The women are usually flat, but sometimes they may be curvy. You can find your ascendant by going to this website Rising Aries Rising Taurus Rising Gemini Rising Cancer Rising Leo Rising Virgo Rising Libra Rising Scorpio Rising Sagittarius Rising Capricorn Rising Aquarius focus drawn to eyes and nose; eyebrows and/or eyes can seem harsh, nose can be long and/or aquiline. rising signs + appearance. Mars rising brings a martial aspect, also an increased physicality of . In the latter case, it gets expressed as aggressive extroversion or toughness that obviously act as a cover for something else. SAGITTARIUS: Clumsy grace is this signs most noticeable physical trait. Even when they are mean or in a bad mood, they either express it quietly or they feel immediately bad after it. I don't have an opinion on what Beyonce's Rising sign may be, .
So, they may be most personable or accessible in professional settings when theyre expected to be. AQUARIUS RISING The uniqueness of those with this placement is most noticeable. 8th house -Eighth house stelliums are similar to fourth house stelliums in that they have a lot of factors to consider. Gemini The "what do you do" question can cause them to really light up and become engaged.
These folks are also very open about their flaws, to the point where it may seem like theyre putting themselves down. They could be involved in protests, or working to make changes in the community. However, if this sign is betrayed, the sting . For a Scorpio rising, love is forever. The hair is sometimes curly or wavy. Security has a slightly different meaning to every individual, so whatever sign the stellium is in will show us how the individual seeks out this security. Extremely expressive features with long limbs compared to the torso even a short cancer rising will often have a lanky look to their arms and legs. In astrology, you will commonly read that your Ascendant (ASC) or Rising Sign describes your appearance. usually gives dreamy facial traits (really large round or bulging eyes, often light colored, nice shaped often thick eyebrows, delicate skin, arched forehead, big or flat nose, wide mouth, etc.). They may have a flair that shows up in their career, or perhaps they are occupied with their children. For instance, a Gemini stellium could indicate a need to open up and share opinions more, or to expand interests and horizons. Dark or light, the gaze will be piercing and direct, and unless theyre shooting vengeful daggers from them, people will often comment on how beautiful their eyes are. While this signs symbol is the Virgin, this doesnt mean they are cold or asexual, but they do tend to be modest. If a Leo stellium shows up, things will be different. Your Aries Rising sign makes you direct, straightforward, assertive, and usually completely aboveboard in all your dealings. In general, they can seem very youthful well into adulthood. When at rest, theyll exhibit steady, somewhat serious expressions. They are often super creative but their creativity always has purpose- like making a bookmark to use for the book theyre reading, or doing an artwork with the clear intention of giving it to someone, or putting it in a certain place on the wall they want to fill. virgo
The Cancer Appearance. LIBRA: Truly Venuss children, with well-shaped lips and noses, sometimes heart-shaped or oval faces, dimpled cheeks and cleft chins can be common. your general appearance sun sign: what people see when they get to know you better. Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it show's the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. .VIRGO risings have such a distinct energy! This also correlates to each signs ruling planet. Aquarius degrees- 11, 23: With Aquarius degrees on the ascendant, I'm getting mad scientist vibes LMAO jk jk. You get sucked into their emotional state and it can be hard to walk away from them without your own feelings being affected. LEO risings Ive noticed are very in their regal energy and confidence all the time not really taking things too seriously and more focused on just living an awesome life, but when personal things or things related to family or the heart come up even slightly, they get VERY fierce and something in them just seems to rise from within them. Prominent forehead and nose, sharply drawn and compressed mouth. As soon as you do that, theyll forgive you, but they will deem you as someone who they should be wary around- and of course theyll bottle up their emotions about it. Part 1 Part 2 Since the sun rises and sets at different times depending on the season, a person born at 10:00 a.m. in April would have a vastly different ascendant than someone born at 10:00 a.m. in November. They often have beautiful, clear, sparkling eyes. They will find themselves confronted with a lot of opportunities to talk about the things they experience. Whether they are seemingly extroverted and light or not, these people always betray their intensity and seriousness when theyre not speaking. Their hair is smooth, light, wavy sometimes curly and their skin is usually light. They seek out connection wherever they go, and while it may not always be a romantic partner they are trying to find, they still are looking for a partner in anything they do. But, there is still something irresistibly warm and lovable about them. Sixth house stelliums are detail oriented and notice everything. Thats too emotive and shy. Libra rising people are universally beloved! Rising Sign & Appearance An idea common to many schools of astrology is that the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth imparts it's qualities to the physical appearance, as well as making it's mark on personality. leo
