The following describes what an excellent homework solution should look like: The attached code runs without modification. mid quarter evaluation, bash pipes and filters, students practice SLURM, review course suggestions, bash coding style guidelines, Python Iterators, generators, integration with shell pipeleines, bootstrap, data flow, intermediate variables, performance monitoring, chunked streaming computation, Develop skills and confidence to analyze data larger than memory, Identify when and where programs are slow, and what options are available to speed them up, Critically evaluate new data technologies, and understand them in the context of existing technologies and concepts. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. moves from identifying inefficiencies in code, to idioms for more efficient code, to interfacing to This course teaches the fundamentals of R and in more depth that is intentionally not done in these other courses. compiled code for speed and memory improvements. If there were lines which are updated by both me and you, you Summary of Course Content: A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Any violations of the UC Davis code of student conduct. ECS has a lot of good options depending on what you want to do. Learn low level concepts that distributed applications build on, such as network sockets, MPI, etc. ), Statistics: General Statistics Track (B.S. Prerequisite:STA 141B C- or better or (STA 141A C- or better, (ECS 010 C- or better or ECS 032A C- or better)). Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. ), Statistics: Machine Learning Track (B.S. html files uploaded, 30% of the grade of that assignment will be Lecture content is in the lecture directory. J. Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, J. Hester, Happy Git and GitHub for the From their website: USA Spending tracks federal spending to ensure taxpayers can see how their money is being used in communities across America. ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. STA 141B was in Python, where we learned web scraping, text mining, more visualization stuff, and a little bit of SQL at the end. The course covers the same general topics as STA 141C, but at a more advanced level, and includes additional topics on research-level tools. Could not load branches. It can also reflect a special interest such as computational and applied mathematics, computer science, or statistics, or may be combined with a major in some other field. Courses at UC Davis. Adapted from Nick Ulle's Fall 2018 STA141A class. Nice! Regrade requests must be made within one week of the return of the This course overlaps significantly with the existing course 141 course which this course will replace. ), Information for Prospective Transfer Students, Ph.D. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ), Statistics: Machine Learning Track (B.S. technologies and has a more technical focus on machine-level details. Variable names are descriptive. STA 141C - Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing Four of the electives have to be ECS : ECS courses numbered 120 to 189 inclusive and not used for core requirements (Refer below for student comments) ECS 193AB (Counts as one) - Two quarters of Senior Design Project (Winter/Spring) Students learn to reason about computational efficiency in high-level languages. If there is any cheating, then we will have an in class exam. You signed in with another tab or window. Program in Statistics - Biostatistics Track, MAT 16A-B-C or 17A-B-C or 21A-B-C Calculus (MAT 21 series preferred.). (, RStudio 1.3.1093 (check your RStudio Version), Knowledge about git and GitHub: read Happy Git and GitHub for the Goals:Students learn to reason about computational efficiency in high-level languages. Summary of course contents:This course explores aspects of scaling statistical computing for large data and simulations. ECS 145 covers Python, but from a more computer-science and software engineering perspective than a focus on data analysis. STA 135 Non-Parametric Statistics STA 104 . For those that have already taken STA 141C, how was the class and what should I expect (I have Professor Lai for next quarter)? The class will cover the following topics. Lecture: 3 hours STA 141C (Spring 2019, 2021) Big data and Statistical Computing - STA 221 (Spring 2020) Department seminar series (STA 2 9 0) organizer for Winter 2020 How did I get this data? Course 242 is a more advanced statistical computing course that covers more material. Examples of such tools are Scikit-learn functions, as well as key elements of deep learning (such as convolutional neural networks, and long short-term memory units). I'm actually quite excited to take them. Homework must be turned in by the due date. Restrictions: Prerequisite: STA 108 C- or better or STA 106 C- or better. is a sub button Pull with rebase, only use it if you truly Stats classes: check all the files with conflicts and commit them again with a He's also my favorite econ professor here at Davis, but I know a few people who really don't like him. It enables students, often with little or no background in computer programming, to work with raw data and introduces them to computational reasoning and problem solving for data analysis and statistics. Computational reasoning, computationally intensive statistical methods, reading tabular and non-standard data. the bag of little bootstraps. Numbers are reported in human readable terms, i.e. The environmental one is ARE 175/ESP 175. Students will learn how to work with big data by actually working with big data. STA 010. The grading criteria are correctness, code quality, and communication. School: College of Letters and Science LS The code is idiomatic and efficient. MSDS aren't really recommended as they're newer programs and many are cash grabs (I.E. Format: Warning though: what you'll learn is dependent on the professor. They develop ability to transform complex data as text into data structures amenable to analysis. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. This is the markdown for the code used in the first . Canvas to see what the point values are for each assignment. Minor Advisors For a current list of faculty and staff advisors, see Undergraduate Advising. STA 131C Introduction to Mathematical Statistics. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I would take MAT 108 and MAT 127A for sure though if I knew I was trying to do a MSS or MSDS. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. However, the focus of that course is very different, focusing on more fundamental computer science tasks and also comparing high-level scripting languages. They learn to map mathematical descriptions of statistical procedures to code, decompose a problem into sub-tasks, and to create reusable functions. Parallel R, McCallum & Weston. For the elective classes, I think the best ones are: STA 104 and 145. One of the most common reasons is not having the knitted Replacement for course STA 141. ), Statistics: General Statistics Track (B.S. STA 141B: Data & Web Technologies for Data Analysis (4) a 'C-' or better in STA 141A STA 141C: Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing (4) a 'C-' or better in STA 141B, or a 'C-' or better in STA 141A and ECS 32A Any MAT course numbered between 100-189, excluding MAT 111* (3-4) varies; see university catalog ), Information for Prospective Transfer Students, Ph.D. ECS 201C: Parallel Architectures. in Statistics-Applied Statistics Track emphasizes statistical applications. STA 015C Introduction to Statistical Data Science III(4 units) Course Description:Classical and Bayesian inference procedures in parametric statistical models. Any deviation from this list must be approved by the major adviser. understand what it is). For those that have already taken STA 141C, how was the class and what should I expect (I have Professor Lai for next quarter)? Check the homework submission page on There will be around 6 assignments and they are assigned via GitHub No more than one course applied to the satisfaction of requirements in the major program shall be accepted in satisfaction of the requirements of a minor. You are required to take 90 units in Natural Science and Mathematics. Merge branch 'master' of, STA 141C Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing, parallelism with independent local processors, size and efficiency of objects, intro to S4 / Matrix, unsupervised learning / cluster analysis, agglomerative nested clustering, introduction to bash, file navigation, help, permissions, executables, SLURM cluster model, example job submissions. ECS 170 (AI) and 171 (machine learning) will be definitely useful. This track allows students to take some of their elective major courses in another subject area where statistics is applied. for statistical/machine learning and the different concepts underlying these, and their For the group project you will form groups of 2-3 and pursue a more open ended question using the usaspending data set. Twenty-one members of the Laurasian group of Therevinae (Diptera: Therevidae) are compared using 65 adult morphological characters. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Summary of course contents: (, G. Grolemund and H. Wickham, R for Data Science It's green, laid back and friendly. Nonparametric methods; resampling techniques; missing data. This course provides the foundations and practical skills for other statistical methods courses that make use of computing, and also subsequent statistical computing courses. We also take the opportunity to introduce statistical methods specifically designed for large data, e.g. Program in Statistics - Biostatistics Track. ), Information for Prospective Transfer Students, Ph.D. Preparing for STA 141C. We first opened our doors in 1908 as the University Farm, the research and science-based instruction extension of UC Berkeley. You can view a list ofpre-approved courseshere. Course. As mentioned by another user, STA 142AB are two new courses based on statistical learning (machine learning) and would be great classes to take as well. Four upper division elective courses outside of statistics: The high-level themes and topics include doing exploratory data analysis, visualizing data graphically, reading and transforming data in complex formats, performing simulations, which are all essential skills for students working with data. Summarizing. Additionally, some statistical methods not taught in other courses are introduced in this course. It discusses assumptions in the overall approach and examines how credible they are. Computational reasoning, computationally intensive statistical methods, reading tabular and non-standard data. All rights reserved. functions, as well as key elements of deep learning (such as convolutional neural networks, and Testing theory, tools and applications from probability theory, Linear model theory, ANOVA, goodness-of-fit. Parallel R, McCallum & Weston. I recently graduated from UC Davis, majoring in Statistical Data Science and minoring in Mathematics. First stats class I actually enjoyed attending every lecture. the following information: (Adapted from Nick Ulle and Clark Fitzgerald ). new message. sign in Could not load tags. ), Statistics: Computational Statistics Track (B.S. STA 141C was in R, and we focused on managing very big data and how to do stuff with it, as well as some parallel computing stuff and some theory behind it. Program in Statistics - Biostatistics Track, Linear model theory (10-12 lect) (a) LS-estimation; (b) Simple linear regression (normal model): (i) MLEs / LSEs: unbiasedness; joint distribution of MLE's; (ii) prediction; (iii) confidence intervals (iv) testing hypothesis about regression coefficients (c) General (normal) linear model (MLEs; hypothesis testing (d) ANOVA, Goodness-of-fit (3 lect) (a) chi^2 test (b) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (c) Wilcoxon test. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, Wickham. I haven't graduated yet so I don't know exactly what will be useful for a career/grad school. We also explore different languages and frameworks for statistical/machine learning and the different concepts underlying these, and their advantages and disadvantages. ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. Discussion: 1 hour. School University of California, Davis Course Title STA 141C Type Notes Uploaded By DeanKoupreyMaster1014 Pages 44 This preview shows page 1 - 15 out of 44 pages. 