alendronic acid has destroyed my life

დამატების თარიღი: 11 March 2023 / 08:44

I read somewhere Fosamax was taken off the market & it caused hair loss. I am 55 years old female and took 1 70mg dose of Alendronic Acid 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed with osteoporosis after a Dexa scan. Did your painn go away after it left your system. I really think the doctors for whatever reason are unable to tell people to eat right and exercise i.e. It belongs to a group of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are the most commonly used treatment for people with osteoporosis. When i DID start researching, after being on these meds for about a year I decided the risk just wasnt worth the POSSIBLE gain and stopped taking it. I decided to stop for a few months following my retirement as I was going travelling for 3 months. Ive now been put on Risedronate and after just 24 hrs I ache all over and keep getting sharp pains everywhere , seriously thinking of stopping this as side effects are awful. I read the leaflet and decided to google. But its come to my attention that long term , Alendronic acid has been studied in a small number of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta under 18 years of age. I also broke my hip, which made it even more difficult to do anything at all. It has further become clear that my symptoms were not and are not brought on by activity per se, but by an increase and deepening in my breathing, as if the extra air I take in is poisoning me in some way. My body awareness tells me otherwise. The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. 4 days after my 6th dose, I woke up in the night with right hip pain. Feel quite worried reading all these comments but thoughts Id just let people know that my 90 year old mother has been taking AA plus Adcal for about 8 years after two falls in which her wrists were broken ( falls due to hypotension caused by drug she was currently taking. September 2020 Diagnosed with PMR & prescribed Prednisolone + ADCAL3D +Alendronic Acid. Bisphosphonates are a class of osteoporosis drugs such as Boniva (ibandronate), Fosamax (alendronate), Actonel (risedronate) and Reclast (zoledronic acid). I know they say dairy is a good source of calcium but we are not cows and cant absorbe or digest soemthing that is meant for young calves. You can only take it with plain water, not mineral water. Sight has deteriorated (but attend Moorfields for regular check ups. She is currently in a lot of pain when she walks. I am not hoi going to take anymore Alendronic acid tablets. Ive been reading all the posts on this forum THINK I might stop altogether does anyone else get these symptoms. Many thanks for all your comments re Alendronic Acid, these have been most helpful in my decision to take this drug. take personal responsibility for themselves. No tablet is worth taking if no quality of life. But, due to some factors, your bone mass could decrease rapidly, and your body could break down bones much faster than replacing them. Started on Fosamax l6 years ago. Tablets the gift that keeps giving, I have just had a DXA scan (following a wrist fracture) and it came back I have really bad osteoporosis. Your doctor will put into consideration the lifestyle changes youve made. So I still have not gotten ANY doctor to tell me that the osteo drugs were what CAUSED this but I dont see any other possible cause. When my doctor told me emphatically that I couldnt build my bones with diet and exercise alone, I reluctantly said ok, but I want to take strontium. My life coaching business came to nothing I am unable to work. So I left the surgery with a prescription for alendronic acid and a promise I would have a scan after two years, not the usual three. Read on a page recently that the manufacturers of this drug have been sued in Canada by 1200 odd people and won 27.5 millionso why hasnt this been reviewed here. Not far into the walk (about 20 mins. My partner had videoed two of my jerking episodes for him to see and he asked if he could have copies to show colleagues for their opinions. I was going through a traumatic time at age 45 yrs and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the menopause and depression all at the same time. My entire body jerked violently as if I was having an epileptic fit, but I was conscious throughout. Im not really happy with the idea of another pill so asked what would happen if I didnt take them and she said I dont know ! Also, have you researched iodine? What is soil degradation in agriculture? I have been told to take kale with spinach and brocoli which is full of calcio blended with almond milk before breakfast and before going to bed. This medicine is available as a generic drug in oral pill or solution form and under brand names like Fosamax (oral tablet) and Binosto (oral