After witnessing Moira unexceptional scientific expertise, even one of the greatest mind- Professor X admitted to her vast knowledge treating the most difficult mutations. Even one of 8 smartest marvel characters, Amadeus Cho, said Lunella Louise smartest person in the whole world. after testing her intellect using Banner B.O.X, a device capable of checking someones intellectual aptitude. NEXT: Montclare & Reeder Explain How "Moon Girl" Became The Smartest Person in the Marvel U. Victor Von Doom aka Doctor Doom usually serves as main antagonist villain of Fantastic Fours. The next Guardians of the Galaxy movie introduces The High Evolutionary as a villain, one of the most intelligent beings in all existence. Each of these has propelled him to do some amazing things. I'm fascinated by the invisible scaffolding that directs and supports human behavior and interactions. His sister is also great. TChallas outstanding engineering skills, as well as all levels of physics, rivals that of the top 8 smartest marvel characters including Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, Henry Pym, Hank McCoy, Bruce Banner, Anthony Stark, and Amadeus Cho, etc. But having a genius mind, he can make most complex gadgets and weapons. Having been re-invented a few times and been featured at various ages,she may have been smarter than Reed at the age of two! He can organize and construct his thoughts at accelerated rates, process data at high speeds, and formulate his thoughts with vast quantity and quality. Peter Parker aka Spider-Man first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15; hero received massive popularity in less amount of time. Fantastic He is often stated as the smartest man on Earth, by pretty much everyone except people known to be arrogant like Doom and sometimes Tony Stark. If we compare his intellectual powers, it may rival Marvels cosmic beings such as Adam Warlock or Beyonder. But he is responsible for creating all manner of artificial lifeforms and other interesting pieces of technology. Going by the name Moon Girl, she has Inhuman ancestry and a telepathic link to Devil Dinosaur. 5 DOCTOR SIVANA. 2. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, DCeased Transformed a Batman Family Member Into the Most Powerful Hero in the DC Universe, The Deadliest X-Men Villain Is Becoming a Dark Version of Professor X, Marvel's Ultimate Universe Destroyed Wolverine Using Simple Science. That was proven even more when Ock took over Peter Parker's body and became Superior Spider-Man, one of the smartest Marvel characters ever. Fantastic in such a funny way that Tony Stark made Reed Richards think that something was impossible. While the real world looks for alternatives to oil, Tony Stark has already invented it. Though she may not hold education expertise like Tony Stark, Riri is a skill mastered who could make Iron Man suit from old parts. The true threat comes not from. Thus, he possessed Super-Genius Intelligence, fighting skills, strategic mind, etc. This isnt because he won an intelligence competition. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The 10 Smartest Heroes In The Marvel Universe, Ranked, Smartest There Is: 15 Hulks Way Smarter Than You, Stark Contrast: 10 Characters Who Wore The Iron Man Armor (That Arent Tony), Ranked, Infinity War Director Confirms Shuri Is The Smartest MCU Character, 10 Differences Between The Microverse And The MCU's Quantum Realm, The 10 Smartest Villains in the Marvel Universe, Ranked, Avengers: Endgame - 10 Things You Need To Know About Professor Hulk, Montclare & Reeder Explain How "Moon Girl" Became The Smartest Person in the Marvel U, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Because of his long span of life, the villain gathered vast knowledge over many known fields, thus becomes a formidable scientist as well as a skilled inventor. Marvel Comics has always had super-geniuses leading the way as heroes and villains, and here are the smartest characters in the comics right now. He also hosts the Insert Credit podcast, where he's been asking the smartest people in video games the weirdest questions he can think of since 2012. With the help of his four robotic arms and trying to find out always new to defeat his adversary, he creates new devices out of advanced technology. She's not only made some great additions to the Black Panther's suit but has actually become a Wakandan hero in her own right on a number of occasions. "@wallace_rhys @DCComics Then came the 80s where DC is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy and Wolfman and Perez defected from Marvel and were given free reign to remake the Teen Titans which the OG team initially wasn't successful and was cancelled 3 times before." As evidenced over the course of several movies (and decades of comics), Tony Stark is a scientific . In the Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #5, Bruce proved that out of 8 genius minds, his mind works so fine. Originally formed in The Flash # 130, This team of baddies was originally a flexible alliance of criminals in disguise who decided that strength in numbers was the key to defeating the Flash. By surpassing her father, Valeria is the smartest Marvel character on Earth. Hank Pym was one of the smartest Marvel characters. As the leader of Wakanda, TChalla is the wealthiest person in all of Marvel Comics. Otto created a large business that helped Peter compete with Tony Stark in inventions. Despite her young age, she led Wakanda to the technologically developed nation. Sometimes, even brightest superheroes likes of Reed Richards needed help from him. However, the comic book version is not quite up to that level. Hence, even if Arnim Zola does not hold any supernatural abilities, his sharp intelligence could lead to a significant threat to humanity. As actor Robert Downey Jr. leaving after Avengers 4, hence it is best to have her in the future of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Then, he became a Hulk and added brawn to his brains. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Maximus initial arrived in Fantastic Four #47 comic book. When someone on Earth needs scientific help, they go to Reed Richards. Even though Tony has not that level of intellectual powers as that of Reed Richardss, he possesses surprisingly many skills. Basically, Quire thinks ten million brilliant thoughts per second. 3 DARKSEID. Ryan Choi Ray. With the help of Formula, it enhanced Osborns further mental capacities. Before he began his superhero career . 10 Hank Pym Is A Smart Man Who Makes Bad Choices It's hard to ignore all of the fantastic achievements Hank Pym has made as a scientist over the years. One of Marvel's oldest heroes and a member of the original Avengers team, Hank Pym is a complicated character whose mental capacity is both a gift and a curse. And this made him one of the greatest superheroes as Iron Man. He first appeared in Tales to Astonish #27 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby as a scientist who created a way to alter his body's size but keep the same strength and power. Victor Dooms most dangerous weapon is no other than his intellect. Lunella Lafayette, also known as Moon Girl, is the youngest super genius in Marvel Comics. But still, when it comes to his intelligence mind, he is one of cruel smartest marvel villains. Since her MCU appearance, her comic book character has improved in many areas, and she now matches up to T'Challa in her intelligence and use of Wakandan technology. RELATED: Stark Contrast: 10 Characters Who Wore The Iron Man Armor (That Arent Tony), Ranked. Sometimes considered the third smartest character in DC, Mr. Quintin Quire is a mutant whose increased intelligence came about thanks to his mutations. This meant that she became the eyes and research station for nearly every hero in DC. Luke Hughes. If strength combines with brilliant brain, then they could be most powerful Marvel characters when used precisely. This is so much that he practically has a way to beat every other character under the DC brandheroes and villains alike. Even without his mutant powers, David built the Danger Cave, a holographic room to aid training. The Leader (Samuel Sterns) also stuck with gamma radiation accident like Bruce Banner, but this event alters his ability in a different direction. The problem, however, is that strength is only one metric by which superheroes are measured. Moiras depthless intelligence was beneficial for Xavier even after her death that inspired him to rebuild the mutant society of Genosha. Terrific. RELATED: Smartest There Is: 15 Hulks Way Smarter Than You. Quire is an Omega-level telepath and a psionic of the highest order. I mean, hes the leader of the Fantastic Four, an invaluable member of the Illuminati, and always called upon when big picture thinking is required. For you, it may look like he took all the genius powers without doing nothing, but still, Prodigy is known to be one of the Smartest Marvel Characters ever. Grodd's origins are also really interesting, with the . Though the Leader possesses no muscular strength as that of Hulk, his smartest thinking mind is enough to counter anything most powerful being if uses flawlessly. These characters are the pillars on which their respective companies were built. Kang Loki Dr. Doom Skrulls Baron Zemo Hank is Ant-Man. Once he hacked the technology from the Kree, most advanced race in the universe than human. Darth Vader is often considered the main villain of the Star Wars franchise by casual viewers. However, its more than that. Before he became Mr. 10. If you dont believe, Reed Richards IQ level was nearly the same when he at the same age Peter Parker. Riri was not older than 15 years old when she admitted into the college on scholarship. He is also considered the eighth-smartest person on Earth, and he is the man who is responsible for most of the X-Men's technical and medical inventions. In recent issues of Fantastic Four, Reed said that Valeria had come up with inventions that he couldn't have created himself. Also known as Mastermind Excello, Amadeus gifted with an incredibly super-genius mind almost like a hypercomputer. The Arc Reactor is what powers his Iron Man suit. MCU TChall has so much scope for growth as compared to his comic counterpart. In her She-Hulk form, unlike her cousin, Jennifer retains her intelligence in Hulk form as well as her personality. Aside from solving the clean energy problem with his Arc Reactor technology, Tony Stark has also invented many of the Avengers planes, weapons, suits, and buildings. Over the course of his career, Richards has masterminded scores of inventions, experiments and theories that have had a lasting impact on the Marvel Universe. Anthony Stark, better known as Iron Man, is a highly intelligent billionaire, philanthropist, and genius engineer from Marvel's cinematic universe. Stark is also a quick thinker and can solve problems easily. Shawn received his Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma with a minor in Film Studies. Over time, the two became exceptionally good friends. However, as time moved on, new braniacs popped up and the smartest Marvel characters have changed throughout the years. Initially, the project was supposed to designed for Computers only hence named as MODOC, but he turned against his masters and ultimately pursue the title of M.O.D.O.K. When it comes to Spider-Man, he recognized as Peters all-time infamous rogue villain and recent Marvels Spider-Man PS4 proves that. At some points she has even rivalled Dr. Doom, who is widely considered to be one of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe. 8. Its common to think that Tony Stark would be number 1 smartest hero in the list due to Robert Downey Jr.s impressive performance in the MCU. But he also developed a means to communicate with and control ants. Hence ultimately she was accepted into M.I.T. Additionally, his tactical & prediction ability is so superior that his hunches or outcome of any event are almost always correct even before it happens. The quiz was written by . As a result of his experiments, he began using the matter of a dwarf star to shrink objects. Who are the top 5 smartest Avengers? The son of Howard Stark, Tony