You may be giving only a halfhearted effort to deal with struggles that arise. Someone with a Taurus stellium in the eleventh house would be all about living with friends, or maybe even starting a community living situation. I know that there is soooo much more into the ascendant/rising and the first house, but in this posts Ill focus only in the more superficial part/side of how your rising sign is seen by others, manifested, how they look appearance and energy wise! Look for a face that is sober, strongly observant and critical, to the point where you undeniably feel judged. Do you feel your rising sign is an accurate representation of your overall appearance? They tend to be agreeable, and it is not because they are two-faced, but rather because they can easily see all sides to any situation. IM SCREAMING I WAS RIGHT I MADE THAT POST A YEAR AGO I PICKED THE RIGHT DAY!! Venus trine Ascendant. Their overall personality is soft and sensitive. Ive noticed Sagittarius risings often dont show up to social events either for mysterious reasons- they wont really explain why or itll seem mysterious in nature but they wont show up, and people tend to miss them/worry about them because of it. Face 2: Baby-faced, round with soft skin, a wide mouth, and a charming grin; eyes are usually round. Sport a tranquil expression, along with beautiful smiles, mischievous grins and tinkling laughter.. Always with earthy, rich purpose. The Decans of Aquarius. usually gives great, regular facial traits (well defined long and narrow nose, long face usually heart shaped, heart shaped lips, defined cupids bow, soft eyes, facial dimples, etc.). We are all born with a rising sign. Theyll do it themselves and can come on quite strong. Scorpio ascending Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. Leos are seen as charming, amiable extroverts, who maintain a degree of detached glamour. We can zone out at the grocery store thinking about something super dark or something dark that happened from the past and really get trapped in our own bubble there. They have long legs and their skin may be problematic. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. In fact, not being funny will really, really lose them. usually gives mature, goat-like facial traits (big ears, nice serious eyes, really bony face, high cheekbones, thin and flat lips, usually crooked teeth, wrinkles or fine lines, etc.). And in spite of their intelligence, they can come off as airheaded because of it. 12 signs
Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build, but can become plump due to their love of food, drink and (due to their ruler, Jupiter) excesses. They are just always being honest about their shortcomings and the work they need to do, including on themselves. The height tends to be short to average. Sometimes they may get in deep with spirituality or religion. A Libra stellium could show growth through partnership. usually givesvery feminine, doll-like facial features ( Dreamy big wet eyes, Those with a Taurus stellium will find an opposite reaction, in that they will hide and reject the darker parts of themselves and pretend they are simply not there, or become fearful of them. They have artistic fingers and dreamy eyes that charm everyone. Their goal is to serve. Their hair may be red or blonde (sandy blonde or platinum blonde). A Libra stellium in the second house will find security through partnership, whereas a Capricorn stellium will find security through money or career. The exception to this rule is a first house stellium in Libra. If you look at what sign the stellium appears in you will see what their focus is primarily. capricorn
They may have a tendency toward pain in the back, neck, and sometimes the shoulder area, although the shoulders themselves tend to be strong and broad. The face can be so cool that its downright icy, especially when observing you. CAPRICORN RISING There is a strong focus on results and it makes them seem to be so realistic. They have a beautiful large breast with long limbs compared to the trunk. They have a casual and relaxed personality as individuals. 3rd house -Third house stelliums are all about communication. The way that they make conversation is very distinct. The opposite end of this is an Aries stellium in the seventh house. high cheekbones, moony look, arched thin proeminent eyebrows, small mouth with full lips and wide smile, upper lip is fuller, beautiful skin, etc.). Taurus tend to put on muscle easily. Aries, you may retain youthfulness throughout your life, probably due to your swift and constant walking. Their hair is thick and shiny, usually wavy and tends to be in darker shades of blonde or lighter shades of brown. Fun fact: If you were born at sunrise (or within two hours of it), your ascendant will likely . Gemini stellium in the fifth house will show someone who creates through writing or through public speaking/communication. Similar threads. Definitely relating to how Pisces will often become Aquarius in Vedic. But, there is usually a moment when the illusion shatters. Even when skinny they frequently have rounded soft features, and apple cheeks. Your rising sign is often referred to as the front door to your chart, because it is a symbol of your personality, your soul's motivation, your physical appearance, and so much more. LEO RISING: 0-959 Leo / 10 . The playfulness is also very striking. LEO RISING An equal mix of self-confidence and self-consciousness is at play. It's how people perceive you, particularly before they get to know your true.
