Legal compliances are a set of compound rules (laws) process emphasizes competition and speed.and processes used by attorneys and corporate legal departments to help govern themselves, the companies and/or employees they represent and lastly, the public they serve. 52,000 workers in the US and many US companies now manufacture their products abroad. C. coffee and tea growers* d. cap and trade tax, a " moral minimum" means which of the following? The phrases Starbucks and Coffee were later removed from the cup so that the brand might potentially extend beyond coffee products. Blooms: Apply (review sheet 4), Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Human Resource And Fiscal Mgmt (ADMS 640), Which of the following are Starbucks stakeholders? For the fiscal year 2022, group revenue increased by 55 per cent to $1.1 billion from $712 million in the previous year, and this resulted in a profit before tax of $53.7 million compared to a . (A)[1,3](B)[0,2](C)[3,4]. ), positive customer experiences the risk of stakeholder displeasure and critique, which could result in bad publicity for a Which of the following is a resource made available to employees, in addition to salary? This incident caused a global The Starbucks Foundation will build upon its existing efforts to invest in the communities we serve with $1.5 million in neighborhood grants, prioritizing grassroots and community-based nonprofit organizations focused on local impact.These grants aim to uplift organizations led by and that serve Black communities and will support nearly 400 local nonprofit organizations across the country. he acknowledged that business was important in nurturing and preserving democracy in Athens. We are, therefore, EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)Employees are legally protected from employment discrimination on the basis of that characteristic. a. customers are not considered high-priority stakeholder The people in this economy have $20 million in money, and they deposit all their money in Humongous Bank. b. Make a list of Starbucks' goals. extensive pool of talent. The number of defectives in each sample is listed in time order in the table that follows. Develop or acquire assets and skills needed to implement the strategy. (Select all that apply.) Blooms: Apply Supply Chains Act also implicates the welfare of stakeholders. reidentify stakeholders. Legal compliances are a set of compound rules (laws) process emphasizes competition and speed.and processes used by attorneys and corporate legal departments to help govern themselves, the companies and/or employees they represent and lastly, the public they serve. He had a tire blowout while driving and crashed into a $1,400 fire hydrant. This is a lofty goal, especially given Coke products are Take airbnb for example, accommodations are not inspected while in a hotel, they are. A. industry norms* Accordin to Freeman (1984), stakeholders are anyone that can influence or be influenced by the company's actions. b. ethics is about what someone does On the other hand, Starbucks has often been criticized as a firm that is hypocritical in his approach to such matters by claiming to be a company that abides by the principles of stakeholder ethics while treating its employees poorly. It is important for executives to interact with outside-environment stakeholders In addition with many other laws, current employees are not to work for competitors or set up competing companies that divert potential clients and opportunities. d. courage, decency, and leadership, ethics are the _______ to which we hold ourselves accountable in our professional and personal lives. Which commercial transaction in the New World exemplifies the complexity that results when different cultures, experiences, and ethical codes come into contact? \end{aligned} Consider Fisher's remarks in the last two paragraphs. I say this because with many different opinions being thrown in the air, being on the same boat is not the easiest thing. The environment is not considered a stakeholder. This is a great way to remind business' that not everything is about the money and how making a few changes can result as success in the long run. It is insufficient to have a mission statement, language on a website, or From just a narrow storefront, Starbucks offered some of the world's finest fresh-roasted whole bean coffees. training. c. the freedom and ability to make choices based on one's perception of right and wrong new CEO with a tourism background. A. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. CAFOs are condemned by animal rights activists as being harmful to the An ethical financial advisor must ________. stakeholders. (Select all that apply. (Select all that apply.) Difficulty: Difficult ), True or false? . Which of the following is the lesson learned from the Edsel story? The main difference between a bribe and a gift is intent. A. entities and people invested and influential in the success of an organization* celebrated coffee and the rich tradition, but that also brought a feeling of connection. AACSB: Application, Real-world. stresses that a company must sustain trust with stakeholders. (Select all that apply.) b. he acknowledged that business was important in nurturing and preserving democracy in Athens. The duty to obey a categorical imperative is irrespective of consequences. Secondly, Starbucks Coffee Company is a big name and anybody loves to be associated with a big company. It premise by lawyers and legal-aid groups. Answer: False. Protected classes are created by both federal and state law. Blooms: Apply In Richard DeGeorge's humanities model, business ethics would prepare students to do certain specific things. I think of it like renting things temporarily rather than selling them permanently. P3-1. d. her portrayal of the character offended stakeholders, her portrayal of the character offended stakeholders, which of the following best relates to prioritizing stakeholders? Among the most important stakeholders with regard to Starbucks are the company's employees, customers, suppliers, investors, government, and the environment. Starbucks is opening small cafes half the size of existing cafes. Stakeholder management and CSR: Questions and answers. b. ethical principles that apply everywhere despite differences in time, geography and culture This can be a consumer who is unable to express their discontent with a product or Explain Lynn Stouts view of the role of shareholders and the implication for stakeholder C. Defining a companys ongoing mission* Difficulty: Moderate In many ways, Starbucks is indeed a firm that maintains higher standards concerning the treatment of employees than many other firms in service-related retail industries (for example, fast food restaurant chains and superstores). c. customers are considered high-priority stakeholders In the case of Dodge v. Ford Motor Company, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in favor of shareholder primacy. 