is well and truly a genius. As Ant-Man hes able to shrink and grow to practically any size that he wants to. The top 50 drafted NHL prospects ranking, 2023 edition: 1. Only two, arguably, and he's responsible for one of them. From the name only it implies Valerias connection to Reed Richards. Few child prodigies also fall into a smartest supervillains list, and the character is none other than Dr. Arnim Zola aka the Scientist Supreme. Although Hank Pym is intelligent beyond measure, hes also done some less than intelligent things. Reed discovered the Negative Zone and created a portal to enter it. You may be thinking if the villain possesses that level of then why giving low ranks. And why? And this isnt limited to textbook information. Think about it. Like where superheroes will fight against each other (, If we compare his intellectual powers, it may rival Marvels cosmic beings such as Adam Warlock or Beyonder. His specialty lies in rocketry, engineering, communications, genetics, robotics, physics, hypnotism. He is Marvels equivalent of Ant-Man and as such, one of the most intelligent characters in all of comics. [18] He is a polymath with mastery of all the sciences including, electrical, mechanical, aerospace engineering, electronics, chemistry, physics, biology and beyond. Game Boy Advance is called Fantastic 4: Flame On. "Today is @SalSaysWhat's birthday!! The smartest superheroes in comics. But is that actually the case? Apart from the technologically gifted mind, Hank also seems to be fluent in Multilingual. One of the strongest Mutant ever known, Max gained a codename as Magneto because of ability to have control over magnetic fields. . On the other hand, in the MCU, Tom Hollands Spider-Man is also a gifted intelligent who has enthusiast towards science who construct his web-shooters, which impressed Tony Stark. Hes able to do through the use of his own very intelligent invention, Pym Particles. Amadeus Cho is one of the smartest superheroes in comics because he developed technology that enabled him to become the Hulk. Like where superheroes will fight against each other (Civil War) years before it happens actually. Abraiviatin of M.O.D.O.K. His scientific prowess has bettered humanity in countless ways, as have his many side projects such as the Future Foundation (which also included Peter Parker). 7 Tony Stark. In his heroic career, Tony made many astonishing suits and fought with strongest villains ever. Before becoming Black Panther, Prince graduated from Oxford University and accomplished a Ph.D. in physics. Scarlet Witch is the most powerful Avenger we have, and while many people actually believe Captain Marvel or Thor are the most powerful, Scarlet Witch comes out on top. As Banners blood cells already mutate with Gamma radiation, the process enables Walters to wield the brutal power of Hulk. >the flash is the super super fastest guy ever and can outrun time and death and everything and *googles the smallest unit of time measurable* that but like divided by infinity!! She also knows she is smart and has no problem flaunting her brainpower to anyone from Amadeus Cho and Peter Parker to Reed Richards himself. Norman Osborn is the original Green Goblin and infamous arch-nemesis of Spider-Man. Her combat ability is improving with age, as is her intelligence. Michael Holt. The List the First The first indication of its appearance occurs when Amadeus Cho decides to take an online quiz run by the Excello Soap Company. The Iron Heart armour that she used to battle crime was entirely designed and made by her, boasting technology rivalling Tony Stark's after reverse-engineering the process. Not only is he partially responsible for the powers they gained, but they owe much of their success to him. Later Valeria built a very advanced AI-based toy, which Reed and her brother plan to sell to Disney. The question is of them all, who possesses the most? Like other fellow smartest members, he also holds total seven PhDs. To navigate an irrevocably-altered world, association boards must strengthen their performance by setting a new standard of stewardship, governing, and foresight. After the accidental death of his wife and unborn child, Michael Holt wanted to make more of his life. At his heart, Beast is a world-leading geneticist. However, Reed also shows off his intellectual abilities that surpassed even profoundly superior alien race in the Universe. In her whole life, what made her journey worse was Xaviers son Legion who suffered from an extreme version of multiple personality disorder. His 75% of the body covered by the head, hence it is safe to assume that he gifted with superhuman intelligence. Hence ultimately she was accepted into M.I.T. Fantastic was a founder as well as the leader of Fantastic Four. While accompanying Avengers, her intellect made a great asset to the team. The exciting thing is that he had also done training of primates who are species of monkeys/apes. Thanos was always a major threat, but never the omnipresent villain of the Marvel Universe prior to the MCU being a thing. 10. His excellence lies in genetic manipulation and particle physics. One of the key members of the Fantastic Four, Reed Richards is one of Marvel's first family's brightest minds. And hence he becomes one of the smartest marvel characters. She has continued to demonstrate extraordinary power since Infinity War. At the tender age of 15, Amadeus Cho entered an academic competition for gifted youngsters. To create the Cosmic Cube, George subjected to a mutagenic process that altered George into the super-intelligent being. Even he had the possession of it; it was hidden deep inside of his body until he manifested it eventually. 9. He was the responsible character who made Cerebra, a time traveling machine. But true fans know that Vader is merely a general in the Sith army. He has suffered from many mental health problems andhas made many mistakes due to his intelligence, including creating Ultron. There are a lot of brilliant mutants, many of them have superhuman intelligence thanks to their mutations.
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