Sex is a transcendental experience and there is enormous potential for sexual gratification with this sign. These people don't come off as very intense or aggressive. The sign the stellium is in will show the type of home base the individual is seeking out. Also, they make an impression as being very simple, in a good way. Overall, those with tenth house stelliums often do well financially and can manifest success in career with little effort (though they often work very hard).11th house - A stellium in the eleventh house will equal out to be someone who is everyones best friend. It is something that makes us act a certain way and feel a certain way. In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. Their height is usually average and their body is solid (not necessarily plump or fat) with pleasing proportions. Sign Quality Differentiation by base outlines (as outlined by master astrologer John Willner): Virgo: pisces
They tend to be social beings, or fascinated by writing, reading, storytelling, songwriting, etc. Women may have big breast. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. The face is often neutral, either always blank or always smiling, making it easy to project on to them. A stellium in Libra will indicate a desire for freedom in romantic partnership. If you get them talking about something very personal or say something unexpectedly hurtful, their vulnerable and tenderhearted nature is revealed. Often twelfth house stelliums show areas of tremendous growth capabilities in this life. Mars-ruled, the ascendant sign shows itself in both appearance and physical attitude. Their hair may be red or blonde (sandy blonde or platinum blonde). You will hear them speaking a lot about amazing experiences theyve had or that they want to have. They are also open about their failures or their struggles. Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. star signs
Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the public-facing visage you present to the world. Age 10-30 is a good range. Dark hair and eyes (not necessarily brown, just darker shades), and typically hold a serene and steady gaze. VIRGO: Gentle and graceful of movement, as well as a youthful appearance regardless of age. It seems as if theyre constantly crossing things off their bucket list. This person may seem to make rash decisions, i.e. You may notice how much they change or light up when talking about family or their mother. Their response to compliments can be quite dramatic, either through being wildly flattered and amused or going to great lengths to deny it, which is really just them fishing for more flattery.
