Consider it something like a baby dedication, where parents promise to raise their children in the community of faith. Sometimes the parents need to apologize, or to explain their decisions, but its mostly the child seeing that they ARE a child, and that they should accept instruction and correction from their parents. Theyre wrong, of course. Its nice to meet youthanks for sharing your story. >> Is there ever a level of Sin where repentance and acceptance of Jesus as ones savior cant cover it? It seems very unfair that someone who murders or rapes or any other sick crime could be let into Heaven while someone who loved and respected all living things would be tortured for eternity in hell? In fact, your comment has inspired me to create an article listing my favorite Christian apologists. To be more precise, Hes the perfect father. So many keep saying his the Lord spoke to them, how they had a dream, a sign. However: one of the things that young people struggle with is patience. When that happens, you begin a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe! Why would he say that its better to prophesy than to speak in tongues wouldnt that disqualify a whole bunch of people? i choose cremation due to cost and i dont want this body of mine for worm food. He said that we must be born again. Hes an expert in looking at the evidence to find holes in peoples explanations. Thats not the whole story. 3:9), as the Church reaffirms in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): Outside the Church there is no salvation. Today, most in the western world dont. If He says more to you, good. First, thank you for your kind words. First, dont be afraid to ask them to see you get baptized. Your added to the lords church just like it says in Acts, baptism is for the forgiveness of sins. Its safe, and wise, and mature. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Heres the video: I would be very happy to help you with this, Ted. You need them, and they need you. Ted spent months trying to spread the word on the internet, since he didnt live near Salem. Youre now part of the discussion. Thats awesomebut thats not how God judges whether we should get into Heaven. You speak of Rob Bell. They will want to see that youve joined them as their sister in Christ, and to celebrate that decision with you. I appreciate hearing from you. Thanks again for writing, my friend. Pray. Like Paul, I dont baptize. What I dont like is music that makes me feel bad, and some songs do that to me. That power came from the Holy Spirit. All religion contains both Justice and a message of piece. Please dont hesitate to contact me with more questions, or if you need to talk, or would like to learn more about apologetics. Baptism is simply a public ceremony where you tell some of the Christians where you live that youve decided to follow Jesus. Being together is a primary way we grow and become better followers of Jesus. That, he explained, is how we get suicide bombers: they are told to do it by their teacher. Im now going to give you my best advicethe only advice I have. All throughout Scripture, we see that they are not the same person. And every possible answer is fraught with problems. another eden best otherlands weapons; emoji with tongue out to the side; halohydrins are formed by reaction of unsaturated compounds with; harrisburg homes mostyn manor Next, we should ask who decides who gets into Heaven?. I recommend it for every believer in fact, the Bible teaches that believers are expected to do this. The father saw him coming and RAN TO HIM, accepted him back, gave him a place of honor and threw him a big party. Instead, baptism isnt really explained at all. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.. Maybe youre in a similar situation. Those who are not reconciled to God go to Hell. why are you not on fire for Him and living the Christian life and bringing people into the Kingdom of God by telling them about Him ? Well, that would indeed be unfair. This machine keeps her alive, and runs on electricity. I promise. But its not a right now need. As dying progresses the heart beats less strongly, blood pressure falls, skin cools down and nails become dusky. Would you agree? I live in the middle of dinosaur country (Colorado, USA) and have seen and touched many dinosaur bones and dinosaur eggs. I dont commit adultery any more. Everything that happens each day is because Christ already laid it out before the foundation of the world. Listen carefully. The bible speaks of being asleep unconscience not knowing of anything at all until jesus returns and calls you up. Third, they gained wisdom in how to deal with the people around them. I was mistreated as a child, and the idea of spending eternity with people who treated me badly doesnt sound like fun at all. Im open to correction, but it has to come from the Bible. He was born with medical problems, and I have done as much as I can to help. I realize that this might be an old thread but after reading through all of these answers and your post there was something that struck me. Its not as if being baptized in the wrong church will hurt youtheyre just witnessing you getting wet. So without holyspirit we cant go heaven correct? Thats an admirable concern, but think about it for a while: if God is just (and I believe that He is), why would He hold you morally accountable for information you didnt have access to? While there are certainly some verses like the ones you mention that seem to say that we must be baptized to be saved, theres a very important thing to consider before settling on that doctrinal interpretation. If it really bothers you, spend