So they Aryanised him. In the 1920s, he met Hitler. He became ill but was reinvigorated by a visit Adolf Hitler paid him in 1923. As for Aristotle, he would not have been remembered in the same way had it not been for Plato. In Chamberlains work, the past is a warning for the present. 10 Diese Anschauung von der Bedeutung der Kunst entspricht auch, wenn ich nicht irre, einer spezifischen Anlage des deutschen Geistes. We find that actual, concrete knowledge, that is, the great work of toilsome discovery, has one deadly enemy, omniscience. They then left testimonies of their genius in immaculate and pristine temples that were currently used, in the 19th century, to demonstrate the superiority of white mankind. You are not at all, as you have been described to me, a fanatic. is a form of prolonged indictment against the Jews, depicted as a race full of hatred, longing for might and vengeance. He became a member of the Wagner circle and grew quite intimate with the family of the, whose daughter, Eva, he ended up marrying. While their cousins who had stayed in the north still ate raw meat and lived in caverns, the Germans of the Souththat is to say, the Greeks and the Romansate healthy food and created civilisation. The fanatic inflames the mind, you warm the heart. This second visit was, according to Goebbels, a heartbreaking episode which Berlins new, Das Tagebuch von Joseph Goebbels, 1925-1926. While their cousins who had stayed in the north still ate raw meat and lived in caverns, the Germans of the Souththat is to say, the Greeks and the Romansate healthy food and created civilisation. This idea according to which the Greeks and the Germans shared the same taste for beauty had been a commonplace for Konversationslexika since Johann Winckelmann published, in 1764, his Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums (History of Ancient Art).9 In the words of Chamberlain: This assumption of the importance of the arts corresponds to a specific character of the German mind, if I am not mistaken10. Like Hegel, Chamberlain praised the Greeks for inventing freedom and the key notion of personality: Over there, in Asia, in the East, no man had ever been a person. Johann Chapoutot, From Humanism to Nazism: Antiquity in the Work of Houston Stewart Chamberlain ,Miranda [Online], 11|2015, Online since 23 July 2015, connection on 05 March 2023. 325-363. Was sagt man zu einer Geschichte, die mehr als 1200 Jahre umfasst, und nicht einen einzigen Philosophen aufweist, ja, nicht einmal das kleinste Philosphchen? , Leipzig, 1869. So the Berbers of Morocco were Nordic originally. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Sehr geehrter und lieber Herr Hitler 7. 3This book has the reputation of being hard, if not impossible, to read. The ), British-born Germanophile political philosopher, whose advocacy of the racial and cultural superiority of the so-called Aryan element in European culture influenced pan-German and German nationalist thought, particularly Adolf Hitlers National Socialist movement. Die vlkische Bewegung im wilhelminischen Kaiserreich. After France, Italy, Belgium, he ended up in Vienna, then in Geneva, where he earned a Bachelors degree in Science. As a tribute to Chamberlain, and in the similar style of his book, Alfred Rosenberg, the chief ideologist of the Nazi party, entitled his own work, , the gospel of Nazism. He eventually settled in Dresden, Germany, after his Prussian tutor had filled his young mind with Teutonic tales of Germanic greatness. Dans sa dmonstration, lantiquit grco-romaine tient une place essentielle. Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1600-06, Houston Stewart Chamberlain.jpg 367 599; 94 KB. What were the problems caused by modernity and how could the world be improved for the sake of the better portionthe white portionof humanity? Ein Beitrag zur historischen Methodenkritik, in, Hellas: Griechische Geschichte und deutsche Geisteswissenschaft. : to fight against the (revolutionary) French idea of Nation based on the (false) assumption of equality. The naturalized German citizen Houston Stewart Chamberlain wrote in 1899 that the German race struggled to maintain its purity because of the Darwinian form of natural selection that caused Germans to feel a revulsion toward intermixing with lesser races. Jetzt glaube ich einzusehen, da dies grade Ihr Wesen bezeichnet und sozusagen umschliet: der wahre Erwecker ist zugleich Spender der Ruhe. This book had already been published in, Die Rasse in den GeisteswissenschaftenBand II: Hauptepochen und Hauptvlker der. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was born in Southsea, England, on Sept. 9, 1855. After attending a lyce in Versailles and a boarding school in Cheltenham, he visited destination spas and various health resortshe did not have a very sound constitutionwith his chaperon and a tutor. ). The idea of physical race unity and rice purity, which is the very essence of Judaism, signify the recognition of a fundamental physiological fact of life; wherever we observe life from the hyphomycetes to the noble horse we see the importance of "race"; judaism made this law of nature sacred. , of the European bourgeoisie: in other words, racism, social Darwinism and colonialism. The Jews are a case in point; if a man possesses a sacred book, which contains all wisdom, then all further investigation is as superfluous as it is sinful: the . Counter-revolutionary theoreticians exalted in Germany the biological idea of the Volk and coined the word vlkisch as an alternative to the French adjective