crocodile race dnd 5e

დამატების თარიღი: 11 March 2023 / 08:44

You have proficiency in these weapons. Either Lizardfolk or Dragonborn could work, though the Dragonborn would have a breath attack instead of a bite attack and of course ability increases, and some other minor differences. You always smell a bit like the forest, swamp, soot or seaweed. In that case I would echo everyone else suggesting the Lizardfolk race. A mixture of great nature skills and a lycanthropic version of the barbarians rage ability make for a really fantastic player race although I wish that Beasthide and Wildhunt werent so much better than the other two options. All rights reserved. Most crocodile lizardfolk are chaotic neutral. You seem to know A LOT about crocodiles, Blue64. Examples: Takika, Zaza, Gotakak, Roakat. When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check under water, you may add double your proficiency bonus instead of your normal proficiency bonus.Natural Armor. How hexlings deal with learning of their roots or the prejudice of people around them differs from one to the other. This aside, hexlings mature at the same rate as humans but often live to be about 150 years old. This may be somewhat accurate about a crocodile biting but this isn't how they attack and it's a bit crazy that they don't have a death roll action. Satyrs are medium humanoids who look like elves with goat legs, cloven hooves, and curling ram or goat horns protruding from their heads. Tbh, it's so close to a lizardfolk in flavor and mechanics I don't have a lot of enthusiasm about it. I heard he too carry the mark.". If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving . Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw against being magically Petrified. Witch Legacy. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Thanks to D&D product manager, and popular DM, Chris Lindsay, these frog people have hopped out of obscurity and into . You can use your sharp teeth and powerful jaws as a weapon. This isolationist group of proud creatures make powerful Fighters and Barbarians. Monster Tags: Misc Creature. up to the DM. Gnome - cunning inventors, good at resisting magic, good Wizards. Large, hairy, hulking bugbears are the biological cousins of goblins and hobgoblins, although they are significantly larger than both of them. This section deals with the nine character races found in the Players Handbook, which include humans and iconic nonhuman races that have been a part of D&D since the earliest edition of the game, like elves, dwarves, and halflings (although Gary Gygax repeatedly swore that Tolkein wasnt an influence on the game) as well as some other, more exotic options. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. The two-headed crocodile can hold its breath for 15 minutes. Dusk hags were closely related to night hags, said to be their own offspring. Blackbando's Homebrew Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You can mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. All other imagery used is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. Hold Breath. Instead of Sylvan, you can speak, read and write Infernal. Actions. These serpent folk could be found by your adventurers in a remote temple, deep in a swamp. Name Ability Size. Enough so, that in small towns and villages, they often become outsiders. Otherwise **** it man it's a fantasy game, it's all made up anyways just give your ranger a crocodile and you role iniative for it etc. They have a natural resistance toward poison and are trained from a young age to be as comfortable wielding their hammer over a burning forge as in battle with a horde of goblins. Often they are hunted, tracked down by witch hunters that blames them for the sins of their hag ancestors. "WATCH YOUR BACK IF YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE the shortcut past the birches and the swamp," the older woman warned, rocking her chair slowly upon her porch. Evil or not, their sylvan blood leads many of them to be inclined towards an erratic and chaotic nature, often governed by their emotions. Hold Breath. Their scales can be dark tan, dark green, grey, pale yellow, or jet black . Posted this in Unearthed Arcana subreddit a month or so back as well as in a thread a few minutes ago about my current campaign in the prep stages. While many races are quick to assume the Crovics are idiotic savages, they could not be more wrong. Whichever the case, once in a while in a bloodline like this, a child may be born as something not quite human. Select a race from the list to view it here: . They did not know, but he heard their every word. They also dont need to sleep normally, falling into a meditative trance instead. The old woman sighed as she watched him leave. Fey Step offers a drastic increase in the Eladrins mobility (allowing them to get in and out of combat as and when they need), and the extra seasonal effects bring a large amount of additional versatility to this player race, allowing you to charm, frighten, or damage your enemies and even let your allies teleport instead of you. Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 1. Your Intellect and Dexterity scores increase by 1. I feel it emulates the croc's ability to drown its victims, but you can switch out the drowning part for extra damage (I suggest two extra dice), the stunned condition, a level of exhaustion, or nothing. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. They then realized that getting close would be lethal, so they peppered the gator with ranged weapons and carefully planned attacks and, paired with some lucky rolls, were able to defeat it and gain the Giant Crocodile Tooth, a side quest item for a trophy collector. Eladrin are a subrace of elves native to the Feywild. Wherever they go, wherever they live, hexlings has a tendency to become the black sheep if they are not careful enough about concealing their true nature. Search forums Chat/Discord. You can read, speak and write Common, Sylvan and one extra language of your choice. While they may seem large and fierce, they have a soft side to them that takes years of trust to appear. The crocodile can hold its breath for 15 minutes. Ability Score Increase. Resources. Crocodile Edit Page Content. Sheet creator documentation is available. Increasingly, as the conversation in the D&D community shifts toward ways to avoid problematic ideas like bioessential racial traits, especially negative ones, Wizards of the Coast has started reworking the next generation of the D&D 5e rules to make races more flexible. Some aligotarians are born with pure white eyes, often regarded as a sign of strength, endurance, and the will to protect amongst other aligotarians. Like the minotaur, I think I'd prefer the bite to be a separate weapon as opposed to an unarmed attack enhancement. Larger and bulkier than humans, a Half-Orc is still dwarfed by a full-blooded Orc. They see the world as a place of predators and prey, where life and death are natural processes. Bite. Your nails have unnatural strength and can be used as natural weapons when making unarmed strikes. Giant Crocodile would work perfectly for Sarcosuchuses (Sarcosuchi?). What sort of region was it? Your hair has a slightly green or blue undertone. Crushing Bite. Being caught between two worlds has made half-elves adaptable, and truly belonging to neither has made them independent, even though they like to say they take on the best qualities of their human and elven parents. Despite this, after a life on land, you are not accustomed to the cold and water pressure of the depths. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.Languages. Natural Liar. judge steele middle district of florida. As conceptually cool as Githyanki are, their psionics just dont feel as powerful as some other races innate spellcasting, although the invisible mage hand is a nice touch. They carry curses, they say, they are the reason milk sours and the reason children fall ill, with their innate powers and mysterious eyes. It succeeded Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (2008-2013), and was preceded by a D&D 5e open playtest known as D&D Next . With a mixture of flight and innate spellcasting, Aarakocra are a highly mobile and versatile player race that can find themselves well suited to any class that doesnt require them to wear medium-heavy armor. Hexlings derived from dusk hags often inherit their thirst of knowledge, though at a price of their dreams. Swamp. Anticipated - I knew what was going to happen. 122. Hit: 27 (4d10 + 5) slashing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or it runs out of breath if it suffocating. A mixture of natural armor and powerful bite attacks mean Lizardfolk make Dex-based fighters par excellence, not to mention excellent Druids and Rangers. Nothing the boy could say would change the strange looks and whispers that'd follow his every step as he turned and ran away. Their innate spellcasting and natural camouflage make them outstanding Rogues or Rangers, and their advantage on saving throws against magic is among the most powerful racial bonuses in the game. You have tough, scaly skin. -Last words of Deer Stoves, Human Wilderness Survivalist. You also get to distribute your Ability Score increases the new way, which means that just about any class is a great fit for these types of dragonborn.  A restrained creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. The secondary languages of Aquan are Alzhedo and Midani. Only those proficient in the armor's use know how to wear it effectively, however. Your Charisma score increases by 1. With the addition of kobolds as a playable race in D&D 5e, there is a whole new avenue for roleplaying and storytelling that playing a monster brings to the table. On a successful save you're blocked from their mind and can't use this ability again against them for seven days. You have spots of discoloration on your skin. Of The North. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Mimicry. Meditative, disciplined, and monastic, the Githzerai are powerful psionicists, especially adept at guarding their own minds against outside interference. Crovics are humanoid crocodiles, and stand at roughly 5-6 feet tall. Also, the Celestial Revelation that all Aasimar receive at 3rd level can be a lynchpin of a character build, not to mention increase your damage output noticeably. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is Restrained. On the material plane, the Aarakocra made their homes in treetops high in the mountains. If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon or tip me on Ko-Fi! If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.Natural Surroundings. A deceptive and hidden treat pretending to be one of you, while truly, they are just waiting to strike from the shadows. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target not grappled by the crocodile. Massive humanoids alligatorAbility Score Increase. In their native language, they have a hissing, reptilian way of speaking that is reminiscent of their animal namesakes. If the 40+ options for playable races dont offer enough variety or perhaps youre a dungeon master looking to create playable races for your homebrew setting then the Custom Lineage rules from Tashas Cauldron of Everything are a new way to create balanced legal characters who arent based on an existing race. They do, however, have respect for kings. You are proficient in the Stealth skill. This is the reason why DnD made an ever-lasting impression in the hearts of people. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Art featured in the bottom right of page five was made by me. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). For survival, they were forced to retreat further into the swamps, and lost their homes, as well as the ways of life of when they served their god of the Nile. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Bark Skin spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. These chaotic, mirthful folk tend to look like small elves with insectoid wings, although there are an almost endless variety found throughout the feywild and beyond. I'd probably just give them the ability to make a bonus action grapple attack at-will instead of daily. Bite. If youre playing one of the three new dragonborn subraces released as part of Fizbans Treasury of Dragons, then you gain access to some additional elemental damage immunity, an incapacitating breath weapon, or psionic abilities depending on whether your draconic ancestry is chromatic, metallic, or gem. Scale Defense. They don't like big homes that were inherited as much as they prefer living life through self-achievement. If youre playing a standard dragonborn from the Players Handbook, then the +2 Charisma bonus along with some added Strength makes dragonborn especially good candidates for the Paladin class. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Reset. All hexlings share certain traits as a result of their curse. The crocodilians are humanoid crocodiles that lurk in swamplands. Half-elves age at much the same rate as humans, but although they will never live as long as an elf, they can still almost double the expected lifespan of a human. Theres everything from playable races inspired by Greek mythology, like the satyr and minotaur, to traditionally monstrous races given new life as playable options, like the goblin, bugbear, and orc, not to mention species from the farthest flung corners of the planes like Fairies, elemental Genasi, and the Gith. Yuan-ti are often considered one of the most powerful races in 5e, starting the game off with a host of great abilities. The first changelings originated in the feywild, although they can now be found just about anywhere assuming you know how to look. Decided I'd share it with this lovely community in case anyone is looking for some new races to mess with. An intelligent race of misunderstood tribesmen, Crovic are a powerful force that can use both diplomacy, and spears. She didn't doubt that her granddaughter would take care of this man too, like she had with any other that decided to treat her as anything less than human. Forced into exile? Play converted DMsGuild community content, now on Roll20. Descended from genies of the elemental planes, Genasi are all tied to one of the four elements Air, Earth, Fire, and Water and embody traits inherited from their ancestral element. Like all elves who take on elements of their environment, the Shadar-Kai are forever changed by their dreary home. Mechanically, the kobolds Draconic Cry ability is downright terrifying in a party where more than one character has extra attack (or can cast spells with attack rolls, preferably multiple rolls like Scorching Ray), or a Rogue, or basically its just scary good and a spectacular way to start a fight. The fact that the Grappled Creature is considered Restrained simulates the difficulty of removing your Arm for example from its Mouth, as the Restrained Condition imposes: specifically effect number 2 makes this dangerous with a +8 (+40% chance) To Hit, especially since they're incapable of running away, and have Disadvantage to fight back. Shouldnt the escape DC be a lot higher? Dream Walker. Also, they can get more out of the Alert feat than just about any other playable race. They are typically Good, though some rare cases may be neutral or even evil. Growing up different is hard for anyone, but growing up to learn that everyone is right about you, that you are strange by nature, always have been and will be, is horrible. Resembling humanoid dragons, the first dragonborn were created long ago, either born from sorcerous experimentation or forged by the draconic gods. Crocodiles have survived millions of years of evolution for a reason. 2023 Wizards. Kobolds are a common enemy fought in low-level combat encounters. In Faern, the following kinds of lycanthropes are common: Werebat . Size. The man straightened his back and snorted, patting the short sword hanging off his belt as a light smirk spread across his face. If the ranger controls it's actions and you control the outcomes, eg. Tail. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. Witch Legacy. They usually grow to around 7' tall, their tallest being 9' tall. Following is a number of tables that are meant to be used for inspiration when creating your own hexling character. Amphibious. Attributes. Death Roll. You have two tiny bumps on top of your head, like horns, hidden in your hair. The teenage years of a hexlings are often chaotic as they grow into their powers and learn to live with the looks and whispers of people all around them. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Add a "Death roll" option when it has a target grappled and is in a body of water, that has no save and does massive damage. Once out of sight, she brought up a small knife and added a mark in the wooden fence around the porch - ten lines now. Basic Rules, pg. The Underworld Awaits! Your witches mark is light, usually pale, maybe tinted blue in color, and shaped like a diamond. Elf: Elves are quick and gain Perception proficiency, making them suitable candidates for Dnd races 5e like fighter, monk, ranger, and rogue. You could probably homebrew it. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Enthrall as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Shifters tend toward neutrality, being more focused on survival than concepts of good and evil. The character made the unfortunate error of getting close to this big gator, it bit him, then moved into the water to use its Death Roll attack, and it one-shot the dude. That's not how a Crocodile Bite works, oversized or not. Name Ability Size Source. Wow. You, rolling for Fluffy the croc: okay he hits and does x damage. Green hags, also known as swamp hags and river hags, use their magical powers to lure innocents into their traps. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). The Shadar-Kai are a mysterious subrace of elves sworn to serve the Raven Queen, goddess of death and ruler of the Shadowfell. Alignment. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. All elves are distantly descended from beings of the feywild and are naturally resistant to magic that would charm them and cant be magically put to sleep. Languages. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the crocodile can't bite another target. Players can access their Art Library in the VTT to set a character's portrait and token. Age. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.Tail Attack. Environment: Swamp Urban. Unless otherwise specified, all the races listed in this section use the new character generation rules from Monsters of the Multiverse. I'd probably just give them the ability to make a bonus action grapple attack at-will instead of daily. Darkvision. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Languages. Still a little front loaded with power especially the Magic Animus needs a stern look. The lizardfolk have some racial traits. Embarrassing - I did something unlike me. Speed. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Age - They have 14 years to live and there are even rare such cases who live up to 60 years. Just like the humans they are raised among, hexlings typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. Night Hags were the most evil of hags, so extreme in their evil deeds that they were eventually exiled to Hades where they spread through the Lower Plains. Here is some information for anyone who doesn't know how Crocodiles remove limbs from their victims. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target grappled by the crocodile. They tend to be chaotic in alignment. This works in my games, but it may be too lethal if your players aren't expecting, or ready, for it. You are more hardy than most with a taller than average, often stocky build, and with hardened nails that act much like claws. Ability Score Increase. The only thing I dont like about this creature is that if a target is grappled by the Croc then subsequent bite attacks should be auto-success, The only thing I don't like about this creature is that if a target is grappled by the Croc then subsequent bite attacks should be auto-success. Most editions of Dungeons & Dragons have some kind of shapeshifter, and D&D 5E is no different. Language. Since then, men has gone missing passing those parts. Finally, how did your hexlings nature affect them? Ability Score Increase. Proficiency. Centaurs from the Feywild have a mystical connection to the natural world. Your size is Medium.Speed. Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. Patrick Feeney: Should be at least 13, Give them the ability to go into a death roll and be able to twist off limbs! Here, they are explorers, immigrants, and refugees. The descendants of humans who turned themselves into snake people as part of foul, ancient rituals, the Yuan-Ti used to be an almost entirely monstrous people but have grown as a culture over the centuries and these days make for a really narratively interesting race to play. They tend to live underground in vast warrens festooned with traps and are often found worshiping the dragons to which they appear to be distantly related. Them's a mighty alligat-AUGH!" -Last words of Deer Stoves, Human Wilderness Survivalist Crovics are humanoid crocodiles, and stand at roughly 5-6 feet tall. Born in swamp lands, most of their kind, in the beginning, worshiped the god of their great Nile. Darkvision. The Leonin are bipedal cat folk with features resembling lions. This D&D 5E race was designed by Taima and first released in 2019. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2 . In their humanoid forms, werecrocodiles were biologically indistinguishable from non-lycanthropes. Nightstalker). After all, hexlings look for the most part just like any other human. Introduced into 5th edition through Volo's Guide to Monsters, they were brought to life as playable characters at the Stream of Annihilation in 2017. Ability Score modifiers have been decoupled from character race. The Shifters are a race of people from Eberron: Rising from the Last War who transform from humanoid forms. Their tendency to fight can be reflected by their physical appearance.  So would a giant crocodile be considered asarcosuchus in terms of stats? As a hexling with this heritage, you inherit part of their horrifying visage in the look of your eyes, making you intimidating like few, and much like them you can breathe underwater. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Jaw Trap. Wherever the mark appears, it's a sign they will always carry, whether they do so with pride, shame or indifference. Dragonborn scales once as lustrous as those belonging to the true dragons have faded over the generations, but the breath in their lungs remains just as powerful. Werecrocodiles might also assume a hybrid form with the head of a crocodile and the body of a muscular human. Where there only humans or were there a mix of different races? Their scales can be dark tan, dark green, grey, pale yellow, or jet black colors, while their eye colors can be green, yellow, or hazel. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target grappled by the crocodile.Hit: 27 (4d10 + 5) slashing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or it runs out of breath if it suffocating. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Sea hags were revolting to look upon; their visage was so horrifying that the weak hearted were known to die upon gazing at these hags. Didnt even think of lizard folk,honestly might be a good concept for a subrace of lizard folk maybe? You know the Poison Spray cantrip. Then, weve included the other 34 fantastical races that were previously scattered throughout Mordenkainens Tome of Foes, Volos Guide to Monsters and other supplements like The Wild Beyond the Witchlight but were recently gathered together in a revised format as part of Mordenkainens Monsters of the Multiverse as well as other exotic options for playable races from other sourcebooks. This makes them ideally suited to the Barbarian or Fighter class, although they are surprisingly adaptable. Some, entranced by the beauty of the open ocean, have evolved into sea elves aquatic elves who live throughout the oceans and on the elemental plane of water. You wanna beef this statblock up while being realistic? Multiattack. They have a reptilian layer of scales that cover their bodies and a large snout that conceals rows of dangerously sharp teeth. What truly sets the Yuan-ti apart, however, are their resistances . Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.Age. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything; 2021. Typically . Nomadic turtle folk who carry their homes on their backs and live up and down the coasts of the material plane. Darkvision. As a hexling, you were raised like a human. IRL a Crocodile is still releasing and Biting on the thing in its mouth again as it tries to snap the thing in Half. It is only in Anime, Cartoons & Movies do you see Crocodiles (or Alligators) snapping through something by simply applying more pressure, while in reality they briefly release their Bite in order to Bite again. Once thought of as merely the goblins smarter, more disciplined and warlike cousins, hobgoblins have undergone some changes recently that put them back in touch with their fey roots. There are several more tiefling bloodlines tied to the other archdevils of the nine hells, but they were published in Mordenkainens Tome of Foes and are therefore now considered legacy content. Anyone could tell from just looking at his worn leather armor, his bow and the short sword in his belt, that he was a seasoned ranger. Spear Mastery. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Changeling 5e. Traditionally in D&D 5e, different playable races were afforded different innate bonuses (or, in some cases, penalties) to their ability scores. Because of their physical appearance, they are oftentimes mistaken as overly-muscular lizardfolk. If you've got any problems with it, take it up with the Bando man. Ability Score Increase. Actions. If a minotaur's horns can be 1d10, a devastating bite can be too. The closest playable relative of Giants, Goliaths are infused with the supernatural essence of their larger kin (even though at somewhere between 7 and 8 feet tall, theyre not puny by any means), which makes them suited to life amid the highest mountains. Despite this, after a life on land, you are not accustomed to the cold and water pressure of the depths. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception) checks, while in swamp environments.Aquatic Hunter. Crocodile's have the strongest bites ever recorded, absolutely dwarfing lions, tigers and even jaguars which have the strongest bite of any bit cat, these creatures are way too weak to be considered crocodiles. As a hexling with the ancestry of a green hag, you are naturally cunning and a born trickster. Naturally gregarious, potbellied, and fond of lifes simple comforts, not many Halflings forgo the luxuries of home for a life as an adventurer. Amphibious. I used this as a boss on a low-level campaign I ran and used your Death Roll attack, Mars. Makes sure to take some UA to make it not the worst subclass avaliable. The ones that do, however, find themselves well suited to the profession. A love of personal freedom can drive shifters toward chaotic alignments. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The crocodile makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail. Your witches mark is of greenish brown color and shaped like a ring. They usually reach adulthood at the age of 25, and become old at 180 years. Did they grow up in a small and reclusive village where everyone knows one another or in a city where people of different backgrounds mix together? Witch Legacy. Half-Orc - fierce and . The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save. You may use your jaw to grapple creatures smaller than you. Lizardfolk 5e. The Bheurs, also known as Winter Hags or Blue Hags live in the cold north where they live for the pleasure of bringing icy doom to as many people as they can. Most people know the common Lizardfolk, swamp-dwelling people who seem cold and alien to outsiders. Lizardfolk Variants. Forum list *Dungeons & Dragons One D&D (5.5E) Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition D&D Older Editions *TTRPGs General *Pathfinder & Starfinder EN Publishing *Geek Talk & Media.

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crocodile race dnd 5e

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