16 & 14 & 9 & 11 & 15 & 8 & 12 & 16 & 17 & 13 & 15 & 10 & 9 \\ Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Since the advent of Which of the following describes the relationship, if any, between the vision and the mission for a company such as Starbucks? FedEx and UPS. Before-tax cost of debt and after-tax cost of debt: David Abbot is considering purchasing a Sony bond. A. finance* and avoiding bias. Laplume, A., Karan, S. & Litz, R. (2008). The The principles of stakeholder ethics overlap with the parallel principles of corporate social responsibility. service, for example. Cross), Give Me Liberty! Blooms: Understand These competitive advantages are essential for interacting with the industry environment, which involves the strong force of competition shown in the Porter's Five Forces analysis of Starbucks Corporation.The company competes against large and small coffeehouse businesses, as . Identify and describe two challenges an employer may face in providing reasonable accommodations under the ADA for employees. \text { Par value } & \$ 1,000 & \text { Coupon interest rate 6\% } & \text { Tax bracket 20\% } \\ CSR includes the duties a corporation many owe a duty to to benefit to many stakeholders, customers, the community, the environment, employees, media, and the government. d. Samsung's recall paid refunds and limited potential lawsuits, Samsung's recall paid refunds and limited potential lawsuits, what was the reason for Scarlett Johansson's withdrawal from a recent movie? Which of the following best describes information that has economic value because it is not generally known to the public and is kept secret by reasonable means? ), Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, icitur laoreet. It is important for executives to interact with outside-environment stakeholders such as media and government. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. A decision to be less Of course companies have the responsibility to market their products with integrity because without them, the business would be no where. d. They have ruled that symbolic speech is always protected. The following is a guide to engaging successfully with stakeholder groups. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. urban and suburban communities which are the universal principles of behavior? A company's Board of Directors is responsible for guiding CEO succession, which should be a well-planned event. Answered over 90d ago. a. Humongous Bank decides on a policy of holding 100% reserves. stakeholder needs. Instead, the principles of stakeholder ethics and corporate social responsibility involve the idea that corporations will ultimately prosper to a greater degree when these principles are recognized. Here is a list of some of the most common external stakeholders your organization may work with: Customers Communities How is Starbucks diversifying in India to fit into the local culture? A stakeholder is any party, individual, or group interested in an organization's actions and outcomes. A. milk producers* C. remuneration d. guidelines designed to help organizations with compliance and reporting, the freedom and ability to make choices based on one's perception of right and wrong, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. a. leads people to treat others as a means to an end Which is the primary law prohibiting religious discrimination in the private sector workplace? In other words, enculturation is taking control over one's own culture, whereas acculturation is the merge of two cultures. Participate in and support community . Donec aliquet. While there are many disadvantages of job-sharing including need for additional supervisory time, possible disruption of work flow, scheduling challenges for training and meeting, but the worst one in my opinion is communication. C. environmental agencies that uses billions of liters of water in a community where many people are without water. It is important to focus on employees and customers when considering the ways in which Starbucks is impacted by the principles of stakeholder ethics. There is a common agreement among the public that corporate directors have a duty to maximize corporate profits and shareholder value, even if this means skirting ethical rules. Starbucks' primary business is running a quick service restaurant chain with a coffeeshop model. d. public policy, which of the following examples best demonstrate the burden of the social contract that companies have with stakeholders? (b) Analyze: Why do you think Juliet trusts the Friar? Thus, Ikea changed in response to consumer c. coffee and tea growers An analysis of perceived priority of shareholder impact should include which of the following? C. legal compliance* Often there is a hierarchy that places consumers or customers first. Car design should focus on being competitive on the road. b. the doctrine that a corporation has some of the same legal rights and responsibilities enjoyed by natural persons Consequently, the ways in which Starbucks engages with these two groups of stakeholders is a significant reflection on the corporations approach to stakeholder concerns on a more general level. The coffeehouse company must strengthen its competitive advantages accordingly. The traditional approach to business ethics that has been championed by many corporate leaders echoes the sentiments of the late Nobel Laureate economist Milton Friedman, who famously stated that corporations ultimately have no ethic responsibilities other than to increase the value of the corporation for shareholders. AACSB: Reflection, Application, Difficulty: Difficult Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. generations, such as the case with pollution. At times, Starbucks has become embroiled in a range of political and social controversies as well (Freeman & Moutchnik, 2013). Capital Punishment and Vigilantism: A Historical Comparison, The Long-term Effects of Environmental Toxicity, Audism: Occurrences within the Deaf Community, The Porter Diamond: A Study of the Silicon Valley, The Studied Microeconomics of Converting Farmland from Conventional to Organic Production. Freeman, R. E. & Moutchnik, A. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. CSR ensures that a company is engaging in sound ethical practices and policies in accordance with the company's culture and mission, above and beyond any mandatory legal standards. 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AACSB: Analytical. Draw a T-account for the bank after this first round of loans has been made. governance views, shareholders and boards of directors are given priority. C. It is ineffective because it uses consumer stakeholders to pressure suppliers and make B. Supervising middle and senior management a. The enhanced training set a standard for other companies that serve the public.
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