national. Despite this biological disaster or the inevitable fall of the Romans, the Nordic race did not disappear. Meuchelmrderisch hatte sich der asiatische und afrikanische Knecht bis zum Thron des rmischen Imperiums hinaufgeschlichen, inzwischen der syrische Bastard sich des Gesetzeswerkes bemchtigte, der Jude die Bibliothek zu Alexandria benutzte, um hellenische Philosophie dem mosaischen Gesetze anzupassen (). Cartea n dou volume a lui Chamberlain, Die . emphasizes the importance of race, nation, personality, the creative idea in history . ner'sson-in-lawand chief disciple was Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Jahrhunderts. An Anthology of Texts, London, Routledge, 2002. And this is the reason why it triumphantly . He also had quite a vast cultural knowledge for a self-made man. The Europe the Romans had ambitioned was saved by a racial messiah: the Germanic tribes which, by invading the Empire, preserved the continent and its civilization. It is no wonder that an Englishman like Chamberlain became part of the Wagner Circle for Britons were considered to be members of the Aryan race like any other German(ic) man. Oktober 1923, quoted in Stackelberg, Roderick, Winkle, Sally. In 1899 Chamberlain wrote his most important work, 'Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts' . Jesus Christ was, strangely enough, of pure Germanic blood. I, chap. As a tribute to Chamberlain, and in the similar style of his book, Alfred Rosenberg, the chief ideologist of the Nazi party, entitled his own work, The Myth of the 20th Centurya book which was meant to be, with Mein Kampf, the gospel of Nazism. The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. You probably mean Arthur Neville Chamberlain(1869-1940), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.And yes, if you mean Field Marshal Sir Neville Chamberlain (1820-1902), prominence in Munity etc . Es hat meine Gedanken beschftigt, wieso gerade Sie, der Sie in so seltenem Grade ein Erwecker der Seelen aus Schlaf und Schlendrian sind, mir einen so langen erquickenden Schlaf neulich schenkten, wie ich einen hnlichen nicht erlebt habe seit dem verhngnisvollen Augusttag 1914, wo das tckische Leiden mich befiel. Die athenische Demokratie und die deutsche Althistorie bis 1945, Peter Lang, Bern, New York, 1986, 332p. 9 Decultot, Elisabeth, Johann Joachim Winckelmann. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland.26. Though it were proved that there was never an Aryan race in the past, yet we desire that in the future there may be one. Two of his uncles were generals, and a third was a . The Persians indeed were Jews, at least as much as the Greeks were Germans, and the Persian Wars were nothing else than a racial struggle which lasted over a century between Asia and Europe. copies. Houston Stewart Chamberlain - a Darwinist whom was identified as racist theorist was also a cultural critic. But something is as clear as the sun at midday: if the Phenician people had not been exterminated () mankind would never have experienced () this 19, century that we can consider with pride and hope, For Chamberlain, the victory of the Carthaginians over the Romans would have been a catastrophe: We have been saved by the brutal, of Cato and the likes. Racism, including racial antisemitism, was always an integral part of German National . Hitler and Goebbels got the chance to pay him another visit, in May 1926, just before he passed away. "Foundations of the Nineteenth Century". Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland. This obsession with diseases and the assimilation of blood-mixing with infection is a common characteristic, as well as a deep concern, among the most convinced racists of the time,23 and not just in Germany. Greek and Roman antiquity play an essential part in his argumentation. Those three cities had been, throughout the 19. century, the epitome of Western culture: the Greeks had bequeathed philosophy and the arts, the Romans the Law and the Empire, and Jerusalem had opened a new path to salvation with the teachings of Jesus Christ. What is left of Rome today is no other than a landscape of ruins which looks like the white skeleton of a dead civilization. 18 Ohne ihn ging der Tag des Indoeuropers zu Ende. . Contrary to what is being taught by those who are too lazy to think and by flagrant historical lies, the Germanic invasions did not destroy the Empire but saved it from its fatal jewification and degeneration. This attempt at completing the Nazi evangelium was not crowned with success: Hitler, who considered Mein Kampf as sufficiently self-explanatory, despised Rosenbergs reflections which Goering himself went as far as to call a mere philosophical burp. This would be taught in the ideological courses every member of the party (among which, members of the SS) had to take. Order: He imported some of his arguments from the . If only those elites would come to that same awareness, they would crush any opposition and rule the world for good. From his anthropological research, . Schemann, Ludwig, Die Rasse in den GeisteswissenschaftenBand II: Hauptepochen und Hauptvlker der Geschichte in ihrer Stellung zur Rasse, Munich, Lehmanns Verlag, 1930. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He also had quite a vast cultural knowledge for a self-made man. He defined himself as an Ungelehrter, taking pride in not being a trained scholar, which he deemed was unworthy of his natural talents. He then joined the Nazi party before he passed away in 1927. He defined himself as an Ungelehrter, taking pride in not being a trained scholar, which he deemed was unworthy of his natural talents. They settled down in Greece and Rome, enjoying the benefits of cultural photosynthesis, thanks to the sun and mild climate of the Mediterranean. In 1899 he published Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, 2 vol., 1911), a broad but biased analysis of European culture, in which he claimed that the Western Aryan peoples have been responsible for the greatness and creativity of Europe, and that the Jewish influence has been primarily negative. Was der Chamberlain da in seinen Grundlagen geschrieben hat, ist gelinde gesagt dumm, Hitler quoted in Rauschning, Hermann, Gesprche mit Hitler, Wien, Zrich, New York, Europa Verlag, 1940, p.51. He published in 1899, in Munich, a very large book entitled the Foundations of the 19th Century5 (Grundlagen des 19 Jahrhunderts). In these publications, Chamberlain emphasized the heroic Teutonic aspects in the composers works. Chamberlain is unique, however, in the fact that he is the only author surveyed in . 22 Den Jesus knnen Sie nicht zum Arier machen, das ist Unsinn. Since he and Hider were very close friends and he married Wagner's daughter, one can imagine the mutually satisfactory con-versations that must have taken place among them on the subject of race. After France, Italy, Belgium, he ended up in Vienna, then in Geneva, where he earned a Bachelors degree in Science. Hitler also held a view that Aryans had developed an ancient civilization . They then left testimonies of their genius in immaculate and pristine temples that were currently used, in the 19. century, to demonstrate the superiority of white mankind. 19 Fenske, Wolfgang, Wie Jesus zum Arier wurde. And Chamberlain would not be the last to perform such a, under the Third Reich; for instance, an official Protestant church pledged to the Nazi party, . Johann Chapoutot. Not a Jew, by all means! Apart from being a compendium of all the cultural clichs of the time, Chamberlains. What Chamberlain wrote in his Foundations is just stupid, to put it nicely22. Houston Stewart Chamberlain. In that respect, he is not being entirely fair to the author. The immigration of strangers to the race was recurrently presented as the invasion of microbes and viruses into a healthy and sound body. Sample translated sentence: . , the vision of antiquity remained the same: a Germanic golden age in Greece and Rome which was scattered and shattered by the Jews. In this monumental piece of work, he tried to answer the following questions: what made (t)his period the most remarkable one in history? He became somewhat of a war hero during the First World War, during which he was a talented propagandist against his own country, Great Britain. Chamberlain, der Seher des Dritten Reiches : das Vermchtnis Houston Stewart Chamberlains an das deutsche Volk : in einer Auslese aus seinen Werken [1936 - 1934] Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. Greetings to you, spiritual father. Off we go. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary . 4 Field, Geoffrey G., Evangelist of Race.The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, New Yor ; 5 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Munich, Bruckmann, 1899, ; 2 A passionate and self-educated man, Houston Stewart Chamberlain studied and read a lot, eager to explore many different fields at once: history, philosophy or the natural sciences. Since the purpose of his Foundations of the 19th Century was to try and explain everything about life and history, it naturally had to start with Antiquity for the authors exhaustive survey to have any semblance of logic at all. A translation from the German by JOHN LEES, M.A., D.Litt. I want to cry out, I want to weep. Like Hegel, Chamberlain praised the Greeks for inventing freedom and the key notion of personality: Over there, in Asia, in the East, no man had ever been a person. . Since the purpose of his, was to try and explain everything about life and history, it naturally had to start with Antiquity for the authors exhaustive survey to have any semblance of logic at all. The English-born German writer Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) formulated the most important theory of Teutonic superiority in pre-Hitlerian German thought. cit., p.50. In 1899, his. Now I believe I understand that it is precisely this that characterizes and defines your being: the true awakener is at the same time the bestower of peace25. This meant rewriting, mimicking and sometimes even plagiarizing parts of Hegels Lectures on the Philosophy of History, which, since it had been posthumously published in 1837, had become mandatory homework for those who wanted an easy introduction to the work of the great philosopher. The Teutonic warrior is therefore celebrated by Chamberlains book with the same resonating fury as Wagners operas: Ohne ihn ging der Tag des Indoeuropers zu Ende. 27 Sie haben Gewaltiges zu leisten vor sich, aber trotz Ihrer Willenskraft halte ich Sie nicht fr einen Gewaltmenschen. devotion baptism . . Die Rasse in den GeisteswissenschaftenBand II: Hauptepochen und Hauptvlker der Geschichte in ihrer Stellung zur Rasse, The Nazi Germany Sourcebook. Greek and Roman antiquity play an essential part in his argumentation. Feb by Claudio. Historians must therefore make the effort to understand that, for Chamberlains coevals, his book was important in that it provided an answer, at the time, to important questions and, to a larger extent, tried to give a meaning to history.
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