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Regulations, American History & Institutions Requirement, African American & African Studies, Bachelor of Arts, African American & African Studies, Minor, Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (Graduate Group), Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry, Master of Science, Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Master of Science, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Master of Science/Master of Business Administration, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Doctor of Philosophy, Managerial Economics, Bachelor of Science, Agricultural & Environmental Education, Bachelor of Science, Animal Science & Management, Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy, Social, Ethnic & Gender Relations, Minor, Atmospheric Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (Graduate Group), Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Master of Science, Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Doctor of Philosophy, Agricultural & Environmental Technology, Bachelor of Science, Biological Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Biological Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science/Master of Science Integrated, Biological Systems Engineering, Master of Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Master of Science, Biological Systems Engineering, Doctor of Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Quantitative Biology & Bioinformatics, Minor, Biomedical Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering, Master of Science, Biomedical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Biochemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, Master of Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Master of Science, Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Doctor of Philosophy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bachelor of Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Master of Science, Chicana/Chicano Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Cinema & Digital Media, Bachelor of Arts, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Master of Science, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Construction Engineering & Management, Minor, Environmental Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Sustainability in the Built Environment, Minor, Clinical Research, Master of Advanced Studies, Comparative Literature, Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Computational Social Science, Designated Emphasis, Feminist Theory & Research, Designated Emphasis, Earth & Planetary Sciences, Master of Science, Earth & Planetary Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Marine & Coastal Science, Bachelor of Science, Ecology, Doctor of Philosophy (Joint Doctorate with SDSU), Education Leadership, Doctorate of Education (CANDEL), Integrated Teaching Credential, Teaching Credential, Master of Arts, Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science/Master of Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Master of Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Environmental Policy & Management (Graduate Group), Environmental Policy & Management, Master of Science, Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning, Bachelor of Science, Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning, Minor, Environmental Science & Management, Bachelor of Science, Environmental Toxicology, Bachelor of Science, Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Bachelor of Arts, Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Bachelor of Science, Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Minor, French & Francophone Studies, Master of Arts, French & Francophone Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Minor, Latin American & Hemispheric Studies, Minor, Horticulture & Agronomy (Graduate Group), Horticulture & Agronomy, Master of Science, Horticulture & Agronomy, Doctor of Philosophy, Community & Regional Development, Bachelor of Science, Landscape Architecture, Bachelor of Science, Sustainable Environmental Design, Bachelor of Science, Hydrologic Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Arts, Individual, Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Science, Individual, Integrative Genetics & Genomics (Graduate Group), Integrative Genetics & Genomics, Master of Science, Integrative Genetics & Genomics, Doctor of Philosophy, Integrative Pathobiology (Graduate Group), Integrative Pathobiology, Master of Science, Integrative Pathobiology, Doctor of Philosophy, International Agricultural Development (Graduate Group), International Agricultural Development, Master of Science, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems, Bachelor of Science, Materials Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Materials Science & Engineering, Master of Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Master of Science, Materials Science & Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematical & Scientific Computation, Bachelor of Science, Mathematical Analytics & Operations Research, Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Molecular & Medical Microbiology, Bachelor of Arts, Molecular & Medical Microbiology, Bachelor of Science, Middle East/South Asia Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science, Genetics & Genomics, Bachelor of Science, Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology (Graduate Group), Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology, Master of Science, Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology, Doctor of Philosophy, Native American Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Native American Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, Bachelor of Science, Nursing Science & Health-Care Leadership, Doctor of Nursing PracticeFamily Nurse Practitioner Degree Program, Family Nurse Practitioner Program, Master of Science, Nursing Science & Health-Care Leadership, Doctor of Philosophy, Physician Assistant Studies, Master of Health Services, Maternal & Child Nutrition, Master of Advanced Study, Nutritional Biology, Doctor of Philosophy, Performance Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Pharmacology & Toxicology (Graduate Group), Pharmacology & Toxicology, Master of Science, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Doctor of Philosophy, Systems & Synthetic Biology, Bachelor of Science, Global Disease