a little time with your pastor(s) and ask about it. I got doubt, because There are consequences, to be surebut I wouldnt suggest that God would punish financial excess by taking out a loan in someone elses name. I have no way of knowing that. There must be a difference between being saved and just having everlasting life. As a new parent, the concept of death is about as far from your mind as it . Bring your guilt to God and ask Him to help you turn from the things that you should avoid. Thank you for your response. If we were supposed to worry about our dead bodies, we would have specific instructions in the New Testament to guide us. She got the point. Nobody has suggested that theyre nowhere. News stories, speeches, letters and notices. If you havent already, I hope that youll make the decision to place your full faith and confidence in Him right now. The ancient Israelites baptized converts to Judaism. My concern is not whether I can convince sinners to stop sinning, but whether I can make a case for them to trust God with their life and accept His free gift of salvation. If He will accept them without baptism, He will accept you and me. Mature believers will have a clear understanding of what they believe, and why. Sin is more than the refusal to make "genuine moral decisions"it is the refusal to love, worship, and obey God. We simply trust that He really DOES care for us, and that His way is FAR better than our way, and our relationship can go from being estranged to being at peace. Its about hearing the gospel and believing God. Christians arent to run around pointing out how other people are messing up were to run around and tell people that God has removed every obstacle that has kept them from Him. Im not sure I understand the question, but Ill guess. Let me explain how I deal with this issue. Sometimes, its not obvious. If they resist your desire to be baptized, you should not disobey them. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. The Limbo of Infants (Latin limbus infantium or limbus puerorum) is the hypothetical permanent status of the unbaptised who die in infancy, too young to have committed actual sins, but not having been freed from original sin.. Why do unbaptized babies go to Limbo? Christianity itself has never been truly explained to me and Im afraid that if I dont do something soon it will be to late. Youre the church. If we follow His teachings than we will become His children. Here it clearly states that the Word was in the beginning, and it was not only WITH God, it WAS God. The Father and Son and Spirit are ONE God, and have no body at all. They think that God is no big deal, and that theyre as free to reject God as they are free to not eat salads, or bacon. First, Hes a person. I believe that each persons sin, while grievous to God, is irrelevant in one sense: that a sinner who is reconciled to God will be considered righteous because of Jesus death on their behalf. If you need help, I will help you. We have the Holy Spirit living in us and you would know if you knew Him You would be doing extraordinary things for God and walking in His ways. In this case, God told Noah that he could eat anything. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Hes an interesting guy. If you take the time to read 2 Corinthians 5 a few times, youll get it. I think so. The best place for that is the Bible. Then it looks like the sin of being Gay is for God to punish. From a biblical perspective, it doesnt matter at all. I love God. Will god be able to forgive me? I just need guidance. Now I feel completely lost. When buying shoes, its important to get the right size. Im so very confused and worried. This cant be. That is what makes an old creature into a new one. I dont say this to put you down, of course. We could truly expand Gods kingdom on earth more effectively than we are in currently are. And that person is baptized and is a firm believer in god the. Most sacred heart, save us from the wrath of god. The church is not a denomination, or a religion. A lot of that happens when the child recognizes that, for this time in their life, they need to submit to their parents. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright GodWords 2023 - All Rights Reserved. Nobody is forced to agree with me, either in fact, time after time, I tell people to NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR ANYTHING. If what youve told me is the whole story, I disagree with them about your baptism but thats not meaningful at all. I have a question. Let me know what you think. That doesnt mean that just any church will do, but that we should make sure that our criticisms (yes, I have plenty as well) are both valid AND gracious. The main confusion that I see is that youre not convinced that the Father and Son and Spirit are all ONE GOD. Im 16 years old & I feel absolutely ridiculous writing this to you because I think its pointless. Have a great day! I have a few thoughts about this. Maybe you should just avoid playing your music while youre with them. Have a great day! Im not sure if i would say he is a false teacher because i dont see him questioning the resurrection of Jesus or the purpose for hom dying on the cross. This would include things like not wearing two kinds of fabric togetheran instruction for the ancient Israelites, as a reminder to not mix worship of the One True God with the worship of anything else. Let me know if you have any other questions. Or do his teachings tend to make readers re-evaluate everything they believe about God? Jesus did indeed die for all sins, for all people, for all timethere are no sins that were not covered by His death, save one: failing to be reconciled to God before you die. Im not sure I agree with your opinion in this article either. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but sit down and read a little regularly. Thats a silly idea. Your email address will not be published. Be super kind. We should also pay close attention to what it does say. I am not baptized but I am not afraid of Judgment day. We can learn all kinds of things about Him, but thats only knowledge. I recently dreamed of it 2 nights ago and I went further then I usually do and I woke up fearless I actually cried . Well, thats only the beginning of the awesomeness! Lets see what Jesus said: There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. Thats not a bad question. Where is Elijah and Enoch and Moses etc then? God has already given us some helpful information on how to live well. Whats the difference between going to Heaven and going to Hell? Worried Grandma. Why do some religious establishments usually Christian seem to be so judgemental of homosexuals and gay marriage and homosexuality period but turn a blind eye to fornication, rape, incest and child abuse? You may be better off if you try to figure out what that point might be. True story. I pray that he will give me the strength to know when I have found a true church, where saints and sinners can pray together and be saved by Christs plan before our planet Terra is transformed into Hades through world peace and New World Order. I know, that sounds weird. If you believe in Jesus Christ, why are you waiting? I suppose wrong is simply not trusting that God knows best, and failing to submit to His instructions. From where I stand, you should follow Jesus lead. Did you catch that? Belief is all that affects condemnation though. Ive been studying what Jesus said and did for a long, long time. First, I appreciate you being honest with me. God has done His part, and we are His ambassadors, begging people to be reconciled to Him. Maybe God has you there so youll be ready for better service later. Thats a horrific tragedy. Because you should probably have your own website. It should not be. (Luke 3:16). You and I may not meet here, but we will meet there if you belong to God. This is not a wise position to take. When you sin, talk to God about it. Do you only have one church near you, and want to avoid that one for personal reasons? I want to encourage you to look around for Christians in your area that you find encouraging, and helpful. In 2 Samuel 12 we learn of David's affair with . He doesnt like it when we hurt each other. Unfortunately, thats not necessarily good enough to convince anyone. Read Romans 10:9 If you believe that Jesus died for us all and rose on the third day, thought shall be saved. You should believe Him. Dont take MY word for anything Im just going to point you to the Bible so you can understand God a little better. 99% good? how to cancel quizlet subscription; denver criminal court docket; cody and caleb martin salary; how to remove a backwards bullet from the chamber Ill try to simplify, if possible. Its frightening for me to imagine that the sameWell.Creator, God, that demolished Sodom and Gomorrah for their glut of sin would allow monsters such as Hitler or Robespierre free entry into Heaven with saints, popes, Jesus. I want to make sure youre on the sheep side, and not the goats side. Have a great day! What do you think? If you have a faith community that is, a group of Christians that you worship and learn with you should be baptized in their presence as a statement of faith. The Bible describes Christians as people who are adopted into Gods family. The years after my baptism I unfortunately drifted away from Jesus, however recently I came back to Christ and repented my sins. Then we went back to the pastor and told him that NOT ONE SINGLE VERSE said what the lessons claimed. Christianity is following a person. Sir Tony may the almighty God grant you more grace and the anointing to continue the good work. If someone responds by saying no to God, and insists on living life on their own terms, they have no relationship with Him. Remind them that you want to be baptized because you want to be obedient to Jesus. I havent been baptized not because I didnt reject it its because I never had the opportunity. The Bible teaches that everybody already has all the information they need to know that God exists, to know what Hes like, and to be saved. In order to be saved, you have to believe. However: if you do fit into that category, I have good news. They idolize material wealth, success, and abstinence from sin (regardless of whether or not it is actually sin). I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. We also have Jesus telling His disciples that He didnt know exactly when He was coming backthat only the Father knew that. If you can, let me know whether you trust God completely, or if theres some way I can help you. Some are baptized in a river, or a pooleven a kiddie pool will do. You are free to be baptized if you wish, but it could mean a lot to not be baptized against their wishes, or behind their backs. Have you looked in the mirror and admitted that living life your way simply isnt going to work out like it should? Let me know if theres anything more I can do for you. Let me explain why I say that. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. The fact that people dont agree is no indication that every theory carries equal weight. I thought that Jesus was a piece of him in human form but not him entirely. No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again, God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Do not worry about exactly when Jesus will be coming back. If not, why would you believe that anyone should act contrary to what the Bible teaches? Thats a beautiful thing, Mer! Talk to Him. It's common for people to be very calm in the hours before they die. Everyone should repent of their sins and turn from their sinful ways but failing to do that isnt what sends people to Hell. After the battle of Armageddon, after Jesus 1000-year reign, after the great tribulation: I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Your brain stops. Does that make sense? Id like to share a passage of Scripture with you, from me to you:I thank my God every time I remember you. A friend, who was a missionary in Pakistan for many years, explained it to me. To see that your view of God is skewed, you only need to read the New Testament. Youre either running TO God or running FROM Godthe choice is yours. Do you trust God? Are you suggesting that you and I should be buried like Jesus in this way? All of the above is actually Step 1 combined for receiving the Holy Ghost Then theres Mark 11:24 where Jesus says you WILL receive what your heart desires.. so, if you desire to make it to heaven, Jesus made this promise to believers.. Then theres Acts 2:4: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Whoever says that this was for then, is highly mistaken! Jesus died to demonstrate Gods love for us. Jesus said in John 3 that no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again. When we accept Gods offer to be our King, we are changed. Then, about 2000 years ago, God came to earth as a baby. That means that our worship must come from the heart (not just going through the motions) and that our worship must be based on what God is really like. And God is helping me. This is underscored by what John the Baptist said about Jesus in Mark 1:7-8: After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. Let me encourage you to do a little homework in this area. Im replying to you, and our relationship is growing. I had just begun reading the bible and I did believe in Jesus however I am not certain if I fully grasped the meaning of salvation and the trinity. First, a false teacher is a teacher. God lives in you, Hannah! We dont want anybody left out. God loves you, Leah. Its really pretty simple. They are all One, with One Name, and that Name is Jesus. Are you as familiar with verse 17 as well? God IS vengeful, full of wrath and anger, and WILL punish if disobeyed. The idea seems to be that theyre worried about the resurrectionthat cremating their body will somehow make it harder for God to reunite their spirit with their flesh. You choose your own path in life. where will you be if you are not reconciled and once you die is it too late? What happens to unbaptized babies when they die? Then He died to show us how much He loves us: You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. The distinction is important. Talk to Him all the time. The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. If you truly have a fear of water thats preventing you from being baptized, your church should accommodate you. I feel God will call you to get baptized when its right, and theres no need to rush. Nicks question was very straightforward: Can a guardian angel appear as a family member? You didnt address Nicks question, and you didnt address my response. No thanks. What do I do as its getting too much to carry? And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. One cannot be found acceptable to God because they follow Catholic or Mormon doctrine. If thats what happened, it seems very uncommon. Romans 6:3-14 nails down the importance of why Jesus included baptism in Matthew 28:19 as he prepared to leave his disciples under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Hes already paid the penalty for our sins, so the only thing keeping us from being reconciled to God is our stubborn and prideful insistence on going it alone. (Repent) I feel bad for the sins I have done. Well first we must distinguish between being gay and engaging in sinful behavior. And do i get cremated or is that wrong? Lately Ive dedicated more of my life to God, destroyed my computer and tablet and spend more time in the word and prayer and my faith is growing. Will God still consider you a christian if your parents do not allow you to be baptized? Our problem is that were spiritually dead, and need to be made alive. Its a safety thing, especially for kids. Jesus didnt just die to save us, though. That babys name is Jesus. The only way to actually trust the chair is to sit on it. Thats Gods part. Youre rightthe Bible never says that you cant be privately baptized. Yes, I do believe in the trinity. My grandsons were murdered 16 and 14 stabbed to death and burned this year so very hard for our family .They werent baptized but they did believe in Jesus and know what he stood for they werent raised in church .They came from a 1 parent family They were good boys but they were hanging with the wrong crowd .I feel in my heart they are in heaven .The other night I was laying in bed and I know I saw Larry the 14 year old looking around the corner at me I miss them they were my only grandsonvi feel lost empty sad depressed but I keep going wondering why did such a terrible thing happen to these two your boys it still feels like a dream. the Lord Jesus is all about love, he doesnt bring sickness and disease on us, but he can allow things to happen. Im telling you to be aware that some in your church may sound wise and mature but still be spiritual infants.
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