Seminar in Sweden – “One Step Ahead”

Date Added: 25 September 2019 / 21:23

On September 24th we started a Seminar in Gothenburg, Sweden, which is implemented within our KA2 project “One Step Ahead”. The seminar is a third phase of this long-term project, following the first kick-off training in Poland and field-work activities in 4 partner countries: Georgia, Sweden, Moldova and Poland.

This seminar is addressed to the same participants who took part in the kick-off training and continued their project involvement during the field work in the communities’ phase. Participants will sum up the results of their work, consult their SE ideas with other participants and prepare two publications: Tool Kit on teaching SE, and Policy recommendations on SE and Youth Work.

Objectives of this project are:

– Raising the capacities of NGOs and youth workers as for promoting SE as a way of empowering youth with fewer opportunities.

– Exploring new educational approaches on the topic and developing, testing and disseminating innovative educational curricula (in a form of a ready-to-use tool box) on how to teach social entrepreneurship to young people that can be used in both formal and non-formal educational settings.

– Giving youth workers and young people practical tools as well as long-term structured support and mentoring to enable them to plan, open and run social enterprises that bring sustainable and long term impact to the local communities they work in.

– Exchanging best practices and creating a sustainable operational network of European SE promoters who focus on empowering young people through equipping them with entrepreneurial skills.

– Promoting SE on cross-sectoral level, especially through developing policy recommendations to be delivered to relevant stakeholders.

The above-mentioned seminar, as it is to structure and initially test the tools, and summarize the policy recommendations, it contributes to the first, second and sixth general objectives of the project as such.


open society georgia foundation