Project “Tell Me About You”

Date Added: 22 November 2019 / 15:04

Our team members were participating Upstream Stories project “Tell Me About You” in Denmark, from5-14 November 2019.
Tell Me About You is three stage project. First stage-training was held in Denmark. Second stage will be a local workshop in your home country. And third stage will be sum-up training course in Moldova.
Here is one Georgian participant’s comment:
“Hello. My name is Lika and now I want to talk you about my danish adventure.
At the beginning of November I was participant in the training course “Tell Me About You”.
During this project i met a lot of interesting peiple, who shared their unique digital storys. This was my first project about digital storytelling and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.
I understand what is digital storytelling and created my own video at the training course.
Now I’m going to make a workshop in Georgia, where I will share my experience with Georgian youngsters. Soon I will write more information about this workshop.
So I’m not saying goodbye yet
See you soon.
We will meet at Digital Storytelling Workshop.


open society georgia foundation