Cleaning activity in Vake park

Date Added: 19 September 2016 / 23:37

September 18, 2016 was carried out action for cleanup – “Let’s do it!” led by Caucasus Youth Nexus in Vake Park, Tbilisi. 40 people took part in this movement who were introduced the information and the future plans about the project “Let’s do it!”. Campaign lasted for an hour and during that time participants cleaned up as the central area of the park as its periphery.
We are glad to inform you that the members and volunteers of “Tbilisi Organization of Georgian Scout Movement“ were actively involved in the project. Our aim is to clean the environment and protect the nature from the pollution. In order to make this movement worth existing we need to involve as many volunteers as possible throughout the county. The action for cleanup was also held in Gori, organized by local scouts.
The aim of each campaign led by “Let’s do it” is to inform the society for the importance of CleanUp movements. The main goal is to prepare people for the basis of movements that should be achieved by 8th of September in 2018. According to this 300 million people around the world from different countries should be involved in the mass movement. To date, over 16 million people have joined it to clean up illegal waste.
We would like to say huge thanks to all the participants,volunteers and scouts from Gori and Tbilisi.


open society georgia foundation