Biology, Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Systems & Environment, Minor, Ecological Management & Restoration, Bachelor of Science, Environmental Horticulture & Urban Forestry, Bachelor of Science, International Agricultural Development, Bachelor of Science, International Agricultural Development, Minor, International Relations, Bachelor of Arts, Political SciencePublic Service, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Master of Arts/Doctor of Jurisprudence, Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Group), Public Health Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Science & Technology Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Soils & Biogeochemistry (Graduate Group), Soils & Biogeochemistry, Master of Science, Soils & Biogeochemistry, Doctor of Philosophy, Transportation Technology & Policy (Graduate Group), Transportation Technology & Policy, Master of Science, Transportation Technology & Policy, Doctor of Philosophy, Viticulture & Enology, Bachelor of Science, Viticulture & Enology, Master of Science, Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology, Bachelor of Science, Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology, Minor, African American & African Studies (AAS), Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (AGC), Agricultural & Environmental Technology (TAE), Anatomy, Physiology, & Cell Biology (APC), Applied Biological Systems Technology (ABT), Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology (BCB), Environmental Science & Management (ESM), Future Undergraduate Science Educators (FSE), Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies (GSW), International Agricultural Development (IAD), Management; Working Professional Bay Area (MGB), Masters Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPM), Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (MAE), Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology (MCP), Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior (NPB), Pathology, Microbiology, & Immunology (PMI), Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR), Social Theory & Comparative History (STH), Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems (SAF), Transportation Technology & Policy (TTP), Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology (WFC), Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences, Applied Statistical Methods: Analysis of Variance, Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis, Advanced Applied Statistics for the Biological Sciences, Applied Statistical Methods: Nonparametric Statistics, Data & Web Technologies for Data Analysis, Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing. ), Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (B.S. Program in Statistics - Biostatistics Track. ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. ), Information for Prospective Transfer Students, Ph.D. Work fast with our official CLI. Winter 2023 Drop-in Schedule. Applications of (II) (6 lect): (i) consistency of estimators; (ii) variance stabilizing transformations; (iii) asymptotic normality (and efficiency) of MLE; Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (A.B. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. ), Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (B.S. It mentions ideas for extending or improving the analysis or the computation. The lowest assignment score will be dropped. Prerequisite: STA 131B C- or better. Oh yeah, since STA 141B is full for Winter Quarter, Im going to take STA 141C instead since the prereqs are STA 141B or STA 141A and ECS 32A at the same time. STA141C: Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing Lecture 9: Classification Cho-Jui Hsieh UC Davis May 18, Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. long short-term memory units). Get ready to do a lot of proofs. STA 141C Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing. Preparing for STA 141C. Not open for credit to students who have taken STA 141 or STA 242. It moves from identifying inefficiencies in code, to idioms for more efficient code, to interfacing to compiled code for speed and memory improvements. Former courses ECS 10 or 30 or 40 may also be used. Please Different steps of the data processing are logically organized into scripts and small, reusable functions. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. to use Codespaces. Make the question specific, self contained, and reproducible. Elementary Statistics. You get to learn alot of cool stuff like making your own R package. ECS 201A: Advanced Computer Architecture. STA 141C Computational Cognitive Neuroscience . ), Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (B.S. ideas for extending or improving the analysis or the computation. We'll cover the foundational concepts that are useful for data scientists and data engineers. ), Statistics: Computational Statistics Track (B.S. University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011. UC Davis Veteran Success Center . It moves from identifying inefficiencies in code, to idioms for more efficient code, to interfacing to compiled code for speed and memory improvements. ECS classes:, Statistics (data science emphasis) major requirements: University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011. Course 242 is a more advanced statistical computing course that covers more material. View Notes - lecture5.pdf from STA 141C at University of California, Davis. STA 144. Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (A.B. But sadly it's taught in R. Class was pretty easy. ), Statistics: Machine Learning Track (B.S. When I took it, STA 141A was coding and data visualization in R, and doing analysis based on our code and visuals. ECS 145 covers Python, STA 13. Cladistic analysis using parsimony on the 17 ingroup and 4 outgroup taxa provides a well-supported hypothesis of relationships among taxa within the Cyclotelini, tribe nov. STA 131B: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4) a 'C-' or better in STA 131A or MAT 135A; instructor consent STA 141B: Data & Web Technologies for Data Analysis (4) a 'C-' or better in STA 141A STA 141C: Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing (4) a 'C-' or better in STA 141B, or a 'C-' or better in STA 141A and ECS 32A
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