I have moved to watching WYFF news lately because WlOS has gone down hill. I always thought he must be a Christian. I am just seeing this and am in total disbelief as well as extremely disappointed with the powers that be doing this with the excuse of no longer needing that position when it has been obvious that there has been several new faces appearing on different news casts. In June 2012, Sharyl was awarded the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the "Gunwalker: Fast and Furious" story. Copy editing, writing, AP Style, Intermediate Spanish prociency; Word processing, Page design; Senior Associate Editor at N.C. State alumni magazine. So sad to see this wonderful news person leaving our TV Station in Western North Carolina. When I last posted a message to you it was goodbye to 2016. Jennifer Lott is a news anchor for WLOX News, but . Karen Zatkulak . Reporting on the suffering of the homeless has been plentiful by WLOS and the Citizen's Times. There will also be weekly chances for general assignment reporting and breaking news coverage. STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Gyros, Country Fried Burgers, Fried Chicken Sandos, Mocktails & Wings, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: A Trip to Enka-Candler, Fancy Food Delivery, Fried Chicken & GF Delights. Shes also worked as a reporter at KWKT in Waco, Texas. The Press Freedom Tracker has documented 185 attacks on the media in 2020, up from 40 in 2019, 42 in 2018 and 50 in 2017, respectively. KION546, AG Stein files brief asking court to allow lawsuit against HCA to move forward, Dropped calls and slow internet: Verizon responds to complaints, Families sink thousands of dollars into solar panels they say don't work. Former WLOS investigative reporter Mike Mason, who produced an hourlong special in 2013 titled Buried Secrets, says the story was "one of the most important and troubling" of his 18-year career. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. She filed a sex and age discrimination . Stan Pamfilis - Sports Director seen weeknights at 6:00 (6:30 and 10:00 on WMYA) and 11:00 p.m. Jared Fialko - weekends at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m.; also sports reporter, Sherrill Barber - Henderson and Transylvania Counties, Megan Schiering - weekday afternoons (5:00, 5:30, 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. on WMYA), George Sheldon - Traffic Reporter (6:00-7:00am & 5:00-6:00pm) Monday-Friday, Ashlea Surles - Rutherford bureau reporter, covering Rutherford, Polk and McDowell counties, Mike Bettes - Meteorologist (now at The Weather Channel), Keith Taylor - Weekend Sports (Now at KTUL Tulsa, Oklahoma CH-8 as their News Anchor, Heather Childers - Weekend Anchor (Now at Fox News Channel), Katie Killen - (Moved on to the Charlotte Television Market), Bob Caldwell - Meteorologist/Weekday mornings - (now doing television commercials locally), Mimi Paige - Morning News Anchor (passed away in a 2001 car accident), Mike Morgan - Sports Anchor (Now the Development Director @ Veritas Christian Academy). Required fields are marked *. YOU ARE IDIOTS!!!!!!! Senior Associate, Integrated Investment (BMW) at Universal McCann, Associate, Integrated Investment News Anchor/ Reporter at First Coast News. I will miss my friends at the newspaper and at Gannett. What a sleazy way to let someone go. You will be missed. Scroll down to see & , This is the first installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! Best of Ashevilles Food Scene pt 1: A NEW BEGINNING, Introduction to The Waxlorette: Just an Asheville woman with a medium-sized dream, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Tacos, Philly, Ashevilles Oldest Restaurant, and a Crunchburg Supreme, Avenue M - A Feast of Epic Proportions in North Asheville ~ WPVM Radio, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Chopped Cheese, Charcuterie, a Feast for Five for Two, Asheville Food fans Podcast, aaaaand Chicken Wings. Investigative Reporter Correspondent Reporter Apprentice Cab Driver Passenger Vehicle Driver Motor Transportation Operator Motor Vehicle Operator Video Editor Management Team Executive Operations Manager Student Worker, Reporter Investigative Reporter Correspondent Commercial Announcer Presenter Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administrator Video Editor Operations Manager, Investigative Reporter Correspondent Reporter Editing Professional Writing and Editing Professional Writer and Editor, Investigative Reporter Correspondent Reporter Manager Operations Manager Police Inspector Bachelor of Arts Associate of Arts Publicity Writer Author, News