 2 ft or less. Hi of 76 degrees. Perch, Walleye or Steelhead were all scattered. Fishing in the region is heavily dependent on the weather. The Walleye are outside of the Perch pack. Fourteen year old Cody Weimer of Irwin, Pa brought in this pretty Steelhead.

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erie fishing report poor richards

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