effervescent medication). I do wonder if all of this is as a result of being on Seroxat for so long. Severe side effects include the following: In rare cases, alendronic acid may cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). To summarise, my probs appear to be muscular. I chose the infusions and, after two infusions, the Pagets was seen to be in remission. The Odteoporosis Society were great adn adviced me to see a specialist. the pain in my muscles and bones is unbearable, chills, last I had night sweat, my stomach was bloated, acid reflex and the headache along with my jaw ache wont go away. In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasn't desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. On the third dose I took the tablet with a glass of water as usual and as it was 6.30am I decided to take the lurcher I was looking after for a longish walk (as you cant sit down once you had taken the tablet). So was my face. I drank 2 cups of coffee. 25 yrs later Ive had a Dexa scan and was told my spine was crumbling and the reading was far worse than the worst possible. You would think that and the fact that in Canada a class action suit was brought against the manufacturers of this drug, would be enough to warrant serious alarm bells. As the Corona virus is ongoing we cannot go back to the GP yet, but she is convinced all the aches started after coming off of it!! The bottom of my feet hurt. Ostopenia and had a high risk of a fracture. As I sat up from the bed my head started to pound. Delighted to report Tum is behaving much better since giving up just hoping the other side effects ( Jaw and Teeth) dont show up unexpected! . My lower face is completely swollen on the left side. Eventually I asked to see a movement disorder specialist, as by this time I was convinced I must have some dreadful neurological problem., Ive just been perscribed alendronic acid 70mg to take one a week..could you tell me if this is seroxat. But, because you naturally produce vitamin D3, your doctor might not recommend you take supplements unless you have a deficiency. I am on prednisolone for polymyalgia. Despite the doctors assurances that it wasnt addictive, I became addicted.,, Some years later she was in terrible pain and her doctor wouldnt believe me when i said that i thought her hips were dying. Continue reading for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. When I researched Fosamax/drug intolerance I found it is a reported side effect that people (usually women aged 50 70, of course) became intolerant of other drugs whilst having taken Fosamax for 2 5 years. Dont freeze it but keep it at room temperature between 15-30C. Since things improved I kept taking the medication. To my surprise he agreed. Two hours later, I finally could eat, and drink. It got better in the day, but flared up at night for a few nights, then resolved. Reading these reports,i am now 63 & After taking AA 70mg per wkfor 2months,& all the awful side effects mentioned here,consultant wants to try zoledronate yearly infusion. I was prescribed alendronic acid as my DEXA scan showed mildish osteoporosis when I started arimidex. reading all of your comments I will not be taking another one of theses tablets . For more about osteoporosis and medication, see Fragile Doctors: Iatroporosis. prevent cancer spreading to the bone. From then on the amount of activity needed to bring on the symptoms became less and less, to where I am now. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . Singing, to my deep distress, is now out of the question, along with all the other active things I loved to do. Thank you for all y9our input re: Alendronic Acid. 74, fractured hip. Make sure the spinach is cooked to get rid of the oxylates which inhibit calcium absorbtion; so cook your spinach. Alendronic acid (bisphosphonate) is a prescription medication used to help your bones stay as strong as possible. I stopped taking these tablets after 3 weeks due to pain in my legs and still have it sfter 3 weeks and hoping it will come out of my body soon. I have had to keep off coffee, fruit and anything acidic for months, I even tried gaviscon which made me feel sick and had a bloated stomach for 2 hours. If I could try these first what would people recommend and . I also had pain/soreness behind the eyes and a niggling headache for 48 hours. As far as the AA, its track record shows there have been dental issues in some people. There has to be a better way. Below are the most common things you can do to care for your bones after you stop taking alendronic acid: You probably want to get rid of taking alendronic acid as soon as possible and do the natural way of treatment to avoid serious side effects in the future. does newark airport have a centurion lounge; como pagar solo un mes de powtoon; michael burry wife picture; key