phan rang air base agent orange

დამატების თარიღი: 11 March 2023 / 08:44

6 long. My request has been at the Board of Veterans Appeals since 9/17/2019 with 48,444 appeals ahead of me as of 11/06/2022. So, my driver and I had to wait outside for about two hours until the alert was over. Has anyone had a claim approved for agent orange exposure during that time? 20 years later I developed Diabetes and have since gotten Neuropathy of both feet and legs and mild in my fingers, lost all my toes on right foot and some partial loss on left foot. Sp4 James R Berry. From there we went on missions taking supplies, to where we were told, Cambodia. I have really bad peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure, and many other health issues. So, my thoughts are that anyone that is reading this long comment, please dont give up when filing a VA Claim and make sure that whomever is doing the research (such as a VFW VSO, AmVets, DAV, etc) are qualified to look deep into your Military Personnel and Medical Records and, dont just let them assume that its not an issue worth pursuing, as if I never did, I wouldnt be receving the exemplary care from the Manila VA in the way of prescribed medication and the physicians that I saw that made the correct diagnosis. I was assigned to the A Flight unit assigned to Danang airbase, Nov 1968-69 as aircraft maintenance and crew chief on acft 43-49211. I served in the army 1972-75, I was assigned in Korea with the 1st 31st inf 2nd ID north of the Imjin River Nov 1972- Nov 73 and received HFP. 1.9). Its a declassified document on how every base in Thailand was established from a security perspective. Phan Rang Air Base, 1965-1970 militaryvideocom 40.7K subscribers 52K views 15 years ago Like This Movie Trailer? I know people in other branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept . But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. T he U.S. has launched a $183 million clean-up campaign at a former air base in Vietnam that was used to store the toxic chemical Agent Orange. I have developed a form of MD it was identified as Inclusion Body Myositsis. If your work area, was in the outer perimeter you may get approved. return to top Contact Health Care 877-222-8387 Benefits 800-827-1000 TDD (Hearing Impaired) 800-829-4833 Most of us young airmen were required to train for and deployed to perimeter as part of base security. God Bless, and good luck on the benefit that you so deserve. Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. He recently passed and was exposed to agent orange. Thanks go to the Good Lord above for sending my DAV Service Officer who did a great job fulfilling her service to Veterans and going that extra mile to help get me 100% Service Connected. They are requiring proof that I was exposed to agent orange. Salute. Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. Im sure that the flight plans werent all the same though. If it wasnt for that letter I think I would still be waiting for the VA to approve my claim. Thanks for all of the help brothers. Phan Rang AB News No. We had to work with the thai police who carried weapons and we could not. Besides reuniting with old friends and making new ones, our goal is to preserve the stories of our Phan Rang brothers. He passed away from Pancreatic Cancer on July 4th, 2016, three and a half months after being diagnosed with diabetes and the cancer. Was volunteeredto crew a ORH C-123 through UDorn eventually to Buen Hoa and others in Vietnam. But, NOTHING WAS EVER PLANTED ON THAT OPEN FIELD FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969!!!!! Thank everyone for your service. visit for more resources. We flew over Cambodia locating transmitters of the Khmer Rouge during their invasion of Phnom Penh. Empresas similares. The Air Force literally flew me around the world from RAF Upper Heyford UK to repair one Voodoo in Udorn I worked on the jet on the flight line adjacent to perimeter. Before moving on to the 1969map andexample from theAMS 1:50,000 set, it is necessary to explainthatthe U.S. governmentviewedThailand as a logical staging area for American forces because of its proximity to North and South Vietnam. I was tdy to Nam and Laos. I recall 1-2 days where there was a thick chemical fog over the base in U-Tapao; not sure whether this was AO. were issued M-14 rifles, and spent the night in a field on guard duty. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be My brother was the very best brawler I have known so I still find it hard to believe that he would have been badly injured in any kind of brawl. Thanks for starting this blog! Having trouble proving I had perimeter guard duty! I remember watching them clear the perimeter so my question does the VA recognize Takhli around that time for agent orange area to worry about. Any one in UDORN around 1971? I have had an ABLATION and TWO (2) Defibrillator Implants; Hearing loss; Glaucoma, plus radiation treatment for PROSTATE CANCER.I later learned that planes from my Thai Base were taking off with Agent Orange. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. I could sure use a map showing the location of the MARS shack. Every base was sprayed. Dont give up. I have many of the problems associated with the use of chemical clearing uses. I do this all from my disability income. Borrowed in absentia may be better suited. I have a lot of the presumptive conditions but was also denied compensation. the set isfairly distributed and is listed in twenty-one libraries, according to AO is killing us slowly from the inside. Thank you. We served our country; they subjected us to bad toxins; then they reject our claims! Anyone willing to share photos or maps, etc? From a much different war, my father, an Army Combat Engineer enlisted soldier and officer (battlefield commission) served in the Pacific from 1941 to 1944. 2 Squadron RAAF Boeing 737 AEW&C aircraft during a deployment to the Middle East in 2017 I have a photo of Agent Orange barrels located in the Thai Army Camp area .An Ariel view of our camp in its early stages show that it wasnt cleared by machinery only. I have not filed as I dont live in the USA. I know he saw agent Orange there because when he got out he wrote a paper for school about agent orange. After coming home, 7 months later went to Ubon TDY with the 33rd. rats n tower with bug. I worked on the flightline supervising local Vietnamese employees that maned the Wash Rack. The base was hit more than 25 times during my tour of duty, but that was by far the worst. I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). By commenting on our blogs, you are fully responsible for everything that you post. The restaurant I run today was formerly part of a joint officers accommodation facility. I have had cancer currently in remission, neuropathy in my feet and asthma. The VA asked for a buddy letter to prove my assignment. Agent Orange was tested from 1962 to 1968. Phan Rang Air Base was an important United States Air Force base during the Vietnam War. The base consisted of a mess hall houtches and the air strip and planes that were frequently flew missions Im pretty sure that agent Orange was stored there and that the jungle was sprayed around the perimeter of the camp. Sure would like to hear from some of our 1883rd Comm Sqdn Vets who may have been stationed at Phan Rang AB January 1996-97. I am fully disabled now to due my back injuries. I hope it will help. The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. My original records were burned in a Saint Louis fire and my copies were lost during a flood. Their Search Radar was in a tent very near the Mekong River, that is where I spent most of my time while visiting Mukdahon. I know its another long shot but you never know till u find out. As a Airman my regular duties included FOB along all flight lines and runways. (for Thailand) or have a source where I could find one. I was station at Korat AB Thailand, with the F-105 aircraft. My father was stationed at Takhli from Jul 69-Jul 70. Worked at Communication Center. And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. I was in the 35th SPS from My first base assignment after tech school was Eglin assigned to the 33rd TFW, MMS. I have a lot of pictures. This is a great place to connect with others regarding such topics of locations and illnesses. Nobody else in attendance had been at Nam Phong before there were hutches and hot meals. Of course it spread around the base. VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. Probably just lousy health. Agent Orange was employed around many of these airfields andother U.S. installations in Thailand. Largely inspired by the British use of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D ( Agent Orange) during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s, it was part of the overall herbicidal warfare program during the war called "Operation Trail Dust". You can read the legislation by searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section 403 covers the AO expansion for SEA VETS. The VA treats all of us Thailand vets like bastard children, like we dont deserve Vietnam veteran status. Health Care Do not give up on your claim. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a means to enhance security. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB 69/70 ECM repairman was there during the Jan 1970 sapper attackI have developed Ischemic Heart trouble, High Blood Pressure and CLL Leukemia ..have been denied AO claim filled a supplemental claim after the PACT Act Passed into law.just waiting now. Anybody stationed there? Linda. Now and then a troop who been at Phan Rang more than two or three months would hear his wife or girl friend start crying. Should be my sons grandfather or a uncle I surmise. Not much help I realize, but wanted to add my .02 cents along with offering my greetings to all you comrade Thai Vets. Thanks and wish all others well. I was at Camp Samae San, Sattahip. Cynthia, I still live in Tucson and my deceased husband retired from Davis Monthan. My last post was at the CIA ramp guarding barrel and a C-123. Suffer from heart disease, neuropathy, arthritis, diabetes, PTSD and recently stomach cancer near the esophagus. The other was a distance from the pooches within feet of the fence. Have neuropathy in both feet. Thank you for your service! ALSO FLEW TO UBON, UDORN, U-TAPAO AND SOME OBSCCURE ARMY AIRFIELD WITH A BLOWN ENGINE. Ann Myers, you need to file for DIC benefits. Categories: Content, US, Vietnam, Vietnam War | That report is available at: Message for Karen Whitfield who posted on September 12, 2022 at 6:04 pm, I was at 6908 Security Squadron NKP July 1974 to June 1975 and made a successful disability claim for Agent Orange (Parkinsons and Type 2 Diabetes) and PTSD. froze my buttox off there. Phan Rang Air Base By Maj. Donald A. Haas, Corps of Engineers, United States Army One of the main American operational air bases in Vietnam is at Phan Rang. I was exposed to agent orange at utapao thailand in 1970/71. Counted 20 drums on one trip. When the spray unit caught on fire there were 6 Thai people burn real bad. Returned on a 30-year non-disclosure for witness to Genocide. Battled neuropathy in my legs forever. Frank Niehus, Served as one of the Crew Chiefs of the Water Plant with the 35th CES, 68-69. I was stationed in Northeast Thailand from July 69 to July 70 as a USAFSS Ditty Bopper detached to the U.S. Armys 7th RRFS, at Ramasun Station, north of Udorn RTAFB. I have multiple medical issues associated with agent orange yet I have been repeatedly denied my last denial was in 2019 because the US Army and Joint Records cannot concede my exposure to tactical or commercial herbicides even though I have repeatedly claim and provided personal statements to the contrary. How can I contact people who have left a comment? I had a massive heart attack. Was stationed on hill 272 1970 1971, I was the mess Sergeant for the 379th ist battalion. My late husband was in Udorn Thailand in1968-1969. UC-123 with tail numbers 55-4532, 55-4571, and 56-4362 ("Patches") were sampled for TCDD residue by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies for their report. Ive filed once and was told I need witnesses to back my elavs and work assignment. I send all of his DD 214 and performance KEEP THE CLAIM GOING SO IT WILL BE RETROACTIVE BACK TO THE POINT OF YOUR FILING. If anyone out there recognizes my name please reply maybe you can help with buddy statement or have photograph of me in Thailand or Tan SonNhut ( I supported the UC-123 repairs of returned aircraft). Im pretty sure his name was Dick Rose but they cant seem to find record of the incident. Spent 9/68 to 9/69 at U-Tapao and was assigned to MMS fixing jammers and trailers on far side of base. Follow the trail: AGENT ORANGE (TCDD Dioxin)->OXIDATIVE STRESS->VITILIGO. that area was build by the navy seebee, not the red horse. In 1969/1970 I lived in a NCO hootch on the parameter of Takhli. Read our I have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 CANCER a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to AGENT ORANGE. It is located 5.2 miles (4.5 nmi; 8.4 km) north-northwest of Phan Rang - Thp Chm in Ninh Thun Province . Not sure where it entered the base but remember it running (or crawling) near the NCO club. Susanne Bostick Allen. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. I was so happy. I also served as augumentation duty at Ubon any help on this will be highly appreciated. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. Most of the year I operated a loader on the mountain, loading trucks with fill dirt for the runways. If you go to your nearby VA OPC, VA Hospital, etc. I was stationed at Korat from Oct72 to Oct73. He has always had bronchitis with cough, hypertension, neuropathy and heart disease. Hello Donald, My name is Pablo Quinones. I was told it was due to working in the dusty supply building. I came to Korat as a PFC from Phu Bie Vietnam and left as a Specialist E-5. Years ago I enrolled in the Pennsylvania vets agent orange program (I assumed there was no exposure in Thailand but was TDY with the 366th MMS in Da Nang for a short period in 70, but again, I dont believe I had exposure to AO in that setting either). Im still fighting them at 72 and going on about 8 years, Im looking for Frank Brown stationed at Ubon 72-73 he was dog handler for Rex4M83. My best friend was Robert Bob Cook who worked in the Instruments Shop. I believe I was in the 379th Signal Battalion while in Sattahip. I was there 70 71 315 CAM C123 OLD SHAKEY SGT ROLAND IVY ALSO AUGMENTEE FOR AIR FORCE SECURITY. There is a Fb group called Happy valley Phan Rang if anyone is intersted. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. 2. Project Hornet. was in use. A 3 body with a 3 tail. Looking for anyone who was there because you walk out revetment and the perimeter fence was across the street and had a bunker on the corner of the road going to the bomb dump. I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). My father Joseph Kauten was stationed at PeaseAFB in NH then went to U-Tapao as a Weapons Maitenance Technician in Jan 72-Feb 73, (on leave for a few weeks in August to get married) he was then in Mountain Home, Idaho. He worked on the flightline with the bombs. I remember that the bone yard was next to a fence and possibly dead jungle foliage.Its been a long time since that time and age has made the memory a little foggy. Oh Mr Farmer who said he was at ubon 72-73 time frame. Serviced at Camp Friendship 1970 1971 442nd Signal(microwave tech) on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB. The 1969 map that was mentioned in the opening of the blog istitled U.S. Was stationed at Takhli from 7/67-7/68. Agent orange was used at the Depot to clear vegetation around the ammunition storage areas and fence line. Fathered a child that now lives in California. They Replied theres the tools and materials, go to it! What was the # of your B. I was stationed at NKP Thailand from March 1974 to March 1975 with the 6908th Security Squadron. Im not trymg to blaim anyone because it was their job. Va has denied my diabetes. 3. April 5, 2018. Another 200 yards & it would have been IN our barracks!! I on occasion had to cannibalize parts to repair my aircraft. I had been healthy up until 1978 when I started to get all kind of health issues. I have heart disease and have had it for decades. Was at Takhli from 7/67-7/69 and U-Tapao from 9/68-9/69. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. The I also worked on the flight line working on the AC-130s but the VA didnt care one bit.. yesterday i received my summery of case with a flat denial on my second appeal.. I have been trying for 3 years to get COMPENSATION with NO GO from the VA. Can you help what do you guys think pretty sorry. We are attempting to research the flight routes taken by Air Force personnel who were stationed at Udorn AFB in the Vietnam War (1968-1972). She referred me to see a Neurologist (Nerve Specialist) the following day and, she too knew what I had, even going so far to order laboratory tests and a CT Scanall coming back positive as being Parkinsons Disease. I was stationed at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base from September 69 to September 70. Other branches of the U.S. military also made their way to Thailand, which the map indicates. I was also stationed at Korat in 1972-73. I was a Security Police K9 handler. I was at 3rd Field 1967-68. If you belong to any FB groups like the ones I mentioned, please check for my name and contact me. Crisp..Thank you. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. To Takhli, I didnt know that they used AO for perimeter clearing No place to stay at that time at Takhli. Dad is still with us but suffers having his prostate removed, neuropathy in the legs, heart problems and other things. Response to Charles Ernest Hill 12/20/22. Phan Rang: The Air Base at Phan Rang was originally built by Australian and British POW's under the Japanese and the Japanese used the Air Field throughout WW II. Lois. 180 ".keeping the memories "Happy Valley" Phan Rang AB, RVN The History of Phan Rang AB and the stories of those who served there. Im looking for anyone who remember working with my dad. Kidney failure, and hypertension, but seeing all you service members going through all this problems, I am already 79 years I was in AMS working on the Defensive Fire Control System (Gunnery System) on the B-52. Got kicked out of Thailand in December 1975 due to a disagreement between Nixon and Thailands King. Branch of service: Was stationed with the 355 Field Maintenance Sq at Takhli Thailand from 24 Nov 1966 to 23 Nov 1966 as an Aircraft Fuel System Repairman. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. At that time I was told anyone that served in Thailand during the Vietnam time frame was now considered to have come in contact with AO. Remember the Klong monster? Lived in the concrete barracks both tours and the same one both times 2257. believe it or not prostate cancer 2012 and kidney bladder cancer 2020. Could be mixed up on Battalion designation, not sure. The arrival of the 614th TFS (F-100Ds) at Phan Rang and a day in the life of F-4C fighter pilots (366th Tactical Fighter Wing) at Phan Rang.Also includes ground shots of base barracks, messhalls and numerous buildings and areas. My dad was in Ubon and Udorn Thailand in 1964 and 1965. I arrived at Phan Rang in August of 1965 with Co B, 62 Engineers Bn. I am also looking for any pictures or information about Michael Corbin and James (Jimmy) Corbin. I was a crew chief on the F-4 Phantom. In other words letting us die and saving money for the Government. We are trying to find out what squadron he was possibly in. We were all exposed to agent orange but there is no way to substantially it because military records do not support us there or what we were doing. Where do I get specific Iam on the agent orang government list.. He passed in 2013. I see nothing here, however, about the USAFF (United States Air Force Security Service). I remember your beer cans were of steel and could not be bent over like Americas aluminum beer cans! There are some exceptions that they now allow. He was stationed there from Oct 67-Oct 68 as part of 432nd & 7/13AF HQ. Merry Christmas, huh? (NOTE: I thought that this would have to be my last VA Claim to have to file.) I have filed with the VAMC, had an interview, and was told my squamous cell carcinoma was not on the list. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from 10/67 to 10/68. I agree with the #1 person on this blog! Shortly after he arrived at Phan Rang, the base began closing down. I have had heart problems and headache with some minor kidney issues. those who were once stationed at the base. The form IBM. Did you by any chance know him? we could only have a nite stick. Fast forward, got non-hopkins lymphoma. I have a picture of him an other people on a beach riding horses. I have type two diabetes. former home at Phan Rang AB. I worked in POL @ Utapao from May 1973 to May 74. Im now on the docket for a hearing on that appeal with some fairly compelling photo evidence which I hope Ill never need. These problems didnt occur until years later after I got out of the Air Force in 1980. The fire fighting foam was made out of animal blood so it was pretty bad and I asked if I wouldnt be assigned that duty anymore. d O4 Base of occipital bone C1 C1 C1 C2 C2 C2 C3 C3 C3 C4 C4 C4 C5 C5 C5 C6 C6 C6 C7 C7 C7 C8 C8 T1 C8 T1 T1 T2 T2 plate and overlying ectoderm meet and fuse in the midline neurons that serve to interconnect the motor neurons of the forming the tubular shape of the neural tube (Fig. Also Served in Vietnam 1971-1972. I am a former marine semper fi. I was stationed at U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Base from June 1972 to June 74.I was assigned to NKP 01 Oct 75. These men went on to become the heroes of the Easter Offensive of 72. TDYd to 4 other known sprayed places. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. Spent a lot of time at the Military Affliate Radio Station (MARS) which was located in the jungle near the base perimeter. That was my last normal EKG (Bradicardia, Neg T-waves, etc). may 2019 filed with va but never connected service with all these complications and now have to prove everything is service connected. The Last Fight of your Squadron Commander was unique they stopped after turning off the runway, and tied him to an external bomb rack, so he came in to the Last Flight fire-hose ceremony lashed to the bomb rack of his Canberra! [AUST ARMY SIGNAL CORP. ] THANKS. I would suggest starting at , asking for advice and going from there. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. Stationed with the 5th RRU Det D in Nung Sung Thailand , 1966, 67 U.S. Army lived in tents several miles from Udorn Airbase. But I found it. collections that include Unit VA denies using AO during that timeframe which I dispute. Hi there. From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraftthroughoutThailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. I also was at utapao on tdys in 66 67 68 as ground crew aboard k.c. My unit was transferred there from Tuy Hoa after it was designated for closing. I have to prove that he was exposed to Agent Orange and Im not sure how to go about doing that. The intended result was to expose enemy forces who relied on the trees for cover. I left Korat in 1965 and went eventually back to the home base. It was changed over to USSTRATCOM I think late 1971. Stated there might shift flight line and remember spraying different areas. And I heard Navy vets, sitting off shore get qualified for Agent Orange? What was your AFSC? Also, have been hit with Inclsion Body Myositis-IBM (diagnosed following two muscle biopsies). Never considered AO as the issue. Some stories about the impact of Agent Orange can be heard firsthand by way ofthe Library of