EVS blog – Michael Hicks

Michael Hicks

Hello, and welcome to my EVS blog!

My name is Michael, I was born and raised in The Netherlands but will be spending the upcoming months in Tbilisi, Georgia. I have a degree in International Relations from the University of Groningen and have done some work abroad in the form of Election Observation Missions. I’ve always been fascinated by Georgia and the greater Caucasus region, and couldn’t be more excited to get to know the culture and people of the region.
Even though I cannot possibly fit everything I will experience into this blog, I will try my best to give a good indication of what life here is like. Enjoy!

EVS Blog MH – Growing Accustomed

At this point I’ve been living in Georgia for about four months, which not only …

EVS Blog MH – New Beginnings

გამარჯობა! Here it finally is, my EVS blog! After having been in Tbilisi for two …


open society georgia foundation