performance indicators in nursing education. Abstract. Went to ER did EKG and blood work. Alendronate works similarly to other bisphosphonate drugs like risedronate, ibandronate, zoledronic acid, pamidronate, and etidronate. This is a condition that causes your bones to get weaker and be more likely to break. I am a naturally upbeat person, but on Wednesdays when I take this drug my body feels so different, I dont like it. This study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 2-year study. Surgeon said her bones in the hip and pelvis crumbled away like chalk and hed never seen that as severe before. This full head pain is extremely bad. Im very concerned and unsure what to do? My recent BMD test shows i have esteoporosis. Like to leave a reply to louise bird Everything was find. Pharmaceutical drugs are just about making money and not curing people. Hi,all these comments are really helping me to decide not to take anymore Alendronic Acid,I had my Dexa scan September 2017 and was diognosed with Osteoporosis and prescribed AA and Cal D3. Steroids such asprednisoloneordexamethasone. GP is arranging for a bone scan . I have an annual blood test at hospital for gluten. I have done my research an hoping to give up on alendronic and follow the advice in the books. I also are very intolerant to any meds but my doctor had at last convinced me to trythis and suffice to say I will not be taking any more. Then seen a doctor over the pains in my head he asked how long Id been taking alendronic when I told him how long Id on them, he was horrified and reported straight away.They discovered I had broken Vertebrae leaning on my spinal cord.Alendronic should be band. A big thank you to all. After reading the comments I will not be taking it again. 2023 The Heart & Brain. alendronic acid has destroyed my life Had this procedure yesterday 30th Jan 2021 (My Birthday ) Found absolutely nothing clean bill of health with my colon Such a relief Guess I will never know for sure if the medication was responsible but I am convinced that it was & will never ever take AA + ADCAL3D again. This caused the bone to shatter like glass ! Alendronic acid, ibandronic acid, risedronate sodium and zoledronic acid are bisphosphonates, licensed for treating osteoporosis. In April 2010 I went back to my gym routine, and within a few weeks the second jerking episode occurred. This makes them at high risk of developing osteopenia or osteoporosis. I felt so incredibly ill the next day. Want to take back controle before I find myself surrendering myself to more drugs. MY blood pressure became high and I was sent for a ECG on the 29th of November which showed I have at somepoint had a mild heart attack which I was unawear of and have now in December been put on Ramipril 2.7mg and Simvastatin 40mg. As a follow up to my earlier post, on Feb 21st 2021, I am still experiencing side effects as a result of the ingestion of 1 biphosphonate Alendronic Acid 70g tablet on Sunday Feb 2nd. I was prescribed alendronic acid 1x weekly. Alendronic acid and teeth extraction My mother saw the dentist recently because of gum infection. She has had none of the horrible side effects mentioned in these posts so it must work for some people. Exercise and healthy food and some good supplements. Now have constant A blood test followed and the inflammation was evident in the test, but I did not test positive for RA which I was worried about. Their mode of action is to disrupt normal bone remodeling, which is ultimately detrimental to bone integrity and fracture resistance. The PA was baffled. The whole remit of Western medicine is to treat symptoms without curing, so that long term profits can be made. car underglow laws australia nsw. My mother is 83 and has been on this drug for over twenty years with only one bone scan. I think I will investigate more about Boron like the reviewer above. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to newsletter Was taken into hospital and because I was taken alendronic they discharged me with 4 Tramadol pain was excruciating..Then I started knocking on doors ring any doctor who would listen no one listen. I do have quite a high reading of osteoporosos but I feel I need to know what it really does to the body. It works by suppressing the activity of osteoclasts, cells that cause destruction of bone. And yes side effects are happening, muscles ache, jaw aches, I did have an X-ray on my jaw and its fine TG. Its harmful if you suddenly stop taking it without a proper assessment from your healthcare provider. So if u are on adcal or calcium as well check out it isnt that causing any side effects. Took dose 7, and on and off right hip aches, but now radiating to thigh. I decided to stop. Inhibiting osteoclast function, as bisphosphonates do, lessens bone resorption. The last two weeks I have felt