Congress Veterans History Project, which contains interviews with Vietnam War veterans. Id like inputs from others history with the VA and how you have managed your claims. Service number: (used before SS#s) No grass or weeds inside nor outside perimeter. My dad was a strong person so Im wondering what happened then/there that would have scared him so much. a hog. I hope you will add Clark Air Force Base. I think we are a year or two away from a situation where the veterans who were based in Thailand will have a much easier road for their disability claim. Other key basesfor USAF operations included Korat, Ubon, U-Tapao, andDon Muang, andUdorn. After the second world war the French conituned to use the base throughout the french Indochine War.In 1966 the US Air Force set up their base at Phan Rang and remained their until . We all lived in the NCO barracks across from the mess hall. If you open Google or some other search engine, type this phrase: Citation NR: Then type in a base, or an ailment or combo of. The Navy patrol squadrons were located right near the southwest end of the runway. I was stationed at Korat, Thailand in 1970-71. I was with the 49 tfw,New Mex, Da Nang, places in Thailand, left with the 366 tfw, discharged in Mt. I was stationed at Korat from Jan 1975 to June 1975. Was lucky. The following 59 U.S. military bases were suffering from significant water or soil contamination a year ago, according to the Department of Defense's interpretation of its latest hazardous waste survey. Think of getting a bad jungle fatigues sunburn: hands and face and head. He went back to school when he got out in 1970 and he wrote a paper on agent orange. Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. Glad I got out of there in February 1967, they wanted me to reenlist. I remained, returning to Ramasun Station to monitor the radio communications of Pol Pot and the Cambodian Genocide. Have diabetes. I have not approached the VA about Agent Orange (A O ) and its relationship to my medical history. Was assigned to 432 AMS. After his discharge, David was adamant about not disclosing the nature of his duties, citing a written and signed document that prevented him from doing so. I am going to see a kidney specialist in June to see if they are going to take one of my kidneys are put me on dialysis or both if anyone has proof of agent orange at this location please let me know. Its a dishonor and flagrant insult. Ive been sick ever since, skin issues, Parkinson, 29 orthopedic surgeries almost every joint, gut issues etc Its been a good run, proud to have served with you Marines. I was a Medic at the 35th USAF Dispensary. The chart that follows is what happened to C-123 aircraft used in Operation Ranch Hand identified in historical records. The station facilities are located near the base of rugged jungle-clad mountains to the west. Air Force support troops at NKP were convinced we were CIA, otherwise what was a Coast Guard big white with red tail C-130 with all those antennas doing in the Golden Triangle. I was assigned as a Security Policeman at all bases in Thailand . Unfortunately the rules dictating the contents of comments on Library of Congress blog posts does not allow personal information to be published. The base was surrounded by jungle. If so, any luck? Was stationed at Udorn 621st TCS from Feb 69 to March 70 Did a month as Security Police Augmentee. I can find very little regarding this base and their duties there. We were just south of Udorn. I primarily worked the flight line. Its nasty with blisters and incurable. In 2011 diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Initially built by the Imperial Japanese Army abou Based on reading other comments on this blog, the VA may say why have you waited so long to disclose this to our attention!!! Hellolooking for Mike Duncan (6908 security squadron in 74-75) who made a post on 11.02.20 regarding AO. Wish me luck. He now has memory problems. June ,1965 for 6 months. Since the 1970,s I have had Chronic liver disease, not rated by the VA as due to Agent Orange. Please consider joining our FB group: Happy Valley Phan Rang AB, Vietnam. My you To: Thomas Hawn I was in korat us army and i was assigned to the 596th quater master and work as a mechanic on 2 vechiles that were my responsibility. Any USAF personnel assigned to 56th Transportation Sq at NKP 1967-68 who was exposed to AO and suffering from the effects of that exposure? Since I was originally TDY and then loaned out to the 123 my records dont show me as having served around AO. The FLR-9 Like This Movie Trailer? Leo Funk was his name. Not so Silent Partner: Thailands Role in Covert Operations .

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phan rang air base agent orange

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