Graffiti painting activity

Date Added: 16 August 2018 / 18:07

16th of August 2018, “MasterPeace Georgia” and “Caucasus Youth Nexus” organized Graffiti wall-painting activity. Above mentioned initiative is one of the first activities of celebration of International Day of Peace 21st of September, 2018;
International Day of Peace Celebration is carried out by Masterpeace global movement world-wide under the initiative of “ACTI”; MasterPeace Georgia will organize series of activities and youth initiatives related to respective UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as:
#4 Quality Education
#11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
#13 Climate Action
Mission of our organization is to promote SDGs locally, regionally and internationally, respectively in cooperation and co-creation with civil society organizations and grass-root movements from all over the world;
MasterPeace Georgia offers its gratitude to graffiti artist Tornike Melikidze (JOKONDA)


open society georgia foundation