terribly sick, not eaten much had terrible bloated stomach, one Sunday I felt so ill I had to do a 111 saw a medical person and was given a thorough test being told everthing was ok, I had put it all down to my gallbladder which it wasnt. Where do you live Jane hope you dont mind me asking. I thought, as I was 53 and just into the menopause, it would be sensible to have my bones scanned and was shocked to be told I too have osteoporosis in the spine. Hi everyone.I am new to this forum.I started taking Alendronic acid for the first time yesterday.I have had a bone density scan which shows i have oesteoporosis.I am 59 years old,considered myself quite fit until last June,I have read the side effects of these tablets and what other people have put about them.I am quite scared about taking anymore.I felt fine yesterday after taking mu first . I had been suffering with a terrible burning tongue for eight months and I also had aching legs, this burning tongue I put down to the gallstones I have got. Also take two drugs for cholesterol and statins i rattle !! With this. Two or three times a week. Ive not been offered another dexascan in four years but if this swelling goes down my GP can decide what he wants to do about treatment, if any. The NHS say. She was given physiowhat a mistake that was.After fighting to get her x rayed, the doctor phoned her and said that I was right and she needed a hip replacement, her hips had crumbled away. Bisphosphonates like alendronic acid and risedronic acid have been the subject of research on their effectiveness in treating osteoporosis. Thus, it helps increase bone density, reduce the risk of bone fractures, and treat osteoporosis. The strange thing is that as soon as I read: That is exactly the reaction I had years ago to Metoclopramide the anti sickness drug. It knocked me out so I stopped it. Im very concerned, like you & so many others, about the side effects of AA which I have just started today! Hi I will not take the poison again. The hospital talking about infusions once a year but still waiting for a appointment. In addition, you should cut down on your alcohol intake, stop smoking, do strength training and supplement your body with calcium and vitamin D3, K2, and magnesium regularly. This is just too weird. Should there be a next time I will follow my own advice as I believe we all know our own bodies to a degree of course & I will follow my gut instinct!!! Fosamax (alendronic acid) is used to treat osteoporosis. I developed teeth probs just before diagnosis so treatment sounds scary if things are made worse by AA. The optimal length of therapy remains unknown. I stopped taking alendronic acid straight away and now wake every morning in the hope that there might be some improvement in my condition. Im also having episodes of increased heart rate on a regular basis just from walking a short distance. Taking alendronic acid for at least a year can halve your chances of fractures in your wrist, hip, or spine when youve entered the menopausal stage. This was on top of my usual activity levels. You can only stop taking alendronic acid when your doctor says so. I am 62 and expected some challenges at my age but this has been a shock! If you were prescribed to take 10 mg of alendronic acid, swallow one whole tablet daily. Ive read your article and the comments with deep interest and concern. Rare and serious effects such as femur fractures and jaw problems (osteonecrosis of the jaw) have been reported. I have spent the past 4 hrs reading up on this medication and these reviews! Another problem that really concerns me is that my teeth feel rough, as though the surface is eroding. Im sure they will sound familiar. She suggested maybe I stop taking the AS but I already had. I have been put on prednisone and even though my bones are ok I have been prescribed AA as prednisone destroys bones. This year the odd finger started my hands have started shaking when I am on my keyboard but for the past 3 months both hands shake. Suddenly not taking or stopping this medication may cause severe side effects. I had to ask the doctor at hospital when I went for gluten test and results. I think its great that we can come in here and discuss how we are feeling. Do not take alendronate if you have low calcium levels. Due to cutbacks now prescribed unnamed Alendronic and feel absolutely ghastly. I am 79 and took my first Allendronic tablet last Weds. The doctors do say though that we should let them know if we have any. they can have the opposite effect ! These chemicals were developed in the 19th century but were not investigated until the 1960s for bone metabolism. I feel much better and fitter than before. I am taking much more care of myself with exercise an I am totally sugar gluten dairy and alcohol free. I was on it for 9+ years and it caused fractures in my