They like big ticket issues and enjoy thinking about things on a grand, Uranian scale. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. Graceful in manner, but sometimes may appear uptight, bored, or uncomfortable because they have difficulty relaxing. ARIES RISINGThere is just something really upfront about this person. With flowing movements like the ocean or a dancer, they always seem small, even the very tall ones. Mental Tendencies of the Sagittarius Rising Sign The exception is a Pisces sixth house stellium. In fact, upon first impression, they may be so accommodating that you feel put upon. Aries risings are known for having athletic builds, childlike faces, square jaws, and distinct facial features. CANCER: Their most prominent feature is a round face. Other times, they just refuse to budge. Where do they look most for their freedom? Since Libra rules this house, partnership is important to them. ascendants
A lot of talks can revolve around memories and nostalgia. Your rising sign is Leo if Leo zodiac was present in the 1st house (the eastern horizon from where the sun rises) at the time of your birth. Rounded eyes tend to give a moony or dreamy expression. It more speaks of the way they do the things they do - with a big, all-their-heart-in-it gesture. This part of the birth chart that . Posted by Wayman Stewartto visit his new site click here. Cancer stelliums in the third house come at conversation and writing through using their emotions, and noticing others feelings and subtle social cues. The eye contact can be quite steady and connected but usually in a pleasant way. They usually have youthful and innocent features. In fact, there is a potential for them to seem flat-out rude on first impression. Dark, thin hair. Also naturally slim and agile, and even if there is weight gain, they just seem like they should be tall and thin, even when theyre not. Above stated are the general common points which are basic traits of rising sign /ascendant . Despite their love of socializing and meeting new people, they do have a hard time with consistent small talk. Although they are harmless and charming enough, its obvious how much they want to influence you. Their motivation is to find an anchor point - a place to settle. Theyd rather give to everyone and show their cards than find themselves feeling in debt to others, or like people are angry with them or anything. They are usually optimistic, gregarious and a bit wacky or unusual. usually gives hypnotic facial traits (magnetic deep dark almond shaped eyes, fixed look, roman or concave nose, proeminent eyewbrows, long lashes, etc.) They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. 5th house -Theatrical dramatics are present in those with fifth house stelliums. They will often naturally speak very fast. The third degree is between 20-30 degrees. the significance of the rising (also known as the ascendant): your rising sign is the zodiac sign which was ascending on the horizon at the time of your birth, the sign that your 1st house falls in.
Their skin tends to be sensitive, sometimes subject to rashes, outbreaks, or easy bruising. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. As per the rising sign predictions, the Ram rules the head and eyes, you may find problems with headaches and eye problems. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. The height is usually above average. AQUARIUS: One common trait of this rising sign is a high, well-defined forehead. The opposite will be apparent in Gemini stelliums in the ninth house. TL;DR: "Your rising sign blends with your Sun and Moon signs to give you a more accurate snapshot of your personality," says astrologer Taanaz Chubb, author of My Pocket Mantras and founder of . Interestingly, members of this sign often have smaller-than-expected ears. Members of this sign are very sensitive to the weather and air pressure, so expect to find them bundled up in the winter and stripped down in hot weather. There is something very unperturbed about them, as if they have their own special form of peace or pleasure that no one else can ruin. Their hair is usually curly and may be dark brown. Their hair is dark and thin. Thus, at the moment of birth, the ascendant sign appears as we are. the ascendant, along with planets which fall in the first house and the signature sign, is one of the most significant astrological indicators for physical appearance*. Even if they dont know you well, they wont hesitate to correct you and set you straight on something youre wrong about. At a party or a loud gathering, they seem like the calm in the middle of the storm. The misalignment with Libra & Scorpio is a big reason why I stick with Vedic often too- Libras in western often dont embody balance so much as the embody the pickiness of Virgo, and Scorpios in Western are often very artistic, relationship oriented, and scared totip the scales more like Libra then Sagittarians are often very deep and tend to have troubled pasts and demons more like Scorpio. To start, everyone knows their sun sign; if you were born between August 23 and . The Decans of Scorpio. But, they are known for their sly, subtle looks, especially by looking at you sideways or avoiding eye contact altogether. Also, like children, their self-concern is very obvious. Humans are complicated, and as much as we like to simplify our horoscopes, astrology can be quite complicated, too. That is, unless the reaction is outright defiance. Instead, there is something just nice, cool, and easy about them. As a cancer rising (and moon) I 100% feel I have the attributes of a typical moon dominant person.
Look at the sign the stellium is in! They will normally be very graceful when walking, and facial structure will be more rounded. libra
Your Rising Sign determines your physical features as well (not just face but body as well.) They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. Smart cookies O_o. Your rising sign affects 50-60% of your look Aries: Aries ascending usually gives extremely masculine traits (Thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, wide forehead, pointed chin, Their height tends from medium to high.
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