Anchor Reporter Commercial Announcer Presenter Correspondent Investigative Reporter Model Fundraiser Sports Trainers Non-Profit Fundraising Officer Video Editor Volunteer Police Entertainer Master of Ceremonies Project Managers, Investigative Reporter Reporter Correspondent Writer, Investigative Reporter Correspondent Reporter, Investigative Reporter Reporter Correspondent Operations Manager, News Anchor Investigative Reporter Reporter Commercial Announcer Presenter Correspondent Entertainment Professional Entertainer, Investigative Reporter Correspondent Reporter Editor Public Relations Officer Public Relations Specialist PR and Communications Professional Public Relations Professinal Student Worker, Correspondent Wildlife Biologist Independent Business Owners Host Media Producer Art Producer Senior Art Producer Executive Producer Entomologist Broadcast Media Professional Contractor Media Professional Construction Independent Contractor Advisor Non-Profit Video Editor, Senior Associate Editor Art Director Production Designer Design Manager Supporting Member Team Member Copy Editor Editing Professional Writing and Editing Professional Writer and Editor Publishing Professional Board Member Management Team Executive Operations Manager, Reporter News Anchor Correspondent Commercial Announcer Presenter Investigative Reporter Brand Planner IT Manager Brand Representative Marketing Manager Chief Executive Public Information Officer Chief Communications Officer Recognition Entertainment Professional Bachelor of Science Surgical Specialist Cardiologist Film and Video Producer Media Producer Art Producer Project Managers Movie Producer Television Producer Operations Manager Entertainer, Correspondent Reporter Counselor Analyst Advisor Analysts Finance and Accounting Specialist Accounting Bookkeeper Bookkeeper Security Sports Trainer Sports Trainers Chief Executive, Investigative Reporter Correspondent Editor Director Founder Operations Manager Founding Member Chief Executive Photographer Managers, Correspondent Reporter Editor Sales Support Analyst Sales Support Services Professional Sales and Service Specialist Sales Agent Sales Representative Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Supervisor Managers Corporate Executive Operations Manager, Correspondent Lecturer Postsecondary Teacher Independent Contractor PR and Communications Professional Non-Profit Contractor Public Relations Professinal Independent Business Owners Financial Compliance Examiner Auditor, Commercial Announcer Presenter Correspondent Independent Business Owners Chief Executive Corporate Executive Chief Executive Officer Student Worker Contractor Apprentice Independent Contractor Representative Volunteer Board Member Management Team Executive Operations Manager Non-Profit, Reviewer Doctor of Philosophy Editorial Assistant Editor Editing Professional Writing and Editing Professional Writer and Editor Founder Founding Member Chief Executive Controlling Specialist Controller, Author Illustrator Graphic Design Specialist Graphic Designer Client Service Officer Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent Department Store Salesperson Retail Professional Retail Salesperson Independent Contractor Contractor Respiratory Therapist Certified Respiratory Therapist Customer Service Independent Business Owners, Private Investigator Investigator Editor Author Development Director HR Manager Certified Nurse Aide Nurse Nurse Practitioner, Correspondent Reporter Non-Profit PR and Communications Professional Public Relations Professinal Marketing Administrator Finance and Accounting Specialist Accounting Bookkeeper Bookkeeper Marketing Manager Operations Manager Corporate Executive Chief Executive Recruitment, Freelance Reporter Correspondent Reporter Copy Desk Chief Copy Editor Editing Professional Writing and Editing Professional Writer and Editor, Correspondent Reporter Chief Communications Officer Chief Executive Editor Editorial Assistant Editing Professional Writing and Editing Professional Writer and Editor Research Associate Research Specialist Research Scientist, Commercial Announcer Presenter Correspondent Criminal Defense Lawyer Defense Attorney Lawyer Supporting Member Team Member. InvestigateTV - Season 2; Episode 11. No notice. Scroll down to see & , This is the 2nd installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! I have taken a job with WLOS News 13 as an investigative reporter. I guess if Larry had been blond and had a fake smile he would still be on the air. Scroll down to see & , Hello, Asheville! Scroll down to see & , This is the 3rd installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! Stu