sacrum and pelvis. My face had also experienced this and I have had swollen lips. I have even had to report my concern and disappointment and lack of care by both my GP and Dentist. For all patients: Dental practitioners should ask about current or past use of When I initially had a bone scan they said Id have another one after three years, Ive never had another one. The my neck was hurting. This settled after a few days and I thought no more about it. In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasnt desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. Now on Alendronic 70 weekly. Does anyone know the scientific evidence for Alendronic acid and what it does to the body that makes so many people feel achy and dizzy? Do not just stop taking alendronic acid without your doctors approval. The following guidelines are suggested, and are likely to be revised as further evidence is published or when a national guideline is produced. They are ok and work fine for first few years ! Cholesterol-lowering medications -- A class of medications known as bile acid sequestrants (including cholestyramine, colestipol, and colesevelam), used to treat high cholesterol, may interfere with normal calcium absorption and increase the loss of calcium in the urine. I found it all extremely interesting and worrying. . I went back to my GP to inform him that I couldnt take them and he readily gave me another prescription for Risedronate 35mg one a week which I am now frightened to take because the possible side effects listed are exactly the same as the AA. The dentist recommend my mom to have all teeth in the lower jaw removed (some are already loose) and get denture. Alendronate helps to reduce the risk of fracture in people with osteoporosis and some other bone conditions. Alendronic acid is generally safe for long-term use and stays in your body. I thought that I had been duped, once, into taking a drug I probably didnt need for an illness I probably didnt have, a drug that damaged my health. Ive just read your post on this thread about Alendronic Acid & was hoping you might share your naturopathic bone protocol supplementation with me. Ulcers or erosions of your esophagus and gut, which include symptoms like severe heartburn, trouble and pain when swallowing, Bone death or damage on your jaw with symptoms like painful or swollen gums, loosening of teeth, numbness and heavy feeling in your jaw, and mouth sores, Unusual bone breaks in your hip and leg bones which is indicated by a dull, aching pain in your hips, groin, or thighs, Damage of bones in your inner ear with symptoms ear pain, ear discharge, or infection, Swelling in the eyes which have signs like blurred vision, painful or red eyes. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press.. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic on Incontinence; NEW - The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press NEW - The Essential Diabetes Book; NEW - Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press NEW - Ending the Opioid Crisis There are 8,218 reported reactions, bear in mind many dont report the side effects to the Yellow Card Scheme. Took AA on Sunday and the next night I was in so much pain, I couldnt move. This is a vile drug dangerous and should be pulled from market to protect any future victims. tazewell county, va indictments 2021; le malentendu absurde; strabag scarborough subway extension; what to eat with hummus for weight loss; steakhouse fort lauderdale After trying a variety of non-drug treatments, I went to the doctor in December 1996 with intermittent insomnia and PMS, and asked for some sleeping tablets. For oral liquid medicine, use the dosing syringe to measure one unit (70 mg in 100 ml) of oral solution and take it once a week. Withdrawal was so extreme that the longest I ever lasted off the drug was seven weeks, the worst of my life. Just had to reply to your post! I was thinking maybe I was dehydrated, so I drank a few bottles of purified water. I dont know if these problems have been caused by the AA, but Im now thinking that I should stop taking it and see if my symptoms resolve. I would really welcome views on whether a reading of -4.5 is too high to be able to treat with exercise, diet and supplements. Alendronic acid belongs to a group of non-hormonal medicines known as bisphosphonates, which prevent bone loss from the body. About 3 hours later, I started to feel weird, sort of dizzy. Ive only had one tablet of the Alendronic Acid yesterday, but seem to have quite a few of the side effects so wont have another again, and am miffed to see that people have problems for weeks even after one tablet. It has given me bad acid reflux.

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alendronic acid has destroyed my life

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