Helms 2020 Food Fan Awards Part 2 Eatin All Day, Asheville Unpaved initiative aims to create inner-city system of natural surface biking trails, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Pizza Picnic, Mail Order Jerky, Chicken Wings, Steak in Box, and a Taco, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Wings, Fish n Chips, Kids Menu, Mexican Food, Stoobie Snacks, and the Matzo Man, Asheville Watchdog: Not a Pretty Picture at the Asheville Art Museum, As it pursues bogus littering charges against citizens, Asheville trashes ideal of compassionate city, Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 5: AND THE WINNERS ARE, Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 4: People & Places, Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 3: Chicken Wings & Other Things. Learn how your comment data is processed. Shame on Sinclair. WLOS anchor Larry Blunt abruptly let go from Asheville TV news station, Community mourns as WLOS anchor Jay Siltzer loses son to cancer, Former WLOS anchor/reporter Russ Bowen set to return to N.C. television news station. Because he had a smile on his face just.about all the time. May 2013 - Present9 years 8 months. Schedule Now. Ty is also no stranger to wild weather. I will not be watching WLOS anymore, and who ever started the stupid news at five, five He never complained or made excuses (Mariah Carey anyone). This byline is for a different person with the same name. Emmy-nominated Investigative Reporter-WLOS always on the hunt for a good investigative tip. Joel Grover. Heres more about her career: Jennifer is new to Atlanta, but not Georgia. Investigative Reporter WLOS Dec 2016 - Present 6 years 3 months. And Larry is extremely well -liked and a credit to his profession. An investigative reporter annual salary averages $65,230, which breaks down to $31.36 an hour. UPDATE 06/01/2015: We found out today that Mike Masons replacement at WLOS-TV in Asheville is Jennifer Emert who he is replacing at CBS46. STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Wings, Dumplings, Mac n Cheese, Meatloaf n Waffles & More! The Atlanta station, CBS/Channel 46 is the same station that former WLOSer Mike Mason just joined after leaving Asheville rather suddenly. Gods speed Larry. Find Jennifer Emert of WLOS-TV (Asheville, NC)'s articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more. Investigative journalists play an important role as watchdogs, holding individuals and organizations accountable for their actions. From its inception until 1995, WLOX was owned locally . Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 1: Eating All Day, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Mousse and Brisket and Tacos and Pulled Pork and Steak and Chocolate and More. There will also be weekly chances for general assignment reporting and breaking news coverage. Why? When Ty is not at work, he is exploring the mountains. Location: Asheville, North Carolina. Meet Spectrum News 13's reporters and anchors. Larry Blunt - weeknights at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. Russ Bowen - weeknights at 10:00 p.m. (on WMYA); also reporter, Katie Killen - weekend mornings (6:00-8:00 a.m.), Frank Kracher - weekends at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m.; also weeknight reporter. She was way too good for the station. Jay Siltzer is a prominent American journalist. Larry is one reason I have continued to watch WLOS News Scroll down to see & , This is the first installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 2: MMMEEEAAATTT!!! So Im all about the personalities. He divorced himself from issues that hit close to home when needed, and immersed himself in things he truly had not one iota of care for. The beloved anchorwoman is heading into her 36th year on the air with WLOS. And for so many of you in the community that Ive had the privilege to meet, get to know, share your story and to be touched by your life, you have made my life better. Learn more about the rules and regulations regarding U.S. depositions in Hanoi and how to schedule a court reporter for a deposition taking place in Hanoi. Hes also known for his Person of the Week pieces, those honest, feel-g00d profiles about local do-gooders. You will be missed. Please enter a valid zipcode. Investigative Reporter at WLOS News 13. He did this, effortlessly, and with a Machiavellian smile etched upon his brow. She has a long experience of working as a co-host for FOX and Friends First. She decided to try her hand at politics in the 1990s and made a run for U.S. Congress, but was defeated by incumbent Charles Taylor. Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 1: Eating All Day, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Mousse and Brisket and Tacos and Pulled Pork and Steak and Chocolate and More. Full-Time. At Avenue M in North Asheville, dial M for mmmmm! I will be watching channel 7 and 4 to get my local news. By Sally Kestin, Asheville Watchdog The Asheville Art Museum, glistening through its glass exterior in the downtown heart of Pack , This is the story of how a city lost compassion for its people. WLOS:. Scroll down to see & , This is the 2nd installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! This former Pulse anchor (1986-90) joined CNN in Atlanta and then moved on to WCBS-TV in New York as an anchor. Sarah Norris described some of the items , In this final installment, I announce all of the WINNERS in every category of the 9th Annual Asheville Food Fan , This is the 4th installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! WLOS, this will not sit well with your listening/watching audience. She was way too good for the station. Email skestin@avlwatchdog.org. Stu Helms 2020 Food Fan Awards Part 2 Eatin All Day, Asheville Unpaved initiative aims to create inner-city system of natural surface biking trails, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Pizza Picnic, Mail Order Jerky, Chicken Wings, Steak in Box, and a Taco, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Wings, Fish n Chips, Kids Menu, Mexican Food, Stoobie Snacks, and the Matzo Man, Asheville Watchdog: Not a Pretty Picture at the Asheville Art Museum, As it pursues bogus littering charges against citizens, Asheville trashes ideal of compassionate city, Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 5: AND THE WINNERS ARE, Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 4: People & Places, Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 3: Chicken Wings & Other Things. The Press Freedom Tracker has also confirmed 60 arrests of journalists in 2020. massacre, F-5 tornado destruction killing dozens of people in Oklahoma in 1999 and the Susan Smith murder trial in SC. I am really saddened by this news. Childers joined WCNC-TV in North Carolina as a producer. Rekhi started out in January here in Asheville on the night-side crew. CANTON, N.C. (WLOS) Those living near Canton's paper mill say a white dust continues to fall, covering their cars. (Joe Fishleigh, the stations sales director, has moved into the GM job.). I have people at Ch. Prior to joining WLOS News 13, Jay served in Knoxville, Tennessee as a reporter for WVLT-TV. Carefully electing school board members who have . But that stand, it came at a cost. Shes now an investigative reporter for Cincinnati station. 13 Investigates: Dog sitter confesses to covering up death of family's pet. He wants to see the community continue to grow and get even better. It makes you wonder if anyone has visited Asheville to know we move here to get away from the stereotypical BS fed to the masses in other areas. WLOS Investigative Reporter. WLOS Investigative Reporter. he is a good person wonderful news person and I think you are wrong to do him and his family this way, he served you well why did you not him??? Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville. Guess I wont be watching WLOS news. My wife and I watched in awe as Larry stared directly at the camera and read ALL the copy of the entire newscast. By Sally Kestin, Asheville Watchdog The Asheville Art Museum, glistening through its glass exterior in the downtown heart of Pack , This is the story of how a city lost compassion for its people. The situation is very troubling to say the least and based on information brought to light in a recent report by WLOS investigative reporter Mike Mason, what occurred is nothing less than criminal; find the report on the WLOS website "here". Tanja Rekhi spent the past four years in Albany, N.Y. She joined WLOS/WYMA as an evening and late news reporter. I consistently break and enterprise exclusives in the market and do deep-dive advocacy . Required fields are marked *. That's why he has a passion for sharing the challenges a community is facing and finding answers to make things better. Your email address will not be published. It always surprises me when TV news people act hurt by such a decision. Got a problem, tweet me. It seems suspicious that WLOS would let him go. Hes also a U.S. Navy Veteran, graduate of Purdue University at Fort Wayne and is a federally and tribally recognized member of the Cherokee Nation. The Issuu logo, two concentric orange circles with the outer one extending into a right angle at the top leftcorner, with "Issuu" in black lettering beside it There is no content to judge. Everything except the weather. 1. Meghan Danahey has joined Asheville, N.C. ABC affiliate WLOS as weekend morning meteorologist and reporter.. Danahey last worked at KMOV in St. Louis. Shortly after Larry joined WLOS I watched one of the most amazing 11pm news shows ever. She started in June. Ty has also worked in Orlando, Fort Myers, and Monroe, Louisiana (Do you remember "Duck Dynasty"? Sinclairs been like that for many years. Why since hes a veteran anchor does he have to go ehen there are newbies there? You have been the best part of the job. I have been in business 50 years plus and in my experience when a business starts downsizing they dont start at the best but get rid of someone they do not need and is not doing their job So theres this. The stations essentially traded investigative reporters. He didnt deserve to be treated this way. ! What is wrong with Sinclair Broadcasting?!? Learn how your comment data is processed. . Asheville, NC. So sorry, why did they close the position Darcel holds, and keep him as the replacement. Required fields are marked *. Think its a crying shame to let Larry go. I like Larry, hate to see him go. 2016 STOOBIE AWARDS, PT 3: Jazzed and Baked Ashevilles Best Coffee and Pastries! Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) " giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. Sarah Norris described some of the items , In this final installment, I announce all of the WINNERS in every category of the 9th Annual Asheville Food Fan , This is the 4th installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! Jason Boyer (AMS Seal of Approval) - Chief Meteorologist seen weeknights at 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 (6:30 and 10:00 on WMYA) and 11:00 p.m. Julie Wunder (AMS and NWA Seals of Approval) - weekday mornings (4:30-7:00 a.m.) and weekdays at noon, "One Day Wunders", "Carolina Kitchen", and "Pet Pals" segments producer, Karen Wynne (AMS and NWA Seals of Approval) - weekends at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m.; also environmental reporter. Instead of meeting our needs, Sinclair is throwing away our niche and replacing it with pseudo Barbie dolls and scare tactics. It just wont be the same without him ? Her folksy reports profiling mountain people were quite popular. With the new people the station has been adding, this news (sadly) is not surprising. STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Chowchow, Wakuwaku, Vidl, Ukiah, Morning Show, Mocktails and a Sandwich, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Growing Mushrooms, Testing Delta 10, Judging Salsa & Catering by Kickback, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Bao Bun, Bocadillo, Steak n Eggs, Decaf, & Cue for a Cause. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. His work has been honored with dozens of state, regional and national awards including EMMYs, National Headliner, Society of Professional Journalists, Radio Television News Directors Association and Associated Press. Larry. The Atlanta station, CBS/Channel 46 is the same station that former WLOSer Mike Mason just joined after leaving Asheville rather suddenly. That is terrible news!! Nothing. One of his first stories for Miami's CBS station was reporting during Category 5 Hurricane Michael in Florida's panhandle. CBS46 announced today that Mike Mason has joined the station as an Investigative Reporter. depos@optimajuris.com. Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 2: MMMEEEAAATTT!!! Foreign Country Search; Cities in the United States; Services. While there, he interviewed then-candidate Joe Biden days before the November 2020 election. Based in New York City, Hayden is a tech, business and investigative reporter. Get rid of the corporate sleaze commentator, Mark Hyman instead of Larry Blunt! Like most places, WLOS has a Corporate Culture that falls somewhere between a wealthy family Dynasty, and a publicly owned Casino. Contact Karen, search articles and Tweets, monitor coverage, and track replies from one place. Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 2: MMMEEEAAATTT!!! thirty and six needs to be laid off. He considers them an insult to not only what he has done, but what he has not yet done but yet shall do. The move truly burned Pompilio. Before that, Kristen worked for Sinclair Broadcast Group as an NBC 25 . Perhaps in another place and time, Mr. Blunt could have found his wings within such an altitude, forging himself not as an unwitting Prometheus at the moment of sunrise, but as a defiant Odysseus on the eve of his return to violently reclaim that which was his. Stu Helms 2021 Asheville Food Fan Awards Prt 1: Eating All Day, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Mousse and Brisket and Tacos and Pulled Pork and Steak and Chocolate and More. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Hanoi, Vietnam. These are TOP 10 Hottest Fox News Female Anchors: 10. Asheville Citizen-Times investigative reporter Jon Ostendorff announced Friday that he's leaving the newspaper to join WLOS as investigative reporter there. Wow could it have been because he voted Trump like Obama and bill did ???? The station is ranked in the top 40 of the nations largest television markets (with the market described as Greenville and Spartanburg, S.C., and Asheville), with more than 845,000 households with televisions that can get the station. Sharyl was with CBS as an investigative reporter in their Washington, D.C. bureau. Karen received a broadcast journalism degree degree from University of South Carolina. That is why his abrupt dismissal can only be described as the culmination of man, perhaps at the height of his prowess, simply being The Wrong man at the Wrong Place, in the Wrong time. A decade ago, I had the privilege of being commissioned to do a study on several southeastern media outlets, among them WLOS. Sarah Norris described some of the items , In this final installment, I announce all of the WINNERS in every category of the 9th Annual Asheville Food Fan , This is the 4th installment of my annual Food Fan Awards for the year 2021! Why wasnt the last person hired let go instead of someone who was very experienced and good at his job. LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) - At Saturday's Los Angeles area Emmy Awards, CBS2/KCAL9's investigative reported Kristine Lazar took home a big win. Find more Investigative Reporters and other Journalists near in North Carolina by specifying the city where you need their services. This sounds crazy. Liz Burch worked most recently at KHQ in Spokane, Wash., where she worked as a reporter and producer. She spent much of her time there investigating a water contamination crisis there, according the WLOS website. STU HELMS FOOD FEED: Gyros, Country Fried Burgers, Fried Chicken Sandos, Mocktails & Wings, STU HELMS FOOD FEED: A Trip to Enka-Candler, Fancy Food Delivery, Fried Chicken & GF Delights. I guess it is like all network news leans to far left. The words and pictures below were originally posted to social media, mostly , From Flashdance to Felicity: Just trying to keep up, The best under-the-radar eats in and around Asheville, NC | AVLtoday, 2018 STOOBIE AWARDS! May 4, 2015. Respiratory illness rates are down regionwide, but doctors warn of possible late flu surge, State takes steps to stop white dust in Canton as complaints continue, Could Asheville's water outage have been avoided? From the terrifying tease mid program to the hyped up news, ELOS has become like every other Sinclair station. Work history: WFTX Fox 4 - Fort Myers, FLInvestigative Reportersince Jun 2011 WPIX-TV - New York, NYFreelance Investigative ReporterMar 2010 - Mar 2010. WLOS has changed so much in the last couple of years. Jennifer Emert, a reporter for a CBS affiliate in Atlanta, is joining WLOS in Asheville as an investigative reporter. This position will focus on the issues surrounding our schools and our students. The Public deserves and ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish you the best Larry. Only true Ashvegas natives will remember Hagit Limor. Set Weather Location. (Alfred Edward), Holly Headrick - weekday mornings (4:30-7:00 a.m.) and reporter. Heres another Food Feed for you! In his personal life, Larry and his wife Jan have four (grown) children. Here in the center of this temple, this ode to things undeserving of even a whisper, sat Larry Blunt. Ty is also a member of News 13 Investigates. Heather Childers is one of the hottest Fox News Female Anchors for many people. Weird. Anchor/Reporter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact Karen, search articles and Tweets, monitor coverage, and track replies from one place. Heather Childers. This isnt the first time a Citizen-Times reporter has moved to WLOS. . 1. Reporter . Adriana Mendez is the WLOS evening traffic anchor, as well as a reporter. Why couldnt they let one of them go? Now that the flood of campaign ad money has dried up, its more likely that local stations are being told to lose their more expensive talent and replace it either with younger hires or programming from central office, i.e.
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